Status: Active

I Want This Forever.


*Brian's POV*

Amazing. Fantastic. Superb. I couldn't even think of more words to describe how well behaved of a baby Josh was. I mean... he slept through the night for the most part, only woke up once or twice but what do you expect with a baby? He was quiet when he was awake though, unless he was hungry or needed a diaper change.

Guess which one I got stuck with? Yah... shit.

"Ok so..." I looked at Josh as he laid on the changing table infront of me "What does Mommy usually do? I don't know how to do this, bud..."

I laughed, talking to an infant: Check off on my Brian, you ARE going crazy! List. I took out a diaper and looked at it, if Izzy had seen the way I inspected this thing, she would have fallen over laughing. Her words would have been: "It's not an alien, Brian. It doesn't have two heads." or something to that extent.

I sighed and undid Josh's diaper, taking a small step back "Fuck, what does your mother feed you?" I laughed a little and cleaned him up, attempting to put the new diaper on "A bath would be a good idea... But she gave you one today, you're a messy boy aren't you?" I looked down as he giggled, looking up at me with dark blue eyes "The blue... it confuzzles me young one. And, any imput on the way this thing goes on would be helpfull you little crunch muffin...." I strapped the diaper onto his body and held him up "Where does your mother come up with these names?" I asked outloud as I walked over to his dresser.

I searched through his clothes and smiled when I came across the baby-size Misfits teeshirt that Zack had bought him. I slid it over his squirmy body and smiled.

"With a shirt like this, who needs pants?" I shrugged to myself and cradled Josh in my arms, walking down the hall to find my wife. "ISABELLA!" I shouted. I could hear a crash and muttered curses from the kitchen. I paused from walking. That was a horrible idea...

"WHAAATT?!" She screamed back as I walked in "Oh... I'm sowy, did I hurt my crunch muffin's ea-" She held him up in the air, looking down to his diaper "Brian, where are his pants? Do you know you forgot pants? Brian? Brian where are his pants?" She held Josh in her arms and looked up at me "Brian whe-"

"Why does my child have blue eyes?" I asked, placing a hand on my hip, waiting to see how long it'd take her to crack.

She looked at the floor "I'm sorry... but... but while we were on our honey moon, I had sex with a blue eyed man!" She gasped "This is his child!"

"WHAT?!" I asked, staring at her.

She hit my arm. Har. "OF COURSE NOT YOU IMBISCILLE! All babies start out with blue-ish eyes! Jeesh!" She looked down at Josh "Your father is an idiot, a complete idiot." She poked his nose "Yes, yes he is! Ohhh and who's my adorable, PANTLESS baby? You are!" She looked back up at me.

Mooooddd swiinnnggss! I advise you uh... run.

"Sorry! I figured... I mean... Look at that shirt! Who's gunna notice he doesn't have pants on? And why do babies need pants anyways?! They just shit and get changed ever ten minutes!"

Izzy moved towards me, her eyes narrowing. I took a deep breath, a gulp, made my silent last requets, and backed up.

Dear God don't let her kill me. I leave my guitars to Zack, the cars to Jimmy, all my clothes to... to..

"Do you know how right you are?" She asked, handing Josh to me. I stood there, lazily holding our child, as my mind snapped back to her. "I mean yeah, in ten minutes he's gunna shit himself... so... wow, who knew you were a fucking genious." She smiled and finished makign her coffee.

I tightened my grip on Josh "Come on, let's leave mommy alone for now.." I walked out, making the crazy sign with my finger near my ear on the way out. Before the door shut, something hit me in the back of the head "OW!" I bent down and picked up the pen.

"I saw that!" Izzy laughed.

"Make me coffee, woman!" I shouted and sat down. "When will I learn... shut up, eat, have sex, feed and change baby-"

"What did you say to me?" Izzy asked as she walked out "WHAT did you say to me? Did you call me, woman? EX-ca-USE me?!"

I gulped with a smile "I was just vocalizing my clear observation of your gender."

She handed me a mug "You know... you sound more and more like me every day. Maybe this kid has some hope after all." She smiled.

