Status: Active

I Want This Forever.


*Izzy's POV*

"Yo yo yo! What up with my main home slices?!"

I looked up as Zack walked in, his hat backwards as he tried to act like a gangsta. I bent over, holding Josh to my chest, and almost peed laughing. "Zack!" I laughed "You... oh my god you're a riot."

"Why thanks, homie." He sat down and tickled Josh's feet "How are you?" He asked, fixing his hat and losing the stupid ora.

I shrugged "Ah, can't complain."

"Oh really? That's nice..." He smirked.

"So, do you see anything?" Zack asked.

"Yeah.. I think I see a light.. Hey consciense? Am I dead?" I giggled as Brian walked in, walking slower as he stared at us.

"No no... I see it to." Zack looked up at the air and poked.

"I want to touch it." I smiled up also.

"I feel... happy. And that's a big thing... for me." He poked again and drew back "Oh!"

"Come back here!" I smiled, catching Brian almost tip over in the corner of my eye, he wasn't watching where he was going, he was staring at us in awe of how insane we were. He was just jealous.

"I'm gunna getcha." Zack smiled.

"I'm gunna play with you!" I sang.

"I'm gunna be your best friend....." We both put on scared faces as Zack stared at me "Good feeling gone."

"AHHH!" We both shouted, toppling over soon over in laughter.

Zack sat up and wiped his eyes "Man, I love that movie."

"Dude...." Brian gaped as he walked over "Finding Nemo? For real?"

"Hey!" I pointed at Brian "You quoted The Jungle Book the other day!"

"WHAT?!" Zack stared at me.

"YEAH!" I giggled "He called Josh his man child." I said it in a low voice, causing Zack to laugh "That's before he went outside and played with car parts."

"Ohhh....." Zack nodded slowly "So that's what kids are calling it these days?" He smirked as I gently punched his shoulder.

"What do you want, anyways?" I asked, kicking my feet up onto his lap, placing Josh in the little canyon between my legs, playing with his toes as he wiggled them.

Zack shrugged "I can't come visit my besties? And by besties I mean Iz and Josh." He stuck his tongue out at Brian "Asshole."

Brian raised his hands "WHAT'D I DO NOW?!"

"You mocked us for quoting Finding Nemo." I answered for Zack, somewhat distraced by Josh as he kicked my crotch "Ow!"

"HA!" Brian laughed "That's what you get. My son knows when to defend his daddy." He smiled.

I held Josh up, he was laughing "Oh, so you think that's funny? Just be glad you're too cute and young to hate." I kissed his nose, his hands steathily moving and yanking my hair, hard "OWW!" I Shouted "Ow ow oww!"

Brian laughed as Zack untangled Josh's hands "And he knows when he's being insulted.."

"I wasn't insulting him." I huffed and stood up, carefully placing Josh in Brian's lap "You deal with... with... it."

"Be nice!" Brian scolded "Stop fighting."

I stuck my tongue out at him "Meany!"

"You're the hormonal bitch!" Brian called as I walked to the kitchen "Hormonal, bitchy, and.... bitchy!"

I waited, "Three, two, on-"

"OW!" Brian cried out "That's not cool! How did you get him to do that?!" He shouted.

"Yanked your nose ring?" I asked innocently as I walked back in, carrying a water bottle. Brian held his nose and nodded "Awe, my baby boy knows when to stand up for his mama. Because that's who feeds you, mhm yes." I smiled and picked Josh up "He just teaches you mean words. Mhm."

"Bitch." Brian mumbled and looked at his hand, placed it to his nose, and looked at it again "You're lucky it's not bleeding."

I held Josh away from me and he kicked out at Brian, hitting him in the arm "Yay!" I smiled and hugged Josh "I love you."

Josh squirmed in my arms and giggled. Brian quietly cussed under his breath, Zack held back laughter, and I kissed Josh's nose "Good boy."
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