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Goodbye, my lover

When I opened my eyes, Chris was standing over me, holding the chair. Jon staggered backwards. Chris had hit him square in the face.
I crawled backwards, my tail bone aching from the fall. Veda helped me up, and we each grabbed the nearest blunt object we could find. Veda ran at Jon, screaming like a Amazon warrior. She hit him in the back of the head with my metal trash can. I followed her lead, not including the screaming, and thunked Jon with my stapler.
Jon became distracted by us and turned away from Chris. This gave him enough time to give him a hard shove with his shoulder, knocking him to the ground. Once on his back, Chris lunged. He raised the chair over his head and pushed it into Jon’s skull. It entered with a sickening crunch. Suddenly, Jon’s dead, decaying body went still.
I felt my eyes swell with tears. He was truly gone. I had never admitted it to myself, always pushing the though back. But I had loved Jon. Working together all those years, I had grown close to him. And now, he was gone. Veda tried to comfort me, but the sobs rocked my whole body. Finally, they slowed. I began to dry heave. And then, finally, I threw up.
That night, I welcomed darkness. After making sure the door was securely locked, we lied down on the floor to await morning. The darkness that engulfed me was an escape from the world that tormented me. My dreams were not scary or gruesome, as you would have expected. Instead, there came happy visions of me and Jon. Visions of the past. Us laughing and talking, dancing in the office, singing along to the little silver portable radio we kept in the lab.
All to soon the morning came. The computer’s voice announced that the power would be back on in 5 minutes. I sat up and stretched. Veda and Chris were huddled together in a corner, still fast asleep. I stood up and listened, checking the hallway to see if I saw any survivors, or killers. It looked clear. Then I surveyed the damage of the office. My office, which was a windowless room, used to be a very clean room. Now it was covered in blood stains and tears.
I walked across to survey a hole in my pale blue walls. If you looked close enough and cocked your head at just the right angle, it looked like a heart. Standing there, looking at it with my head bent to an angle to the right, I heard something stir behind me. My blood froze and I turned slowly around. It was only Veda, getting up. Chris was also sitting up. I greeted them and wished them a good morning. Chris let out a bittersweet laugh as Veda looked around with a lost look on her face.
Then the sound of quick foot steps came down the hall.
A jingle of the door handle.
A knock.