"Iz? Are you feeling alright?" I asked as I hesitantly released Josh into her arms.

"Yah, why do you ask?" She looked over at me.

"You're.... a bitch?" I asked, stretching my legs out.

"Yah well you're a dickhead, we good with names now?" She laughed "I'm sorry, I just.... blaaaahhhh." She groaned and rocked Josh "He kept me up all night last night, stinky little bugger would fall asleep."

"Why didn't you wake me up? I said I would..." I sighed and looked over at her. I hated when she stressed herself out, I really hated it. I didn't want anything to happen. When she got stressed, she doesn't sleep well. When she doesn't sleep, she gets stressed, overworks herself, runs her immune system down, and get's sick. Last time she got sick? Yah, we were told she wouldn't get better next time.

"Because.... I don't know. I like taking care of him by myself... it reminds me of... of.." I could just hear the tears in her voice. I turned and wrapped my arms around her and Josh "It reminds me of taking care of Elizabeth."

"I know, I know babe... shhh, calm down." I whispered as she sniffled into my shoulder "It's alright."

"I know...." She looked up and pressed her lips to mine, I didn't want her to pull back, but she did "Thanks.."

I smiled "No problem, you owe me sex now."

"Not now. Tonight." She winked a little.

"I am so glad we haven't lost our sex drives..." I smiled.

"Yet." Izzy looked over at me with a look.

"I want to vomit for saying it, and I might need to scour my brain and eyes for it later, but my parents haven't even lost theirs... and they're..."

"Ancient." Izzy mumbed "Oh god.. I'm going to have to... I'm gunna have you inside me for that long?" She looked over at me with wide eyes "Brian, there are only a certain amount of times a girl like me can take a man like you."

"Well.... if that didn't give me a boner." I nodded and looked forward.

She giggled quietly "Oh, sorry, that doesn't help does it?"

I groaned "No. Not at all, Isabella. Not. At. All." I looked over at her, she was trying to look away and not laugh, I could tell. I groaned and got up "I'm going to go get food. You know? The thing you put in your mouth and ea-... OH damn... shit, Iz no-"

"THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" Izzy shouted, covering her mouth "That was so childish..."

I laughed "Welll I knew it was coming.." I stopped at the door.

"That's what she said." Izzy whispered quietly, but she thought I didn't hear her.

"YOU MIGHT WANT TO TRY EATING FOOD ONCE AND A WHILE! It's good for you!" I shouted frm the kitchen.

"Yah, well blah to you!" She shouted back "I ear like a whale!"

"Well you look like a stick bug.." I muttered under my breath as I bent down into the fridge "If we're comparing ourselves to animals now, I'm as horny as a fucking rabbit on steriods..."

What the fuck was that, Brian? Oh God... she's taking over my brain.. "OH NOOO!" I shouted, grasping onto my head and walking backwards, dramatically crashing into the counter "GOOODD NOOO!! AHHH!" I groaned.

"Brian!" What's wrong?" Izzy rushed in, staring at me "Brian?"

"I'm turning..." I paused and stared at her "I'm turning into you and Jimmy!" I pointed at Josh "GIVE ME MY MAN CHILD!... OH god that's a Disney movie line... oh... uh... JOSH!" I shouted and took him "Come on, we're... we're... we're gunna go find some oil and car parts in the garage to play with... come on, it'll be ok.. Come on.." I whispered, holding one hand to my head as the other arm held Josh.

"Keep telling yourself that!" Izzy laughed from the kitchen as I walked into the garage.
♠ ♠ ♠
HAHAHAHAHAHA I think... I think... That's the most fun I've ever had writing a chapter, other than the crying over Elizabeth part, I started tearing up over that. But the ending was price-LESS!!

Oh god.... Now I'm crying tears of laughter, the only tears I can cry... long story lol.

hope you liked it!

xoxoxoxo Shizzle Fizzle!

This chapter is dedicated to Jezzikuhrrr because she got the Horton Hears a Who ASAP quote in the last chapter of SBQBARPIMA!!! Long ass acronym haha.