When the Moon Fell in Love With the Sun, All Was Golden in the Sky

Let's rock and have a show

Awhile later, I pulled up in front of the venue and headed in, flashing my pass at security.

I ran through the halls till I got to a dressing room. ‘No Common Sense/ The Young Veins’ It had written on a sheet on paper and taped to the door. I opened the wooden door and slipped through, and shutting the door behind me.

Once in, I saw Will sitting on a couch with his drum sticks, beating out some beats for the songs out. Patty was sitting cross legged on the floor with his guitar, strumming out the chords for the same song. And then saw a guy with slightly longish red hair, glasses, and a brown and black hat sitting across from Patty, playing the bass chords for the song.

“Amanda, this is Patrick Stump. He’s agreed to play bass for us,” Will stuttered to me, standing up and gesturing towards our guest. I smile politely at our new found bassist and turned back to Will.

“Any clue when we go on?” I asked him dropping down into the splits.

“In like half an hour. You staying in those clothes?” Will replied raising an eye brow at me.

“Naw, I’ll change in a minute,” I responded pushing myself back up and fixing my skirt.

“I’m gonna get some food before we go on. Any one coming?” Patrick told us getting up and heading to the door.

“Yeah, we’ll both come, so Amanda can change,” Will said motioning for Patty to follow him and Patrick out. Patty nodded and followed the guys out of the room. I watched the door shut and turned to find something to change into.

I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and a light pink shirt with ballet shoes on it. I started to change for the show. I slip out of my skirt and pulled off my top. I started getting the jeans on when I noticed the door was opening.

I froze when I saw Ryan standing in the doorway with his eyes bugged out.

“Sorry, Amanda. I’ll wait,” Ryan stuttered, starting to step back.

“It’s cool, Ry. I don’t mind,” I told him, pulling on my jeans the rest of the way. I stepped closer to Ryan and placed my hand on his shoulder.

“It’s kind of nice. Just the two of us,” I whispered to him.

Ryan smiled at me and bit his lower lip. I cocked my head to the side and looked at him, wondering what he was thinking.

“Ry?” I asked.

As soon as the word had left my lips, I felt his on top of them; licking and wanting in. I opened my mouth and he slipped his tongue in. our tongues fighting for dominance, and his hands on my bare hips. I moaned into his mouth, just in time to hear something drop and someone’s voice, “What the heck?”

We quickly pulled away and I jerked my shirt on.

“Wanna tell us who this guy is and why you were lip locking him?” Will asked me, raising an eye brow.

“Will, meet Ryan Ross of the Young Veins. Ry, this is Will, the drummer for my band,” I told them, breathing heavily.

Will looked at Ryan and nodded at him. Ryan returned the gesture and looked around nervously.

“Hey Will, where ya go off to, man?” I heard Patrick’s voice ring out coming down the hallway.

“Ryro! What’s up, man? It’s been a while since I’ve seen you,” Patrick exclaimed stepping into the room.

“Hey Patty. Not much, Jon and I are on our own. But I don’t know how long that’s gonna last. What are you doing here?” Ry said back, smiling.

“I’m playing with Amanda and her friends. I join their band like half an hour ago.” Pat replied.

Will looked back and forth at them.

“Wait. You two know each other?” Will asked them.

“Yeah, we’ve known each other for years. My old band mate, Pete, got them signed back in ’04. We met him and his buddies that way.” Pat replied, taking a seat on the couch.

Will look at Ryan and sighed, “You’re safe for now, Ryan.”

I smiled at Ry, and looked at me like I was crazy. I stepped over and grabbed my shoes and glasses. I pulled my shoes on and slipped my glasses on.

“We gonna go rock?” I asked the boys as Patty stepped into the room.

“Yeah!” the three guys replied together and grabbed their instruments and headed out of the room. I started to follow when I felt a hand on my arm.

“Hey, you wanna grab something to eat after the show?” Ry asked me, biting at his lip again.

I smiled back at him.

“I’d like that,” I told him smiling up at him.

He let his hand slid off of my arm as I walked out of the room. I turned back around and looked at him.

“By the way, when you bite your lip, you look cute,” I told him, smiling and heading the way the guys did.

I headed out to the side of the stage and smile over at Patty. He smiled back at me, pushing his glasses up on his nose.

The guys all headed out onto the stage and I ran out a moment later, jumping up when I got to the mic stand.

“Hello, Vegas! How are y’all tonight?” I yelled getting the microphone off of the stand and stepping way from it.

The crowd cheered back in response and I smiled at it.

“Well, to inform you who we are. We. Are. No Common Sense!” I shouted. “And this is ‘One Time’s Great, but Two’s Better’,” I added spinning around.

The guys started playing and I got the mic ready. Standing in fifth position for ballet, I gripped the mic tightly. I started singing the words as the music got to the right place.

As we were ending the song, I turned around just in time to meet a bottle to the face. I hit the hard stage, and rolled over on my side from the impact.
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Hope you all liked it. The Lyrics for 'One Time's Great, but Two is better' will be up by Wednesday and hopefully so will a sung verison on youtube. I'm almost posivte that Will can play the drums and I know Patty can play the guitar. Patty is a Patrick, but I don't think anyone's called him Patrick in the three plus years my brother or i have known him.
