Status: Updated July 20

He's Got a Boyfriend Now

The Bucket List


I told Pat about my sickness, he told me to tell Taylor. How could I tell Taylor? His aunt just died! I just couldn’t bring myself to. It didn’t seem fair, but nothing in life was ever fair.

He was eating breakfast; well it was more like lunch since it’s late afternoon, wait why do I care about the time? When I got into the kitchen. I wasn’t hungry.

“Hey. Are you ok?” he asked me as I nodded. I should just tell him the truth. He needs to know. But I just… can’t. “Is everything ok with you and Pat?”

“Yes everything is fine, just not with you and me” I said slowly, letting it drag.

“What does that mean?” he asked looking at me, trying to read my face. I wish I knew myself. This was killing me, killing my insides. This was probably killing me more than the cancerous cells inside of me.

“It means I need to tell you something,” I said as he looked like he was about to cry. Please don’t cry, I’m begging on the inside. You have to be strong… for me.

“Please just tell me you’re not breaking up with me,” he cried as I held him, held him tight.

“No! Of course not, I could never do that”

“Ok” he smiled thinking that it was going to get better. I’m sorry buddy, but this is only going to get worse.

“But this might be worse” I finally said out loud.

“What?” he asked, the smile gone.

“I’m sick Tay” I started. I have no idea how to finish it now that it’s out.

“What because you threw up this morning?”

“No, but I was at the doctors last week, you know”

“Yeah, I had to walk home by myself”

“Sorry. But the doctor thinks he might of found a tumor” I said as I closed my eyes.

“They don’t know yet?”

“No, but the doctor said there is a good chance that there is a tumor in my brain”

“What happens if there is a tumor?” he asked fearing the answer. The more he asked the more I didn’t want to answer. His questions were starting to get to me.

“I go through chemo to see if I can get rid of it. The doctor said it’s a cancerous brain tumor”

“How does he know it’s cancerous if they don’t know it’s there?” he asked.

“He said most of them are cancerous”

“Well then let’s pray it isn’t. But what if they can’t get rid of it?” he asked, asking the hardest of them all.

“I have three months to live,” I said as he cried. It broke my heart to watch him cry.

“Not you too”

“I know, this is really bad timing”

“I think I should pray to God there is no tumor,” he cried as I hugged him. My mom came into the kitchen from work just then.

“Hi boys. Oh sweet-heart what’s wrong?” she asked Taylor rubbing his back.

“I just told him about me” my mom gave me a look. “I had to mom. I was going to tell him anyways, just some things got in the way,” I said as she nodded. “Plus I want him to come to the doctors with us tomorrow. I want him there when I find out the results” I said as he brought his head up to look at me.

“You mean that?” Why doesn’t he believe me? I wouldn’t be joking about this stuff!

“100% yes. You’re my boyfriend, you need to know,” I said as he kissed me, while my mother was in the room. He didn’t care, it’s not like it was his mother. I pulled away, but she was starting to make dinner, so I pulled Taylor in for another kiss.

“Enough in my kitchen” she said as she took out a wooden spoon.

“Ok, ok we’re going” Taylor yelled as we all laughed as I dragged Taylor back to my room.

We began making out on my bed, only until Taylor pulled away. I missed kissing Taylor like this, and he’s pulling away, I wanted more. Not fair!

“As much as I do love kissing your sexiness, I want to go outside,” he said. So we got dressed and we went for a walk.

“I hope tomorrow that it’s a good day, and you’re not sick. I want you forever” he said as he held my hand.

“I wish so as well. I want you forever and ever” I said as we stopped in the park, by a tree. I did wish I could live forever with Taylor. He completed my life, or so I thought. But now that Pat decided to kiss me, and tell me he’s jealous, I’m left confused again.

“I’ll be your good luck charm tomorrow” he smiled as I kissed him.

“Good because I want you to be,” I said as I kissed him back. We soon ended up making out again. We got to the point where Taylor was on top of me, grinding his hips.

“I want you forever” he murmured as I smiled. I could feel him lay still, his head on my chest, as we lay in the sun. I loved his scent, he didn’t really smell like anything, but it was hard to describe, but I loved it. I loved whenever he lay with me. It sometimes felt like I needed him just like air for breathing. I don’t know how I got so sappy, I think Taylor was doing it to me, and quite frankly, I liked it, no wait I loved it.

We lay in the sun for a little while just enjoying the warmth of the sun and the company of each other.

“We should make a bucket list of everything we want to do,” I suggested.

“I like that idea” he said as I began to think up things that I haven’t done before, but planned to do. Some or most of all of them included Taylor.

“I want to go to a concert”

“You’ve never been to one?” I questioned shocked. How could he live like that? Concerts are what I live for!


“We are for sure going to one,” we both laughed.

“I want to walk the Great Wall of China”

“Like that’s going to happen.” Thanks Taylor for bursting my bubble.

“Oh, I’ll make it happen, and you’ll come with me”

“Sounds like it would be fun” he smiled. “Ok my turn” he said like it was some kind of game. “Ok I’ve got it, ride an elephant,” he laughed as I laughed. What? An elephant? He’s crazy! Those things are wild, and... dangerous.

“That’s a good one,” I laughed. “Use chop sticks” I said as he started laughing. “What?” Oh so mine sounds stupid!

“Nothing, it just sounds funny, plus I’ve used them before. I’m picturing it in my head now. Riley using chop sticks. You’d probably get fed up after one try,” he laughed.

“Ha-ha funny” I said. “I’ve never used them and maybe I want to” I said bluntly as Taylor just stopped laughing. It was almost like he stopped breathing.

“Ok. Uhm go to Disney World” he smiled. “I’ve never been”

“Neither have I. I think we should go”

“We should. Once you get better”

“You make it sound like I’m sick” I complained.

“Sorry” he mumbled.

“It’s ok” I kissed his nose as we lay in the sun.
♠ ♠ ♠
Gah it's late :(
I was supposed to post yesterday, but you see I got almost the entire thing typed, I had half a page left to type, and my mom gets home, and I had to leave. Anyways point of that was to say I wasn't home at all, so I'm sorry, my life is getting hectic!
Anywho's I hope you enjoy this chapter, or not, up to you.
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