Status: Active

I Want This Forever.


*Izzy's POV*

I swear, on my fucking life, that there was a person in that closet. I took deep breaths as Brian walked in, turning on the lights.

"Iz, there's nothing in here." He sighed and stood back in the doorway, leaning against the frame.

How can men be so damn fearless? I would be checking behind my back every two seconds, but I couldn't even stand that, I fucking ran like the scardy cat I am. And it didn't help that I was already half traumatized from closets.

"Brian, I swear I heard someone talking, and something moving." I sat up, skeptically looking behind him, peering over his shoulders "God damnit! Will you move? You're making me so nervous!"

He laughed, crossing his arms over his teeshirt covered chest and moving to the side, into the bedroom, but now he just leaned against the wall.

"Iz, there's no-"

"Listen." I held my finger to my lips and stood up. I don't know what was possesing my body, but I kept walking closer, closer, and closer until I was standing at the back wall of the closet. In a mirror I could see Brian standing at the entrance, looking at me with worried eyes. I stared into the mirror longer, now looking past Brian and trying to see into the mirror. In my rational mind I knew I was being rediculous, but the rediculous part was overruling as of right now.

Brian parted his lips to speak but I shushed him. He sighed and stood at the door. It should have scared me, if I had been in my usual mind, that he was standing so close to the door. I should have screamed and been paranoid he would lock me in here. But... then again, he was Brian. My husband. He wouldn't.

I leaned into the mirror and pressed my ear against it, listening intently. I heard a faint breeze noise and backed up "Brian, there's something... in.. there..?" I pointed at the mirror, my finger feeling cold suddenly. I jumped back as I heard a hiss. "BRIAN!" I shouted "Didn't you hear that? Did you hear that hiss?" I turned to face him, but quickly turned back around to face the mirror.

"No, Iz, I didn't.." Brian looked around "I swear, there's nothing in here babe." He sighed, I could tell he was tired.

But now I couldn't stop hearing it. It was at the left, now the right, behind me, above me. I was looking around, turning, spinning, tipping my head every which way, I must have looked purely insane. I could only image what Brian was thinking "Great, I married a crazy woman, she's insane... and I'm stuck with this? Damn, what was that lawyer's name?" But the thoughts were washed from my mind when I felt something on my arm.

I let out a loud scream and jumped forwards, away from the touch. I landed in a rack of jeans, tumbling to the floor with them. I looked back and Brian was wide eyed, staring at me from the doorway.

"Are you ok?" His mind clicked into Husband mode and he rushed over.

"DON'T LEAVE THE DOOR!" I shouted, scrambling to get up. I fell, literally fell, onto my stomach in the doorway, fearing the door to shut us in here.

"Isabella DiFresco, you are acting absolutely OFF YOUR ROCKER!" Brian sighed "What has gotten into you? There is nothing in this damn closet, the door is not going to close, and there certainly is nothing in that mirror!" He pointed at the mirror with his hand, his eyes still staring at me.

I slowly got to my knees, then to all fours, then to my feet. I brushed my knees off a little, seeing as I caused minor rug burn from my fall. I took deep breaths, trying to regain control over my whirlwind like brain. I looked around and nodded.

"Nothing in here.. there's nothing. The dream just shook me up, I mean I'm paranoid.." I looked around.

"Can we go back to bed?" Brian asked, I could see how tired he was. How tired he was because it was two AM and because I was acting like a looney toon. I sighed, looking the closet over once more, and nodded.

"Yeah... I'm sorry." I mumbled as he walked over, embracing me in a hug. I peered over his shoulder, looking into the mirror. There was a blurr of black behind us, and I jumped, spinning around. My hand grasped Brian's and I yanked him out of the closet, closing the door behind us. I moved Brian back, using him as a doorstop, and left him against the door. "Stay." I stared at him and hurriedly left the room. Singing quietly to myself as I made my way to Josh's room. I hummed as I opened the door, thanking God we spoiled Josh and let him sleep with a nightlight on. I reached into the crib and pulled him out, carefull not to wake him up. I grabbed some of his blankets, a stack of diapers, a container of wipes, baby powder, and a few other things, and quickly scampered down the hallway like someone was on my heels. Which, to be crazy and honest, it felt like it. I half ran into the bedroom and shut the door, locking the small lock behind me.

