‹ Prequel: You're My Heroin
Status: On Hiatus: Sorry :(

Broken Stars.

Baby I love your smile.

I reached over and clutched onto Austin arm to make sure he was real. When he began to stir, I let out a sigh of relief. I'm still here. Sleeping was tough, but Austin did wake me up every hour on the hour. I dreamed of nothing, or at least nothing I could remember, which is the greatest gift I've received in a long time.

"Hey Shawn, you okay?" I felt Austin yawn into my shoulder.

"Yeah baby, I'm great."

I pushed his hair out of his face; God that boy was gorgeous. Everything about him seemed so new. The last year went by so fast that it was like I never truly got a good look at him. His dark brown hair, his sparkling green eyes, his cute lip rings, and his absolutely perfect nose. If I didn't read the bible, and knew what angels actually look like, I'd say he was one. I guess you could call him a stereotypical angel.

His porcelain face was graced itself with a small smile as I ran my thumb across his cheek. I don't know how long we laid there; just staring at him. But it most definitely wasn't long enough.

"Mr.Matthews?" Came an unfamiliar voice.

"Yes?" I turned towards it, and it was some nurse.

"The doctor will be in soon to run some tests... He wanted me to ask if you'd be okay alone during some of these... You know, without your significant other?"

"I won't be. But I'll try."

"If it gets to be to much, just tell them to stop. I'll be waiting outside each room for you okay? I'm sure Wes won't mind it." Austin cooed in my ear.

I nodded in response, still not to sure about my abilities to actually do this, but the worst it could do is kill me right?

The tests dragged on and on. Monitor after monitor. I was starting to feel myself going crazy. Austin came in each time the test were over. He kissed me and repeated how many more I'd have to go through before the doctors would leave me alone.

Four more, three more, two more, one more, no more. Finally. We wouldn't know the results for a few more days, and they insisted that I stayed here.

"If I'm staying, he has to be allowed to stay here as well..." I demanded. Not fully sure of whether or not Austin actually wanted to lay around with me in a dreary hospital room all day.

"Oh of course. I wouldn't have it any other way." The doctor man laughed as he left the room.

"You can go home if you want too baby... I just wanted to make sure the option of you staying was on the table."

Austin laughed light heartedly at that. "No way am I leaving your side baby. Jaide, Catie, Maren, and Trevor are all coming by later though. You up for that?" Of course he left out Steven, I'm actually curious as to where he is, but I won't say anything.

"Okay good." I curled into his side and rested my head against his chest. "So how much did I miss?"

"Not much honestly. You're still able to graduate, you missed mine and Jaides birthdays though, but we never really celebrate those. Everything else I missed too."

"Happy late birthday baby." I sighed. I can't believe I missed that. I'll make it up to him though.

"Thanks." He smiled and kissed my temple.

"So whats the date?"

"September thirtieth." I nodded, having not much else to say.

The rest of the day that we had alone, we shared the same smile. Completely content with the meaningless conversation that was going on, and absolutely in love with the thought of the other person.

When the group came by, I was actually surprised to see Steven wasn't there. Austin and Jaide went out to get food, and I was left with the two overly zealous girls.

"Wheres Steven?" I asked, honestly I was almost worried.

"Some riot thing again. He felt bad that he couldn't be here, and Austin chewed him out for it too. But he promised he'd be back as soon as possible." At least I know he's somewhat safe.

We all ate and messed around for the rest of the evening. Not even bothering to check to see what time it is. Eventually they all left though, they didn't have permission like Austin had to stay. Though I'd love it if they did.

"Today was fairly decent if I do say so myself." Austin laughed.

"I agree, but I would really love to break free of this place."

"Just a week baby, once they're sure you're okay, we'll leave."

I sighed, but kept that same smile we shared plastered on my face. I couldn't help but be happy with him. Everything seemed so new, and everything I once had that I took for granted would be everything I cherished from here on out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so if you don't read "Every things Perfect" I'll explain again my reason for my absence!
I crushed my middle finger, so it's all nasty and cut up now, and I broke my previous computer!
I toughed through the pain to write you all this short filling chapter! I'm sorry if it's shit! I promise I'll make it all up to you though!
Leave me some love?