‹ Prequel: You're My Heroin
Status: On Hiatus: Sorry :(

Broken Stars.

The Closet.

Steven this Steven that! AGAIN! I thought we were done with the Steven crazy. His name irks me now. I seriously can't even brush my teeth anymore without a comment like 'ha ha you made a mess like Steven does.' If he were for example Jaide and that was his boyfriend, sure it'd get annoying, but it'd be cute. But he's not. He's MY boyfriend. Him comparing me to one of his bisexual, immature, hot friends; is not necessarily what I call a fun time. I only stopped arguing with him because I know how fragile Shawn is, and I know he's not doing it on purpose. He just really needs to understand that he's dating me and not Steven.

"No! Austin...Ow! Austin...AHK! Austin... stop!" Shawn groaned, he hated doing his make up, but that's what we did for Danny. Danny wore makeup. The thought of asking Shawn to look more like Danny crossed my mind a few times; you know to make him feel like I like someone else more then him. Flipping roles if you will. But really... That would be just plain mean.

"Calm down, I'm almost done ya big baby." He huffed one last time before allowing me to fix his makeup the rest of the way. I love eyeliner, I love anything that can enhance. Shawn... Shawn was lazy. He'd much rather roll out of bed and have someone carry him everywhere in his 'pajamas' then do any of this.

"It's just going to come off later. I don't see why we-"

"We don't. It was your idea in the first place remember? It's what Danny does now." Shawn sighed in defeat and left the bathroom. Leaving me to get ready for the day. Of course after school we'd be going to Catie's house, to hang out with everyone. I'm not thrilled, but I won't be absent from Shawn's side today. Nope, I'll be right by him. I'm not going to be irritating, but since he brought up the fact that I just leave, I won't do it. I promise you though, if he asks me too, all hell will break loose.

After I was ready we left for school. I drove today, not really feeling like riding the bus. Shawn talked quietly and absent mindedly for the duration of the ride. The school day felt too short. I would have rather stayed there, but of course Shawn was excited so I tried my best to hurry. The longer I waited, the more his excitement would build up, and that means I'd have to spend an even larger amount of time being the third wheel with my own boyfriend.

"So what do you think we're gonna do today?" I asked, trying to make it known that I plan on being more involved with him tonight.

"Not sure. Probably same old stuff." I nodded and parked in Catie's drive way. You would think we'd get bored of just sitting around and talking, but we managed to keep it some what interesting.

The house reeked of vomit. So I looked around as I held onto Shawn; keeping him just a few paces behind me -last thing I need is for him to get sick.

"Hello?" I called, my voice echoing with each syllable.

"Hey Austin, we're up here. Sorry about the smell, we're airing out the house from well... Just come up here." Catie called back.

"I don't want Shawn to get sick!" Shawn groaned and squeezed my hand. I don't care how motherly I sounded. I don't want him getting sick.

"Don't worry, just alcohol poisoning." Shawn made his way past me and pulled me up the stairs with him. The acrid smell started to fade with each step, leaving me to wonder what they were doing with alcohol.

"So, what happened?" Shawn asked. We both were looking at the two half conscious boys on the floor.

"These two dumb fucks," Catie laughed, pointing to both Jaide and Steven. "decided it would be fun to see who could drink more of Catie's parent's liquor."

Jaide raised his hand wearily and chuckled softly. "I won."

"Aha! That's my brother!" I said in a quiet cheerful tone. "I'm... If I say I'm proud, does that make me bad? Either way I am though."

Shawn laughed and nudged Steven with his foot. "So what were you doing Trevor?"

"Watching them. I don't need my boyfriend and his friend to get any ideas about driving while in this state."

"Who's idea was it?"

"Mine" Steven rose his hand that time. Of course it would have been Stevens idea. Only dumb asses think of those. But Shawn laughed and nudged him with his foot.

"Good on ya' mate."

"Eh I do what I can."

"Who won?"

"I did." Jaide giggled. He was no longer on the floor, but in Trevor's arms... I can't help but say I'm a little jealous of them right now. I hate feeling this way, I hate feeling like I have to watch over Shawn, but... I'd hate losing him even more.