I noticed Brian was still against the door "Good." I looked him over.

"Why do you have Josh?" Brian asked "Iz, this is rediculous... you're just scared because of the dream... let the poor kid sleep."

I gestured to Josh's face "He's sleeping. Dumbass... Now wait a second." I climbed into bed and sat up, resting Josh in his favorite sleeping position on my legs "Ok..." I took the baby powder and tossed it to Brian "Sprinkle that all over the door handle, and on the floor infront of the closet door." He gave me the are you serious? look "Brian." I smiled wide "For my sanity, baby, please."

He nodded and sprinkled a good amount "Can I come to bed?" He asked. I nodded and he walked over and sat down next to me "Now what?"

"Well... we wait, for one. You can sleep, I just-"

"The lights can stay on. I can sleep with lights on. I used to sleep in class." He laughed and laid down "Because I didn't sleep at night, worrying about you being so damn far away from me all the time." He mumbled, falling asleep rather quickly.

I sighed and stared around the room "Alright mister ghosty... where are you...?" I looked around, knowing that I was seriously insane now. I wouldn't have blamed him if Brian took Josh from me and called the psych ward, I was even debating my sanity. In the back of my mind I heard my rational mind telling me I was seriously insane and that I needed to take a chill pill and go to sleep.

I looked down at the sleeping baby in my arms, smiling as he rested peacfully. I was protecting my baby boy, I wasn't letting anything bad happen now. I learned my lesson about leaving them alone. Bad things happened.

I sighed. Letting my psycho take over again. "Something was in that mirror, in another world, behind it, inside of it. And whatever it was, got out earlier when we had the door open, probably when I was an idiot and staring into it, hence the hissing... yeah, that's it! Now it was roaming our house, and it was trying to get me to look back into the mirror by touching me, so it could go home! And when I freaked out, it got out of the room because Brian walked over to me, then it got scared when I lept into the doorway, and Brian hugged me... then I saw it in the mirror. It only moved to try to get back in, but I turned to fast... That's it... this thing, this haunting thing, lived inside that mirror..."

Oh dear Jesus, I have gone mad... I shook my head and looked down at Brian as he laid next to me. I almost jumped out of my skin as he stared up at me "What?" I asked.

"Do you know..." He stared with a fearfull expression "You just said all that.." He paused as he glanced worriedly at Josh "Out loud?"

I gulped as he stared at me "Iz... are you ok?" He looked down at Josh, looked back at me, and tapped his head "Up here?" A small smirk crossed his lips "Babe, get some sleep. I'll hold Joshy, and stay awake. You sleep. "

"Brian I couldn't-"

"Sleep, Isabella. Or I'm going to go fuck up all the damn powder ok?" He let one leg hang over the bed, making my nerves stand on end.

"OK OK!" I said quietly yet in a harsh tone "Ok.." I slowly handed Josh over to him, watching carefully as Brian positioned him the same as I had "Wake me up if.." I stared at the door "Y'know.." I looked at Brian and he nodded.

"Sleep well, babe." He whispered, kissing my cheek before I let my head hit the pillow, closing my eyes as Brian hummed. He leaned against the headboard and moved his hands over Josh's little legs, looking down at the baby in his lap. Sometimes I wondered if my insane mind was a detrement to either of their health... Was it hurting Josh to have a mother so insane? Was Brian suffering because of this? Clearly, he was going to stay up the rest of the morning just because I'm retarded and can't keep my imagination from running wild... Ugh.
♠ ♠ ♠
She's crazy. Completely crazy. LOL.

Again, sorry for going AWOL :( Hope this somewhat makes up for it :(

comments are amazing, and really, getting comments would make this nicer to write for. It's sort of a bummer not getting them. I'm wondering if continuing this was the right idea...