Status: Active

I Want This Forever.


*Izzy's POV*

"So he was upset he was turning into you and me?" Jimmy asked as he fought Maria to hold onto Josh.

I nodded "Yep.... his face was rather funny."

"So... how'd the grease and car parts thing work out?" Maria asked as she reluctantly gave my son up to Jimmy.

I giggled a little "Wait... two... one-" I pointed to the stairs as Brian walked down, a bandage around his wrist.

"Wow... car parts can injure you?" Jimmy asked and looked at Josh "Is the baby ok? I mean... did you hurt him in the horrific process of being manly and mean to your wife and best friend?" He looked up at Brian with the most innocent eyes I'd ever seen. I almost laughed.

"Shut it, Sullivan." Brian sighed and sat down "I fuckin' slipped on grease."

"WITH MY CHILD?!" I shouted "I... You neglected to mention that!"

He looked down "He's ok, isn't he? I had him in his car seat, Iz, don't freak ou-"

"Don't freak out?!" I shouted, standing up.

"Never tell a chick not to freak out, dude." Jimmy groaned and rocked Josh in his arms.

"DON'T FREAK OUT?! You... you had my child, our child in a dangerous enviroment! YOU even got hurt, Brian! If you had been holding Josh? He'd have been... shattered! Broken to pieces!" I shouted.

"Not technically. Technically his skin would serve as a container for his broke bones..." Maria looked over at Josh "And they say babies are bouncy."

Brian and I looked over at her, both our eyes squinted a little in confusion "Are you all there?" I pointed to my head "This time it could have actually been his fault!"

Everyone looked at me, my jaw slacking a little as I stared at Maria. "No... you did not just throw that card..." She sighed.

"Brian I-" I turned but he was already gone. I huffed and sat down, hearing the bedroom door upstairs slam shut "Fuck up one of the day for Isabella Haner. You know," I looked up at Jim and Maria as they looked over at me "I don't even deserve that name, I mean... I fuck up to much, and I take things too seriously. Brian and his family are fucking hilarious."

"But they fuck up." Jimmy snickered "Believe me, Iz, they do. The guys and I would know, we've been around them long enough to know that."

I groaned and fell face first onto the couch, mumbling curses before I sat back up "May I have my child back now, please?"

Jimmy got up and handed Josh to me, sitting down next to me "Babe, that's our cue to leave so they can shout it out." Maria whispered across the room to Jim.

"Oh," He looked at me and stood up "Ok. See you later then Iz?"

I nodded "I'm dropping Brian off at the studio later.... unless he decides to drive himself since I fucked up."

"Don't worry." Maria kissed my forhead and then Josh's "You two always work things out. You know that."

I nodded and waved as they walked out the door. I Sighed and looked down at Josh "Mommy loves you snickerdoodle." I pressed my finger gently against his tiny nose, smiling as he swatted my hand away "You have your daddy's nose." I muttered as I stood up, walking to the stairs.

I stood at the bottom for a minute and listened, I could faintly hear an acoustic guitar. What else would he be doing? Crying? Well... he's probably doing that too. The thought of it made my heart ache. I hated seeing him sad, especially because I screwed things up. Especially over Elizabeth's death. But seeing him cry over her, when I wasn't the cause, made me feel like I wasn't the only one in pain, which was a good thing.

Josh let out a loud screech and tugged my hair "Ow!" I looked down as I attempted to untangle his fingers "Joshua, let go!" I laughed a little and walked towards the bathroom, usually letting him see himself in the mirror made him stop. How ever much he could see was a guess and a half. I walked in and his head turned to the mirror, his hands moving from my hair back to himself. I laughed a little "Mirror whore..." I kissed his chubby pink cheek "Just like your daddy, can't stop looking at his gorgeous self, hm? Who's a pretty boy, yah, yah, you are." I smiled and held him closer to the giant mirror.

He let out a juicy giggle. Juicy gigle: A really weird laugh with a ton of spit but not like a puke. I couldn't help but laugh at his tiny outburst of emotion "You think you're funny looking? You know that's an insult to you and us, right?" I laughed and took him back, holding him close to me, feeling his tiny frame breathing in and out as he stared into the mirror.

"Do you ever think he could be looking back at his gorgeous mom?"

I turned to the doorway, my mouth half open to say something to Josh "I thought you were upstairs." I mumbled as Josh once again yanked on my hair "Oww." I furrowed my eyebrows as Brian laughed "Yah? You try having irresistable hair that men can't keep their hands out of." I rolled my eyes as he walked over.

"Yah well girls can't stop touching mine." He took Josh's hand and gently untangled it from my long hair.

"That was incredibly cheesy, dear." I smiled a little as he leaned down and pecked my cheek "I'm sorry about what I said... I didn't mean it."

"It's ok. I was just pissed because you're right. I mean... I could have dropped him and it would have been all my fault."

I sighed as he took Josh from me "I'm just over protective..."

"No, you're perfectly protective, babe." Brian smiled and took my hand "C'mon, there is food calling our names."

I laughed, rolling my eyes as Brian began to talk to Josh on our way to the kitchen. Just me and my boys.
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