My Lost Years

My Lost Years

“Pam, come on. We have to go. Stop playing around” – The little boy said. A little girl came out from the tree house laughing. “How come you couldn’t find me Robbie”- she said. The little 10-year old boy named Robert explained : “We gotta hurry or the shop will close”. He took her hand and they left.

My name is Pamela Morgan. I live with my best friend Mary and we own a clothes shop. I have a normal life like everyone else but there is something missing in my life. My childhood. I am an orphan kid. My parents died when I was only two and as I had no one else, some people got me to an orphanage. But the years I spent over there were the best years of my life. This was because there I met Robert . He had been everything to me: my friend, my protector ,my family, my life. We were both orphans and poor but very happy for as long as we had each-other. He was two years older than me. But one day some people took all that happiness from us. A family came over there and they adopted Robert. This is how they took our childhood from us. He didn’t want to leave but they didn’t listen to him. He was only 10 years old and I was only 8. Thirteen years have gone and I still can’t forget him. He is with me everywhere : in my mind and especially in my heart. All I want is to see him once more but I know that even if I see him, I wouldn’t recognize him, not after ten years. But I can’t keep myself from hoping.
“Mela, can you believe this?” - Mary came in, screaming . She got in my room and seemed pretty happy. “What happened?” – I asked. “Twilight cast is coming here on Friday for the premiere of New Moon”- she said quickly. “Huh” – I saw her like she was talking in another language. “Twilight, the best movie ever, remember?”- she asked me as if I had seen the movie. I had no idea what she was talking about. I hadn’t seen this movie but I knew it was popular because it had been on TV the hole summer. And yet I didn’t care. Mary wanted me to go with her at the premiere. I didn’t want to go but I couldn’t leave her alone. She was my best friend and she had helped me through everything so I had to do something about her too. That’s why I accepted.
It was so loud and crowed at that premiere. I saw lots of people especially girls screaming to a group of people. I asked Mary: “Who are they”- pointing at the group. She told me that they were the main cast of the movie. One of them caught my attention. He was high and had messy brown hair. His eyes were blue and I would bet that I had seen those eyes somewhere, but I just couldn’t remember. He was very handsome with one word. This boy was looking down, at the ground but in one short moment he looked up and saw me. I froze. We stared at each-other for a couple of seconds but suddenly he looked away, blushing. I blushed too. What was happening to me? I wasn’t like this. I mean, I had never been shy. Mary used to say that I looked like a woman only outside because inside I was exactly like a man: strong.
I looked again at the man. He wasn’t watching me anymore. He was telling something to some other boy next to him. I asked Mary about him but she didn’t hear me from the big noise so I had to repeat it like 100 times. Finally, she understood me and answered quickly: “That’s the protagonist of the movie, Edward Cullen”. Finally the premiere ended so we went home. Now I couldn’t stop thinking about this Edward fellow and I didn’t know why. I was pretty curious because I knew that I had seem him and this wasn’t only in the TV.
At the other day, I went to work as usually. But it was getting pretty hot in there so I went out for a walk. I left Mary in charge of everything and I knew she would do a great job as it was her shop too. She could attract clients better than me actually. I bought an ice cream and while I was eating it, it reminded me a little part of my childhood with Robert.
“Hey Pam, would you like an ice cream?”- the boy asked. “YES ROBBIE”- the little girl answered.. Robert bought two ice creams with chocolate and gave one to Pamela.”How did you know I like chocolate Robbie?”- the girl asked. Robert answered, blushing – “Well, I’ve been watching how happy you are when someone gives you chocolate so I just imagined that…well…you like it. And it seems like I’m right, right?” “Yeah, thank you Robbie” But at that moment the ice cream of the girl fell down so she started to cry. Robert took a step forward and hugged the girl. He gave her his ice cream, smiling. She smiled back and said simply:”You are the best Robbie”. Those words made the little boy blush.
I turned back and bumped into someone. The ice cream fell from my hand. But I didn’t care. I knew the boy I bumped into. It was that boy from last night, that Edward fellow. He apologized in a charming English accent: “I’m so sorry miss, I didn’t see you”. “No, it was my fault sir”- I said and started to walk away. He took my arm and said: “Wait, at least let my buy you another ice cream”. I was about to say “No” but his eyes distracted me so I didn’t answer. He smiled gently and let go of my arm. I froze. He had the best smile ever. We started to walk to the ice cream shop. He asked me about my name and I told him that my name was Mela because everyone called me like that. Robert had been the only one who called me Pam.I knew his name was Edward but I asked him about his name also, to be polite. He answered in his charming accent: “Well, it depends. My fans call me Edward but you can call me Rob, like my friends. I got surprised: “Why Rob?” I asked curiously.
“That’s my name” – he said, surprised as well. “Haven’t you watch Twilight?”- he asked again after a few seconds.
I looked down and said in a low voice: “Is it that obvious?” Surprisingly, he seemed happy because he smiled again. His eyes dazzled me. I knew this guy. But how? Why couldn’t I remember?
Finally Rob or Edward talked again: “My name in the movie is Edward but my real name is Rob”.
“Ow”- I said simply. He got in the ice cream shop while I waited outside. He got out after a few with two ice creams in his hands. They were both with chocolate. He gave me one of them. I stared at him, surprised. He asked: “What? Why are you staring at me like that?” I looked down quickly, blushing and asked him: “How did you know I like chocolate?” He answered while he was looking at me: “I saw the ice cream you had before”.
I smiled and looked deep in his eyes. He smiled too and continued: “I saw you last night, at the premiere. When I met you a couple of minutes ago I didn’t realize you are the one from last night but now I remembered”.
We continued talking and eating our ice creams. I learned that Rob Pattinson was a british actor who lived here in America. But he had his family in Britain: his parents and his sisters. When he asked me about my life I told him that I lived with Mary and about our little job. He asked me about my family so I answered coldly: “They’re dead”.
He apologized and went on with the conversation. After a few minutes he took a look at his watch and said: “I’m sorry but I think I have to go. I have a meeting and my friends will eat me alive if I don’t go on time. I’m sorry”. I didn’t want him to leave but I didn’t tell him to stay, of course. I said: “It’s okay. I have to get back also. Mary will be angry with me because I let her wo… “Can I have your cell phone number?”- he interrupted me. “…Yeah…Of course…I guess it is okay”.
“I can call you to go eat another ice cream”.
“Shure. I’d love to”. – I said while he took out his cell phone. After we exchanged numbers, he left, remembering me when Robert, my friend left me alone in the orphanage.
“NO. NO. I don’t want to leave. I want to stay here with Pam. You can’t get us apart. You can’t”.- The boy said while he tried to get off the arms of the man. The little girl was crying and begging between tears: “Please don’t go Robbie. Please. Don’t leave me alone in here. Please don’t go. I need you here. Please”. The man kept Robert tightly but the boy escaped from his arms and ran to the girl. He took her in his arms, hugging her tightly. But they got the boy again and put him in their car. The car drove off while little Pamela ran after he car. But she was hopeless. The car drove faster so she couldn’t reach it…