
Chapter 2

“I’m home!” I called out loudly as I walked in the door. As usual, I was greeted by nobody. Well, unless you count my cocker spaniel, Bubba. My mom works with the DA and my dad is the chief of police. Mum doesn’t get home ‘till late and dad tends to go out with friends after work.

“Looks like it’s just you and me, Bub,” I said, and right after the words left my mouth...

“No you’re not!” Sammy yelled, flinging my front door open. I screamed at her sudden appearance.

“You scared me half to death!” I exclaimed.

She laughed, “That’s what you said last time, so does this mean you’re dead?”

“Yes. Yes I am,” I rolled my eyes at her.

“Oh! Goodie! I get to rape your dead corpse!” Sammy jumped up and down.

“Ewe!” I laughed.

“So what are we doing this fine evening?” she plopped down on the couch and put her feet on the coffee table.

“Popcorn and a movie marathon?”

“Again? Come on! Lets… lets go to the… wait we did that before. How ‘bout we go to the theater?”

“That’s just the same, except if we stay home… It’s free!” I said.

“Party pooper,” Sammy muttered.

“Let’s make some popcorn,” I headed to the kitchen.

As we watched “Zombieland” for the fifth time, I must of fallen asleep. When I woke up we were surrounded by popcorn, cans of soda and my mother was making breakfast in the kitchen.

“Hello mother,” I sighed, rubbing my tired eyes.

“Hello. I hope you two plan on picking up all that crap out there,” mum said, flipping the pancakes that I knew weren’t for us. My mom only cooks for dad and herself. I have to fend for myself.

“Yes, mother dearest!” I said, just to piss her off. She hates when I call her that.

“What did you say?”

“Nothing. Nothing at all,” I grabbed a piece of toast that was on my dad’s plate and skipped to the living room.

“Up and Adam!” I pulled Sammy off the couch and on to the floor with a thump. “Ow,” I murmured.

“Bitch,” she growled. I beamed at her, “But that’s why I love you!” and she tried to give me a hug. I dodged her. She most likely was going to smack my back like usual.

“Awh! Come on! Just one. Friendly. Hug!” She lunged at me.

“Eep! Halp!” This was our usual morning. Lots of squealing (Not the, “I broke a nail” or “He’s so hot!” preppy squeals) and swearing, and pushing… pretty much we act like fools.

“Be quiet!” My dad yelled, interrupting our fun. “Shouldn’t you guys be in school?”

“Oh, shit!” Sammy and I said in unison. We both headed up to my room to get dressed for another day in hell.
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It's going to get better! I had it all planned out, but I keep changing my mind.. x]

I'll update tomorrow sometime, most likely

Lemme know what you think!! =D

Question: What was the worst rumor ever about you?