‹ Prequel: You're My Heroin
Status: On Hiatus: Sorry :(

Broken Stars.

Small walks and meaningless talk.

Shawn counted down everyday. He almost had the hours down to a tee, but I made him stop. He was so consumed with getting out, that he was forgetting that he needed to get better.

He wasn't in bad shape by any means. He was still somewhat afraid to go to sleep, but the Doctors insured us that if he stayed on his medicine, he'd be fine.

The boy ran around the hospital like he owned the place; keeping the staff on their toes at all time. Just like he did last time we were here. He made friends with just about anyone and everyone. I can't tell you how many lives he brightened just by smiling someones way. Shawn has some of the most amazing qualities anybody could ever dream of having; the beautiful part though, is that he doesn't even know that what he's doing is out of the ordinary. It's just how he is.

Today he gets out though, and he's beyond excited.

"Austin! When we get home, can I pick out my own clothes? I'm tired of living out of a bag. Then can we lay in our big comfy bed? I'm tired of having to lay in such a small cramped one. Then... Well I don't know what else... But I'll think of something!" He cheered as he ran around grabbing all of our stuff.

Doctor Wes and I already signed the release forms, and Shawn was completely cleared to go. Of course he'd have to come back for check ups every now and then, but other then that he's fine.

Shawn's not to fond of having to take anti-depressants and anxiety medication. He'd rather work through all that on his own, but that's the only way he can be almost one hindered percent positive that he wont have another relapse.

"Yeah baby of course we can. We can do what ever you want to do. We've got here on out together." I laughed as I motioned my hands around in odd ways.

Hospital policies state that patients must leave in a wheel chair of course, so Shawn was even more excited now.

We got home and he did in fact change. Not necessarily the outfit I would have chosen -Baller shorts and a wife beater isn't my cup of tea- but he was content in it.

"Austin, I love this house." He sighed once he snuggled up next to me under the covers. "I can't get over how much I've missed out on."

"Honestly baby, it's not much. I guess you could say you just over slept a little bit." He nodded and cuddled his way into my arms. The warmth of his body against mine actually sent shivers up and down my sides.

"So basically, if I stay happy, I'll be fine right?" He asked with innocent hopeful eyes.

"That's what it sounds like... They just made it a bit more technical." he smiled again and sighed a sigh of relief.

"Well as long as we can do stuff like this; I'll be happy forever. Just the thought of that makes me smile!" His thin arms clung around my waist as he relaxed into my side.

Nothing could replace this moment. We laid there for two or three hours before our joints couldn't take it anymore.

"What do you want to do now Shawn?" I asked with a yawn.

"Can we go on a walk...I'll go put on warmer clothes."

"Sure baby!" I watched him run up the stairs and come back down seconds later.

"Is it normal for me to be this excited about walking around?"

"Even if it's not, it's really cute." His new attitude amazes me. He's always been a happy kid, but now he had an extra spring in his step. No dark cloud loomed over him anymore.

Our walk was extra long seeing as every step we took, Shawn wanted another picture. Each one looked worse then the one before, but he loved them. He wouldn't let me delete a single one.

We walked through the park, and by the river. Across the bridge, and right back home. By the time we got back, it was dark and there was a car parked outside. By the look of it, it was Jaides.

"Hmm... I wonder what they're doing here." Shawn questioned.

"Me... Me too..." The front door was wide open and we both peeked in cautiously; both sort of afraid of what we might find. All we saw though were a group of friends rolling around and beating the shit out of each other. Normal stuff. "Guys... Guys! Cut it out, you're going to break something."

Everyone jerked away from what they were doing and looked at us. Then they all broke out into simultaneous laughter followed by a jumbled mess of explanations that quite frankly I didn't care to hear about. Shawn on the other hand was quite interested. Not exactly with the stories, but with our friends in general. He plopped himself down right in front of them and listened to each one explain what had happened.

Time wore on and one by one everybody started to pass out on the floor -including Shawn-. I dug through the mess of bodies and pulled him out gently, trying my very hardest not to wake him. He stirred a little, but relaxed when he figured out it was me carrying him. Once I got him into bed, I ran back downstairs and threw a blanket on everyone.

Shawn was still coiled under the covers when I got back, so I stripped myself down to only boxers and crawled in next to him.

"Night Shawn, I love you." I yawned quietly.

"M'night, I love...I love you too." My heart smiled when he yawned out those few almost inaudible words.

Today could not have been any better, the glimmer in Shawn's eyes, the excitement he filled each and every thing we did, and the amount of love he through my way, made everything perfect.

Now only if I can keep things like this, I'll be the happiest guy alive.
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I hate them, but stories need them!!!
Check out my new story "Don't Leave My Side"!! I would appreciated it greatly!