When the Moon Fell in Love With the Sun, All Was Golden in the Sky

I see you and my eyes won't leave you

The young brown- haired man sat in a booth at the local Starbucks and talked to his best friend about their plans for the weekend.

Suddenly, something caught the man’s eye and he stared at it.

It was a young brunette girl, with slightly wavy hair and a black skirt with a yellow camisole top.

Ryan’s POV

My eyes are just stuck on this random girl that just walked in. Her hair looked really nice; brown with some areas lighter then others. She didn’t look like she was from here with the way she looked. She got her drink and looks like she’s looking for a seat.

“Hey Bren, check out the girl that’s looking around,” I told my friend.

“The one with the drink?” He asked me.

“Yeah. We should let her sit over here,” I explained to him.

“Yeah. I’ll go introduce us,” Brendon said, jumping up and heading over to her.

Girl’s POV

I glanced around the small coffee shop looking for a seat, when I saw this guy jumping up and walking over to me.

“Hi there. I’m Brendon. If you’re looking for a seat, you can sit with my friend and me,” The man told me.

“Thanks Brendon. I’m Amanda,” I told him.

We headed over to his table and I notice that his friend was biting his lip.

“Amanda, this is Ryan. Ryan, this is Amanda,” He said, introducing us to each other.

It took me a moment before realizing that they were Ryan Ross and Brendon Urie of Panic at the Disco.

“Oh Sheisse. I just realized who you guys are,” I told them sitting next to Brendon. Ryan looked at me in wonder.

“You guys are from Panic,” I told them, smiling slightly.

“You listen to us?” Ryan asked me, cocking his head to the side.

“Of course. I love your music. Pretty…Odd was a great cd. I love the old sound of some of the songs,” I replied, smiling.

Ryan smiled back me, “You’re not gonna go all crazy fan girl on us, are you?”

“Of course not. I understand that you don’t wanna be bothered all the time,” I told him, looking into his honey colored eyes.

I smiled at Ryan lightly and I heard Welcome to the Jungle sound out from my purse. I smiled again and exsaued myself before answering my phone.

“Hey Will, where are you?” I said to my band mate on the other end of the call.

“Getting us a gig tonight,” He replied happily.

“That’s great, Will!” I squealed, “Are we playing with anyone?”

“Yup, with the Young Veins. Whoever they are. It’s not a very big gig, but hey this could be what we need to get moving,” He responded.

I squalled again in delight and told him goodbye and hung up. I headed back to the table with Ryan and Brendon and sat back down with them.

“Who was that?” Brendon asked me looking up from his drink.

“My friend, Will. The two of us have a small band with another friend. We’re not super great or big yet, but hey, we just got our first gig out here,” I replied.

“Cool, you playing with anyone?” Brendon asked taking a drink of his coffee.

“The Young Veins,” I replied, biting my lower lip shyly.

“No way! You’re kidding. We get to play together tonight?” Ry said jumping up and grinning at me.

“Yup. I can’t wait! You guys are really great,” I responded, smiling up at him.

“Hey Ry. We gotta go. Jon just texted me saying that you gotta get ready for the show. And then something else, but I can’t figure out what it says though,” Bren said standing up and starching.

“Alright, Bren,” Ryan replied glancing over at him.

“I’ll see you tonight, Amanda. Here’s my number, if you need directions to the venue tonight or anything else,” He added taking my hand and writing it on my palm.

I smiled at him and nodded, “Kay. I’ll see you guys tonight.”

I watched the guys walk towards the door.

Suddenly I saw Ryan turn and wink at me. I blushed bright red and heard my phone ring.

“Yo, what’s up, Patty?” I asked the guitarist, Patrick.

“Not much. You sound giddy, but what ever, I got us a Bassist for tonight,” He told me happily.

“That’s awesome! Who is it?” I asked him excited.

“I’m not saying. You’ll meet him tonight at the gig,” he told me before hanging up.

I sighed as I dropped my cell back into my purse.
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For those of you who don't know what "Sheisse" means, it means "shit" in German. I have a habit of mispronaucing it most of the time. Who Could Patty of found that is gonna play bass for the band?
