Status: Active

I Want This Forever.


"Where the fuck are you? Bitch!"

My skin crawled as I looked around. I was in a kitchen, familiar in a way yet somewhat out of place. I looked down and noticed a knife in my hands.

"Where are you?!"

His voice made my skin crawl. I looked around, I couldn't be here again... I just couldn't. I could feel the familiar aches and pains throughout my body, and noticed the blood on my wrists. I couldn't be reliving this.

My eyes shut tight and I pinched myself, but I didn't wake up. Oh God, please let this be a nightmare. I couldn't have dreamt all the good stuff in my life. I heard Cody's footsteps outside the door and, once again, readied myself with the knife. As soon as he walked through the door I lunged at him, driving the knife repeatedly into his body.

But instead of his inhuman screams as before, he laughed. I stopped, blood coating my body now, and looked down as he laughed.

"You think you can kill me? I'm already dead! And I'm not leaving you any time soon." His eyes glowed bright, his arms throwing me off of him and backwards onto the floor. I let out a small whimper as he stood up, his body dripping blood. I took in his appearance no matter how much I didn't care.

He was in blood stained clothes, the same ones from before. They already had holes in them, and there was dried blood around them all. His skin was almost like plastic, his hair was stringy and thin, mostly bald over his scalp. You could see part of his jaw where decay had peeled the skin from his bones.

I shivered as his hand, fingers all bone, grasped my shoulder "You thought killing me would solve your problems, you whore?!" He cackled almost witch like and threw me against the counter. I could hear bones crackling and looked down. His pants were worn off to the knee on one side and the flesh on the outer part of his leg was completly gone, leaving muscle moving like gellatin, and his bone visible. I caught my breath, trying not to vomit.

"Why.. Why.." I stammered, looking around.

"You can't kill me." He smiled "I'll always haunt you, Isabella DiFresco. Always."

I shouted as his hand gripped my neck, squeezing tight, his other hand, less boney, gripped my shoulder tight also. I screamed, writhing in his burning grasp.

"LET ME GO!" I shouted, shimmying from his arms "AH!" I shouted, looking down in my hands as I noticed he was now missing an arm. The ligament writhing in my grasp. I screeched and cast it down to the floor. I felt like I was stuck in Pirates Of The Caribbean or something.

He snarled, showing his yellowed teeth as he began coming after me. I hollered, shouted, cried out for help, praying that if I was asleep, I would make some sort of noise and someone would wake me up.

I ran to the living room, seeing the closet door shut. I shimmied the handle, trying to open it. But when I opened it, a body fell forward onto me, I screamed and backed up.


"Mom?" I asked, tears already flowing from my eyes. She was perfect, not a scratch or burn on her body. I fell into her arms as she hugged me "Oh Mom! Stop him! Please! Make him stop!" I sobbed into her body, feeling it become warmer and warmer as someone shouted my name. I could hear it behind me, louder and louder. My mother's body becoming warmer and warmer, almost more real with each degree.

*Brian's POV*

"Please... Stop! Oh stop him!" She sobbed, her arms tightening their grip on me as I held her. She had woken up screaming, and tossing and turning. Making all sorts of weird noises. I almost fell out of bed I was so scared at first.

"Isa, shh... Isabella, stop it's ok." I whispered, kissing the side of her head, noticing she was sweating. I had an inkling on to what she was having this nightmare about, but I wasn't exactly sure.

"Oh mom!" She sobbed into my chest "Make him stop!" She cried louder, if she could have gotten louder I'm sure she would have woken the dead.

"Baby it's ok, it's Brian, please calm down." I whispered in her ear.

All of a sudden I felt her grip loosen, tighten, and then she backed herself away quickly. Her hands pressed against my chest, using force as she catapulted herself away from me. She pressed against the headboard of the bed and stared at me, her eyes clearly focusing.

"Brian..." She breathed.

"You're ok, babe." I whispered as tears continued to spill from her eyes.

