Status: Hiatus

The Angel's Tears


Sweating profusely, Jonah prepared himself for the final play. They only had fifteen seconds left and they were a mere five yards from the winning touchdown. His team set themselves up and he braced himself for what was coming. "Blue 23! Blue 23!" he shouted over the roar of the crowd.

He felt the rough, leather ball enter his grip and nimbly jumped back, looking for his player. He saw number fifty-two, his friend Jake, wide open and unblocked in the end zone. He brought his arm back, ready to throw the easy pass when suddenly he felt himself get pummeled to the ground.

He looked up dazed and glimpsed the smug face of the defensive linebacker from the other team getting up off the ground. He pulled himself up just as he heard the final buzzer ring, signaling the end of the game and the beginning of a horrible night.


"You suck, Wheeler."

As Jonah was heading home, there were loud groans of disappointment. He pushed through the disgruntled crowd, trying to hide his face. But like all things that you try to hide from, they found him.

"I thought you could do it, Wheeler! You're such a pansy!"

Jonah cringed and made his way towards the parking lot. He broke into a sprint for his car, a white PT cruiser. He emptied his mind and attempted to relax, with no success.

All he wanted was to get home and go to bed, but of course, he had to be stuck behind someone whose average speed was 5 mph.

"Speed up a bit, grandma!" he said, frustrated.

Finally making it home, he stepped out of his car and slammed the door. He unlocked the front door and forcefully pushed it open.

"How was the game, Jonah?" asked his mother.

Not responding, he quickly walked up the stairs and into his room. He was desperate to escape into sleep's welcoming arms.

Jonah flopped onto his bed and thought, what did I do wrong?


Jonah woke up abruptly to his mother shrieking at him.


He groaned and pulled the soft blankets over his head, hoping to drown out his mother's angry words.

Unfortunately, this only caused her to scream even louder.


Jonah winced. Why did my idiot mother have to name me that? Glancing at the clock he trudged out to the kitchen wearily.

"Why are you waking me up at five AM?"

"Have you seen what has happened to our house?" she screamed.

"No mom, I just woke up. What happened?"

"Our house is covered in toilet paper! You better clean up this mess before you go to school!"

"Why do I have to do it now? It will take forever and it's not even my fault!"

"Well, you can clean up after school. It must have something to do with you, no one would do that to your brother at his age."

"Fine! But I'll have to get some help from my friends."

"That's fine, as long as it gets cleaned up."


Sent: Tue 9/15/09 5:14 AM
Subject: well this sucks

Dear Layla,

I just had the worst day ever. Yesterday, my team lost our football game and they're all blaming me. It kinda is my fault, but they're being sooo rude about it. They're calling me a pansy. It bothers me more than it should. And guess what else happened! My house got TPed and my mom thinks it's my fault. I think that's a load of bs. But I have to clean it all up now.

Your dad drinks? I do too, not much, just at parties. It's fun, but I've seen people go overboard and it's not pretty. Girls get taken advantage of and stuff like that. And you have a 3.9 GPA? That's impressive. I guess I could get better grades but I'm just kinda lazy.

I have friends too but we don't really talk much either. I guess we hang out and stuff but guys just don't do those type of convos. It's different from girls cause if guys have any embarrassing secrets or some crap like that, we would never hear the end of it. Girls tend to get more sympathy.

So um...I have a few questions for you. How old are you? Where do you live? General area I mean, 'cause I'm not a stalker. Anything ever happen to you like what happened to me? I got a couple more questions but I'm just too lazy to type them so I'll ask you later.

♠ ♠ ♠
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