‹ Prequel: You're My Heroin
Status: On Hiatus: Sorry :(

Broken Stars.

The Start.

Good lord, I have one sexual moment and it's all that boy can talk about. It's been a week and all I hear is 'he used cuffs' and the random gasps from whom ever he was talking too. I figured I'd give him a day or so to brag... But a week? Now everyone and their grandmothers knew.

"So Shawn... Cuffs aye?" Steven laughed. I had to try my very hardest not to hit him, but that was like the third time he 'asked' me about those damn cuffs.

"Shut up."

"Oh come on, he's just excited. I mean... If you would have-"

"Steven, shut up." I didn't interrupt him this time. It was actually Jaide. He felt my pain... I guess. Or he was just trying to help me. Either way it was nice.

"You guys are no fun."

"Eh, you'll live." I laughed and hit him with a couch pillow. He made an awkward grunting noise but shook it off.

Today was just like any other Saturday. We all gathered at Catie's house and chatted. Austin and Maren were making goo-goo eyes at some heart throb on the computer, Catie and Trevor were doing something creative... or mean, and Jaide, Steven and I were stuck with each other. Jaide and Trevor where becoming more and more comfortable together, the relationship was still completely innocent, but less awkward. Steven was really the only person who set out to hang out with me now. It was like an everyday thing. Just like back in the day, our little tribe was stronger then ever now. Austin still seems some what annoyed by him, but honestly all he does whenever he's around is leave. He can't judge a kid if he doesn't at least try to give him a chance.


"Shawn, can we go home?" Austin and Jaide both whined. Steven and I were both in the middle of a Mario Kart race, and honestly nothing beats the classics.

"No, not yet."

"Come on... It's getting late baby." Austin whispered in my ear. I shrugged him away and kept playing. Ignoring his sexual attempts was getting easier as the days went on, and that seriously made my life easier.

"You guys go. I'll just stay here for the night. I wanna play."

"Sounds good to me... Trevor do you want to fill Shawn's place at the house tonight?" Jaide chimed. It wasn't like there was a specific limit as to how many people could stay at the house, Jaide just needed a coy way of inviting him.

"Uh... No, no ones 'taking Shawn's place.' Shawn... Just hurry up."

"Calm down Austin. Who says after this lap I'll be done? HAH! Turtle shell to the face Steven." Both Steven and Austin groaned simultaneously.

Three laps later Steven finally caved and gave up. Not once had he even had the slightest bit of hope of beating me.

"Okay, can we leave now!?" Austin whined. Jaide and Trevor were both sound asleep on the couch and Catie was tidying up around us. I'm pretty sure Maren was still on the computer.

"Why are you in such a rush?" I asked, his whining was getting annoying. "We came here to hang out, if you wanted to sleep you could have gone home."

"Shawn, I'm not going to just leave you here."

"Why not, I lived in this house before I even knew you, I don't see a problem."

"Of course you don't." He snapped. "You never really do Shawn."

I set down my controller and stared at Austin, he actually looked pissed. Catie and Steven both dismissed themselves both up stairs.

"What do you mean 'I never really do'?"

"Ugh, just forget about it Shawn. Can we just go home. I don't want to talk about this here." I figure if I insisted we talk about it here, it would just get ugly. There was no use in starting something in front of our friends when it was probably over something trivial.

The car ride home was tense; we left Jaide and Trevor back at Catie's to sleep. Austin didn't say a word to me other then 'do you have the keys?' It bothered me to no extent, but I wasn't aiming on pissing off Austin anymore until we were at home safely.

"Okay so what the hell was up with that?" I asked as I slammed the front door behind me.

"Nothing. I wanted to fucking go home and sleep Shawn."

"Don't start that up again." I sighed. "You know that's not what's wrong. If I were to offer up any type of sex right now, you'd perk right up."


I watched Austin head up stairs; huffing and puffing the entire way.

"Austin, hold on. What is wrong with you?"

"Just drop it Shawn. I'll get over it."

"I... I'm not gonna drop it."

"Please Shawn, I don't-"

"You said we'd talk about it when we got home." I interrupted.

"No I didn't, I said I didn't want to talk about it there. I don't want to talk about it here either. I just want to put it past us. I'm sorry for even bringing it up."

"So are we cool?"

"Yeah, we're fine." He pulled me in to our room and on to the bed. He didn't even bother with clothes. We just laid there quietly. Occasionally a few kisses passed between us, but eventually we both passed out without another word. I know it sounds selfish but I didn't want to start anything. Life is good now, and if something where truly bothering Austin... He'd tell me right?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, so I have an excuse for why I wasn't writing!
I was at MAREN'S house!! :D
Best friends reunited guys!
Well anyways, leave me some love! And and and if you have some ideas, hit me up :D