Nothing is Clear Right Now

Double Proposal

“So, how long has Celia lived here?” Minnie asked as they passed over the bridge to the west side of town.

“Three years now...she’s really sweet. And quite smart.” Marlin smiled.

“Sweet and smart...” Minnie thought for a minute. “When are you planning it?” she asked, looking ahead to see the path to the Harvest Goddess Pond, where she used to go play with some of the other kids around The Valley.

Marlin stopped dead and turned to the small blond. “Planning what?”

“You know, to propose. I can tell you like her, and she obviously likes you too. That or she loves digging in the dirty and tending to crops like Vesta. But she isn’t some burly woman. She’s a tiny brunette whose only reason to keep working there is to be around you. Marlin, we were best friends, don’t think I still can’t see through you.” Minnie grinned, with her hand on her hips.

“Okay, you got me.” He sighed, rubbing his forehead. “I kind of wanted to wait till next month, because of Lumina’s wedding and all...” he explained. Minnie nodded and noted two houses on her right, the bar and the inn to her left.

“Well, it’s good that you are planning.” Minnie admired him for being so brave. Minnie didn’t feel ready to start a family. She wasn’t ready to get married, have children and create a set life that would be the one she lived forever. It all just seemed too permanent.

“Well, I just hope she says yes...” he sighed.

“Believe it and it will be.” Minnie smiled shyly at her old friend. A few minutes of silence and they had walked up the great white stairs to the Villa.

“Well, here you are.” He sighed, handing me my suitcases.

“Yeah,” Minnie smiled, looking up past the blue fountain and the gardens to the great golden Villa.

“Why don’t you come to the bar tonight,” Marlin asked.

“Griffin’s?” Minnie asked, remembering her father attending a daily ‘happy four hours or more’ there. “Sure. What time?” Minnie asked, brushing a blond string of hair out of her flushed face.

“Eight?” Marlin asked, starting back down the stairs.

“Eight it is!” Minnie smiled, turning to the Villa, and getting ready for the next two months of her life.
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