When We go into The World of Bleach!

It was on a summer day when my girlfriend and my friend came over myu house to watch TV.
Then all of a sudden we past out on the floor will watching TV. We then woke up in new bodies. We were shocked to see a Hollow right in front of us we then saw a girl kill the Hollow with a sword.

She then vanished from us. That was not very fun my friend said.

she was cool for saving our lives from that thing.
  1. Chapter 1
    It is when we get into the world of Bleach!
  2. Chapter 2
    It is when we are also in the fight with Hollows!
  3. Chapter 3
    It is when the visers and the awroncar come in to the picture.
  4. Chapter 4
    It is where we learn about our powers in our hollow formes.
  5. Chapter 5
    It is when Ichgo fights Grimjow i a fight to the death.