‹ Prequel: You're My Heroin
Status: On Hiatus: Sorry :(

Broken Stars.

Eye Level.

I waited and waited as time passed by. I'm back in this same damn hospital again, with the same doctors, and same nurses staff. Everything about this place pissed me off, because every time I came here, Shawn was hurt.

"Michaels? Austin Michaels?" I heard my name being called from the front desk, so I got up, pushing past everyone who stood in my way.

"That's me." I said eagerly, the woman behind the desk couldn't have been much over twenty but she still had the calm loving smile of a mother.

"Doctor Wes is waiting for you right down the hall." I nodded when I heard the familiar name. Of course he'd be the one to jump right on Shawn's case, he's a good man, and I can't say that I'm not happy Shawn's in his care.

I followed where the front desk lady pointed and followed the signs until I saw Doctor Wes standing in the hallway. His facial expressions were mute; telling me nothing about the severity of the condition my boyfriend was in.

"So how is he? Why won't he respond to anything?"

He looked like he had to swallow a huge lump in his chest before even attempting to speak. "Well, it's not good...At all, but it's not untreatable. There is a chance he can make it through this, but we just don't know how long it will take."

"What do you mean by this?"

"Shawn; over the years, has suffered a lot. The death of his parents, his uncles beatings, and the one thing that causes this is built up emotions."

"What do you mean by this?" I reiterated, becoming slightly annoyed.

"Well... What we call it here is being 'catatonic'. What he seems to have is 'catatonia-like deterioration'." he paused as I inhaled deeply, already knowing the joist of what's going on. "This isn't a for sure diagnosis, but it's the best thing we can go off of right now. Seeing as every sign points to it."

"And there's no way of telling when he'll come back from it?" Now I had the rock in my throat that refused to let me swallow it.

"None once so ever. But, there is a treatment, he'll be taking Benzodiazepines along with other medications. What can also help is seeing and talking to people. Familiar sounds, faces, and smells have also been recorded to help." he allowed me to milk over the new news he just thrown at me for a minute before allowing me to go in and see Shawn.

He sat there, his blank expression and his barely open eyes made it clear to me that this was not a dream; though with every fiber of my being I wish it were.

I held his hands and prayed that he'd clutch mine, but those hopes were slowly shattered. His eyes did wander over my way, but apparently that's normal because he's still coherent, just in a vegetable like state.

"Hey baby..." I whispered, again praying that he'd reply. "I'm going to stay with you for as long as I can -everyday- until you get better okay? You just have to try to be strong for me, and get through that fog you're going through right now, alright baby?" Even though he was the one who was physically incapable of doing anything; I can't say there has been another time in my life where I've felt more helpless then now.

I ran my hand up the length of his arm and watched him, tears poured down my eyes for what seemed like hours, but in real life, it was just a few minutes. Each minute was hell though, each hour... I can't even explain how much worse then hell it was. He just laid there with his eyes open, staring at whatever they fixated themselves on.

When it was time to leave, I put up a fight. I put up a hell of a fight, but they eventually won by telling me that if I didn't go now, I wouldn't be able to come back later.

I had to call someone to come pick me up, so of course my first choice was Jaide. He said he'd be over as soon as possible, but I spared him the details. I wasn't particularly ready to vocally accept what was going on with anyone else.

He came with Trevor and Steven; Steven being the one who drove them there. They were all curious as to what was going on, but I couldn't manage to speak the words. If any where to come out, it would be hate filled and spiteful words towards Steven. Telling him how much of this was his fault, how he just being himself ruined my last few weeks with Shawn. But I knew Shawn wouldn't like it if I did that. So I kept quiet and I kept my sobs to myself, trying to hide my tears behind my hair and mask my sniffles with subtle coughs. I knew they were all looking at me, and I know they saw right through my facade, but I had to try.

No one spoke a word on the way home, once we arrived I hopped out and ran straight to my room.

I couldn't go to school for the next few days because I spent the majority of my time with Shawn. My heart ripped in two when I saw they had to feed him by using a tube. He was barely human anymore. Degraded to the lowest extent of the word. I still couldn't tell anyone what happened; no one besides me needed to know. Catie pushed and pushed, and begged for answers. I honestly didn't have the heart to tell her though. So I shook my head, dismissing the conversation.

This wasn't all Stevens fault, no. I can't put all the blame on him. Of course I had a few personal choices strewn in here and there, but if he never came back, Shawn and I would be doing perfectly. Like we were before he came back.

The days passed on, twelve to be exact. Almost two weeks, of no recovery but steady progress. He no longer had to have his eyes opened and shut for him just in case. He blinked on his own now, and could sit up on his own as well. Doctor Wes said that was a fantastic result to the treatment he's been given in such a short time. Short being the operative word. I knew in retrospect it hasn't been that long, but it felt like forever.

Everyone was getting annoyed about not knowing where Shawn was. My heart told me to tell them what had happened, but that made it sound like there was no hope. When they asked why I was at the hospital; I lied. I lied and said that I had an infected cut on my leg and I needed it checked out. Of course they where all infuriated with me, but I didn't care. I couldn't voice where he was, but they knew I knew, which made it all the worse.
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Okay so I don't love this chapter, it makes me sad.
But I definitely think you should comment/subscribe.