Status: Hiatus

The Angel's Tears


The grocery store was horrible. Especially in the afternoon.

It's loud, crowded, and full of people Layla didn't want to talk to. Quickly walking through the store, she got everything she needed for dinner that night. As she reached for some frozen dinners, something occurred to her. Everyone's staring, she thought to herself.

She swiftly pulled her grocery cart to the side of the aisle and looked at her reflection in the adjacent freezer. Eyes widening, she gently touched the dark blue bruise forming on her left cheekbone.

Shit! She'd completely forgot to check that morning for any collateral damage from last night. Her father had been drinking of course and had thrown a complete fit over there being "No food in the God damned house!" Which of course was why she was here now.

She cursed again under her breath and pulled her hood tightly over her face. She grimly brought the food in her cart up to the check-out counter and hurried out of the store.


Sent: Mon 9/14/09 5:57 PM
Subject: RE: RE: hi?

Dear Jonah,

Well see? You've already told me a few "secrets". I mean, you told me you play sports, have a little brother, and your GPA. You might not count those as secrets but it's a start right?

I guess this means I should tell you a bit about myself...hmm....well to start i live with my dad. He's an okay guy, but he tends to drink a bit and can get a little unpleasant. I don't play any sports but I have a 3.9 GPA and I like to write poems. They're a way for me to express how I feel in any way I want and I really like that. Also, I have a lot of downtime during my day, so I like to write then too.

I don't go out that much but I do have friends...well....they're kind of friends. Or acquaintances. We talk and all but we don't really, you know, talk. It's usually just pointless chatter and small talk. No heart to hearts or really deep conversations. Just talk. Wow, umm, that might have been TMI or whatever but I guess you might find it interesting right? and I'm still typing...why am i still talking? okay I'm going to stop now....umm...bye.

♠ ♠ ♠
I know the chapter is short but it's all I had time to do. =/ *sigh* Oh well...