‹ Prequel: You're My Heroin
Status: On Hiatus: Sorry :(

Broken Stars.

The New Year.

One year ago today was one of the lowest days of my life. I thought my relationship was falling apart, I thought I was going to result to having nothing again. But that wasn't it at all. That fight, and the crazy nights following it were just the start of everything that I have now. My favorite thing out of this all was how Trevor and Jaide came about. Really that was all I remember from that night.

I had my body all over the car, bouncing and stumbling from seat to seat -either trying to get closer to Austin or separating myself from him when he'd say something I didn't particularly like. Jaide and Trevor sat quietly off to the side, and I laughed at how they looked at each other so timidly. I had never seen Jaide scared, but I could see it in his eyes now. No matter how tainted my vision was, this image of him was forever burnt into my mind.

I tripped on one of my trips back to the rear end of the car and I felt a pair of hands on me in an attempt to help me up, but they were on top of each other. I looked up and saw both of the boys blushing furiously at the accidental and innocent touch they had just shared. I knew Jaide was some what of a player, he liked boys and he liked sex, but Trevor... Trevor was smart and I think Jaide could tell that Trevor would be a complete challenge and foreign area of emotions. It was the second most beautiful thing I had ever seen. After that night it took them a while to really connect in a relationship field, with that said, they were indeed inseparable, but both extremely nervous. They didn't actually start dating until a week or two later. Trevor still lived with Catie, though the option of him living with us was brought about, he turned it down every time.

Catie and I saw a lot more of each other too, which was amazing. And I know, I was still pretending to be Danny, but it was my senior year. Austin and I had every class together again except for our electives. He was in artsy classes like Photography and art. I was in Wood-shop with Catie and a few other friends.

Right now I was sitting on Austins lap in English, we had a sub, a young sub. She was probably in her mid twenties and she was typing away on her cell phone to her sweetheart in Iraq. It was cute and with the obvious free time we all chatted freely amongst ourselves.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Austin laughed while drawing continuous circles against my back.

"Ehh mate, I don't know." I shrugged as watched Catie get up from her seat, she had an enormous smile plastered on her face. Of course I was curious, nothing put that type of smile on her face expect big things.

"Danny...Danny Danny Danny! You won't believe what Trevor... Oh God! This-"

"God damn sheila, spit it out all ready!" I interrupted, she took a deep breath and sighed.

"Stevens coming back for a visit!" She whispered...Well it was one of those more loud toned whispers, but whatever.

"What do you mean... For a visit? He said-"

"I know what he said Danny." we kept our voices low. Steven was probably the most well known kid here. He left around the same time Trevor did. The group fell apart over the years, of course they kept in touch, but we weren't the same with the distance... But now after all that, we'd all be together again!

"Well...I'm completely lost again." Austin laughed. "Is he another long lost friend of your guys'?"

"Yeah actually! He's... Well I don't know how to explain the group. He was the cool one, Catie was the outgoing one, I was the humble yet crazy one, and Trevor was the shy smart one." Austin nodded in agreement...Or rather understanding.

"He's coming back in a week or so... Maybe sooner, no later." She flipped through the text messages on her phone, showing me a few. Of course, she told him I was gay and stuff like that. He was just excited about seeing us, as we were about seeing him. Life was seriously starting to fall into place!

The day dragged on and I couldn't believe how excited I was. I really didn't think Steven would come back after being away for so long. He promised that he would, and that he'd be back for good. But Steven was some what flaky. If he didn't stayed entertained he'd either do something destructive, or leave. That's what happened last time, he left. He was young and he ran away. He ran away so many times before, but never that far away. We had to keep quiet about him. His parents were okay people, but they belittled Steven. He just had more balls then the rest of us. His actions definitely spoke louder then his words I guess.

He was about to rock a lot of worlds by coming back.
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Haha sequel!

Check out my new story "Every thing's Perfect."