‹ Prequel: You're My Heroin
Status: On Hiatus: Sorry :(

Broken Stars.

The Empty Jar

I ran my fingers across Austins chest and took in the moment of complete serenity. A sleepy smile crept across his lips as he shifted. I absolutely loved this boy. I really can't believe how far I've come in a year. Last year I would have called you completely insane if you told me I was going to be this happy. I would have never believed you. But look at me! I have everything! An amazing home, all my friends, and a perfect boyfriend! I seriously can't explain how ecstatic I am!

Austin slept soundly all night, he must of been having a decent dream since he barely moved. Usually when he's completely still he's happy. If he's moving around, he's well...Not.


"Hey baby." Austin yawned, I seriously didn't even realize he had woken up.

"Hey! Do we have to go to school today?" I whined, I really just want to swing over to Caties place and attack everyone.

"Yeah honey, we do. We don't need to miss anything unless necessary this year okay?"

"Fine..." I sighed and got up. "But later today can we-"

"Yeah, we can go over to Caties." He didn't seem to thrilled, in fact... He hasn't been really Austiny lately.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just tired." He's never 'just tired'. He slept regularly every night, he hasn't been doing anything out of the ordinary... But I'm not going to push it any further. If he wants me to know, he'll tell me.


"OH MY GOD! AUSTIN! Lets go!!!" I squealed as he started driving. He chuckled softly and pulled out of the school parking lot. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye, his face was focused with no smile. I love his smile...Maybe he's just having an off week.

"Hey... Do you want me to just drop you off?" Austin asked as pulled up into Caties drive way.

"No... I want you there... Why would you think that I didn't?"

"I just want to give you time with your friend babe. Don't think to much into it. I'll go if you want me too."

"Well of course I want you to go. They're your friends too you know." He nodded and faked a laugh. I wonder what's going on in his brain, his attitude towards this all is really off putting.

Catie greeted us at the door, she stayed home with Steven and Trevor today. Maren came to school, but I'm not sure exactly what Jaide did.

"So Catie-Bear. How was your day?" she shrugged at my answer and shoved brownies and ships in my mouth.

"It was full, and Steven smells, and Trevor is whiny without Jaide, and I'm tired, and all I want to do is go to sleep, but these gay wads wont let me. They always need something."

"What do you mean 'Steven smells?" Steven laughed as he walked up to us, snatching a brownie from the platter Catie was holding.

"You smell. Plain and simple, not in a physical way, but in a you're-not-the-same-fun-bad-Steve-I-once-knew smell." He frowned when Catie said this, I didn't see anything different about Steven. He was still technically doing destructive things. But more for a cause now.

"I'm still fun." He protested but she just shrugged it off. He looked at me with an appalled face. "I can be bad! I was just trying to better myself! You'll see!"

"Steven, don't listen to Catie. She's just tired of only being the one who lives a life of crime." Trevor called from the living room. I couldn't help but laugh, seriously Steven was her partner in crime, I was her best friend, and Trevor was her tech support.

"Steven, you're fine the way you are." Catie agreed with Trevor. "You're just soft and mushy, like old milk now." Hence the stink. I get it now. She... Made the weirdest metaphors.

Austins arms creeped around my waist as we watched them bicker back and fourth. It was hilarious! Catie ended it by saying Steven should take a shower or something. I don't remember though, Austins hands started roaming and his lips wandered around to mine. So I was a little bit distracted.

"Whoop whoop!" Austin pulled away and glared in the direction that the voice came from. Everyone covered their mouths and pointed at Steven. Austin sighed and left my side to go sit by Maren who was on the computer. I even shot a glare their way. Austin and I haven't done much in a while, and I know it's wrong to get all frisky at your friends house, but hell... I have needs.

The rest of the night we just all did whatever. Nothing special, nothing new. Trevor called in early since Jaide decided he wanted to stay home tonight. I wonder if something happened last night... Eh not my place to ask though. Maren was soon after Trevor though, she passed out at the computer chair by Austin, so he carried her over to the couch. Steven fell asleep on Caties lap so she bid us adieu seeing as she'd probably keel over soon anyways.


"So... Tomorrow I figure we should have just a Shawn and Austin day?" I really loved those days. Austin and Shawn, Shawn and Austin. Either way you say it, it just sounds perfect.

"What did you have in mind?"

"Uhm, nothing really. I just want to spend time with you is all. We can figure out the details when tomorrow arrives." I held his hand for the duration of the car ride home. We found Jaide asleep on the couch with a spoon in his mouth and an empty jar of Neutella in his hand. Bastard ate the rest.

"Shawn...Shawn, what are you doing with that... Oh never mind." Austin made his way upstairs while I wrote 'piggy' across Jaides face. I was planning on making a sandwich with that later. Now I have to go out and get more. Ugh. Jaide stirred somewhat as I wrote, smearing the ink from the sharpie all over the place. Making the whole ordeal even funnier.

Tonight was (without better choice of words) fantastic.
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Short, crappy, chapter! I'm sorry guys! I just had to whip this one out so Maren could start writing too. I did the last Austin chapter for her you see, so this was basically just a filler!