"Where's Josh? Is he ok? Where is he? Is he still asleep?" She rambled questions off about Josh and I just nodded.

"He's in his crib, babe. He's fine." I whispered "C'mere." I held my arms out.

I tilted my head to the side as she stared at them, her eyes showing the mental battle she was fighting inside. She stared at my chest, back and forth between my arms, and then up to my eyes "Are you alright?" I asked.

"He was.... he was still alive." She whispered, her eyes darting from mine to the bed, her arms bringing her knees to her chest. She was building up a wall, and I knew that if I didn't do something quick, once again I'd be outside looking for a way in... I'm proud, that was so deep.

"Babe he's not alive ok? He's dead, you saw him dead. You know he's dead." I assured her.

"N-n-no.." She whispered "What if he.. survived?" She asked herself more than me "What if, after I left, he woke up or something? What if he's still out there? Where's Ricky? Where-"

"Isabella, stop this. Right now." I took her hand in mine, using my other to cup her chin and move her face so her eyes met mine after much resistance "Stop. Ricky's like... in prison forever. And you know Cody's dead. With that amount of blood, he couldn't be alive." I whispered, her eyes grew scared. I just made it ten times worse... With that amount of blood way to go, Brian.

"The blood... oh God." She whimpered, moving away from me and looking herself over "It all felt so real.. It was so real, Brian I just.." She looked around, her eyes landing on our closet "So real.."

"Want me to check it?" I asked.

She scoffed, clearly hiding her insecurities "That's so childish...." She looked up at me with nervous eyes "Yes...?"

I smiled and stood up, walked over to the closet, and put my hand on the doorknob. I began turning it.


I stopped and looked at Izzy "Are you ok?" I asked.

She held her finger up and got up, turning on every possible light in the room before plopping back down on the bed with a small grin "Ok."

I continued opening the door and swung the door wide, "See? Nothing." I looked back over, only to see Izzy covering her eyes, her knees back up to her chest, tears slowly peeking from under her palms "Babe... it's ok. Nothing's in there. Nothings going to hurt you, I promise." I walked over to her and sat down beside her "Because I'm here. I won't let anything hurt you. Please.... stop."

"Stop what?" She asked, looking up at me "Stop being afraid of shit? Stop feeling bad for cold blood murder?" She asked.

"I... Stop building a wall, Isabella. You promised me you wouldn't." I took a deep breath as she stared at the closet.

"I want to sleep in the closet." She whispered.

"What?" I asked, taken aback by her words "You... aren't..."

She leaned backwards and grabbed her pillow "Because when I opened it up.." She paused, her eyes staring into the closet as she sat on the bed "My mom was in there... and she held me, and talked to me. I want to see her."

"Iz..." I breathed quietly as she stood up, she was going to have a mental breakdown if she woke up in there tomorrow, or today. It was two AM.

Without another word, she shut the door behind her. I shook my head, she was so impossible sometimes. For being so freaked out about it, she was so willing to go sleep in the damn closet. I huffed and laid back down, burrying my face into the pillow, groaning.

I suddenly heard a scream, and it was getting louder "Three, two-" The closet door flung open and Izzy ran out, I picked my head up just in time to see her jumped onto the bed and huddle under the covers "What is it?" I asked, taking in the fact her entire body was shivering.

"There's something in there.." She peeked her head out and pointed at the closet. I sighed and stood up.

"What can it be, Iz? It's just a closet." I rolled my eyes and walked over, yet again.
♠ ♠ ♠
SORRY SORRY SORRY! I am sooooo soooooo sooo incredibly sorry for leaving again! Just... ugh. WE lost power for three and a half days, and then I've been fighting writers block like a mad bitch with this story... and school's been stupid and I'm sooo far behind because I'm behind in ONE subject, and working on getting up to date is putting me behind in everything.

IT's a vicious cycle. So I hope a double update will be enough of a penance for my syn's? ;D