Rather Waste Some Time With You

Chapter Three

(Bob's POV)

I woke up from the sweetest dream around noon. In my dreams was were I'd ever be that close to Jepha. There was no possible way that we'd ever end up together, I just didn't deserve something so perfect.

I walked out to the kitchen in nothing but my boxers and bot bothering to look in the mirror. I heard voices from the kitchen but figured it was Frank, Ray or Mikey. No one else ever really came over. Besides, we were going to Bert's to hang out, not here.

"Nice sparkle undies." I heard a voice so familiar to me say. I looked up and almost died. Jepha was standing right in front of me. He laughed silently to himself and Gerard started laughing at me. I blushed and tried to laugh at myself which turned a total failure. "What's up Bob? You coming to hang today?" Jepha changed the tone, he must've seen how uncomfortable this was for me.

"Er, um, yeah. I am." I was so nervous, I was studdering. Jepha nodded his head." I'm gonna go get dressed." I nervously said and glared at Gerard as I walked past him. He just smirked back at me. He planned all of this.

I nearly ran back to my bedroom and quickly found a clean pair of jeans and a shirt. I brushed my teeth as fast I could and managed to make my hair look decent. I went back out to the kitchen and awaited our plans.

"I wanna go to the mall! Pweasseee??" Bert was begging Gerard. Everyday it became more and more obvious that Gerard liked him.

"Fine, okay. Only if it's okay with Bob and Jepha." Gerard answered him like a mother and looked towards Jepha and I.

"Yeah, the mall is fine. Anywhere is fine." He answered and looked towards me for my answer.

"Same here, it doesn't matter." I said trying not to sound anxious.

"Alright, let's go." Gerard said as he stood up and grabbed the keys to his Jeep. Bert jumped up and tagged along with Gerad. Jepha and I followed suit. I made sure I wasn't too close or far from him. I was so anxious and nervous now that I had no idea what to do.

(I know this chapter's boring, but the only way I'll keep updating is if I keep putting stuff up. Comments=MORE UPDATES.)