We went down stairs once both the boys were 'strong' enough to get down there without puking. All of us were cuddled up on the couch; Shawn between my legs, Trevor holing Jaide, and Catie, Maren and Steven all bundled up around each other. It was cute. Shawn and Steven of course were playing some game I wasn't the least bit interested in but by the looks of it, Shawn was winning.

I placed small innocent (by my standards) kisses against his neck. "Austin...Stop! You're ruining my focus." he smiled but groaned playfully; prolonging each ending vowel when he could. Of course I didn't stop, why should I. His neck was there, and he was in MY lap wasn't he?

Jaide giggled quietly in the corner as Trevor whispered hushed words into his ear. I really wanted to be cute with Shawn like that again, but ever since last year; something always seemed to get in the way.

The night drew on and I was finally tired of video games, as was Maren. So we all parted our separate ways throughout the house. I mean Steven was no longer intoxicated, or at least he seemed fine, so I didn't see the harm in leaving him and Shawn to play their game. I was just in the other room within ears reach.

"OH! Austin Austin! Come here!" Shawn called. It almost sounded urgent so I hurried. He had the biggest smile plastered on his pale sparkling face. It made my heart melt.

"What is it Lassie? Did Timmy fall into the well again?"

"Heh heh heh." He fake chuckled "Shut up. No that's not it, what... Ugh I for- no no wait I still know! Steven, my good pal right here, has just invited me on a week long journey to his old cabin. He said there was a rally coming up he wanted me to go to." My smiled immediately faded after he said invited.

"For what?"

"Uhm... I don't know, but see that doesn't matter! I just want to go rallying."

"It'll be fine Austin, I promise." Steven said throwing in his very unwelcome two sense.

"I don't think so Shawn, last thing you need is to be publicly broadcasted, or caught by cops, or just anything like that. Rallying is not a good idea."

"Oh come on Austin. I'm sure my family has long forgotten about me. Trust me, Steven will keep me safe!" His eyes were pleading but I couldn't let him win this. A week alone with Steven. Not going to happen.

"You could go too if you wanted too."

"Thanks but no thanks. I'm not going to rally and get myself in trouble over some stupid cause. Neither are you Shawn. Seriously, don't be stupid." Shawn's face contorted from his usual happy carefree smile, to one of shock.

"You're not my Mom Austin." He said standing up. "I think I can make my own decisions."

"It's going to be fun Austin. Trust me you won't get in trouble. Just loosen up like Shawn."

"Hah yeah the last time Shawn loosened up, he almost ended our relationship. I'm sorry if I don't want to go down that road again." I immediately bit my tongue after I said that, knowing I had made a really really big mistake.

"Oh I almost ruined our relationship? What you did was ten times worse then what I did." he barked. "I came to realize after I drank that saving my ass after all those years would have been okay, you would have gotten over one little kiss. But no, I would have rather of had my uncle find me then loose an ungrateful pathetic drug addict like you at the time." I didn't say anything at first, I felt my face shatter from the blows he gave me, and then my heart break into a million pieces as his true thoughts poured out. "Oh... Austin... I-"

I couldn't stand there anymore, all eyes were on us and no one knew what to do. So I started walking out of the house. "No, fuck you Shawn. Fuck you."

"Austin come back." I slammed the door and rushed to my car. As soon as I revved the engine Shawn came running out the door. I never thought I'd be the one trying to escape him, and I know I brought up the past... His words practically killed me though.

Before I could even try to stop them, my eyes were drowning themselves in tears; making driving that much harder. My house was empty, which is what I needed right now. Each door I walked through I slammed behind me, first the front door, then my door, then my closet door, and then the room in my closets door. I barricaded myself in the closet. I didn't want anyone coming in, and I was definitely not coming out for a while.
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Alright guys, so I need your opinion, I want to post pictures of the characters, but I want to know if you guys want 'em or if you'd just rather think of what they look like yourselves!

Comment/subscribe please!