It All Started When I Snuck Into the School...


So, I won't lie, I don't like this... at all. Part of me wants to kick, scream, cause a riot but I know I'm too fucked up to stand anymore beatings from vampires. I look at the two that are cleaning me up, they're snickering to themselves. Stupid bastards.

"What's so funny, huh?" I snap at that two of them. They both give me a nasty, mocking glare before continuing on with their work wrapping my ribs. I silently curse the fact that all I have is a sheet to cover the essentials right now.

"Alright, sit up, human," one of them says, flicking a hand in my direction. I don't feel like it. And I let them know too, but not moving an inch.

"Get... your... lazy... ass... up. Right now!" The other hisses at me. I look blankly at him.

"I'm... not... a... fucking... idiot. Please speak normally." I break it down slowly for him just in case he didn't catch on.

Suddenly, I feel his sharp claws lodge deep within my ankle. I bite my lower lip not to scream and instead use my foot to kick him in the jaw. Not that he even felt it, in fact, I'm sure I'll have a fresh bruise there tomorrow.

"Silly, bitch," he snickers. "Now get up! And don't make me tell you again.

I warily do as I'm told, not all that thrilled about it. Just as I sit fully upright, a ice pack presses-no, slams- against my lip. I flinch in pain and catch it before it falls, holding it to my newly sore lip.

"There, that'll numb it for you," one vampire says dismissively. The two of them begin to clean up the mess of my blood and I sit there confused... not sure what to do now.

Someone knocks on the door. The vampires snap to immediate attention.

"Ooh visitors," I say into the ice pack delightedly, earning me a smack to the back of my head. Fucker.

One of the vampires opens the door and suddenly, I'm not so excited to see who it is.

Spencer, damn it. How the hell am I supposed to look the guy I just made out with in the eye?

"Get out," Spencer mumbles to the two vampires and they're out the door before he can even finish speaking. Spencer then turns to me, both hands clasped behind his back. He doesn't seem the least bit nervous about being alone with me. Not that he should, he's a damn vampire for crying out loud! What am I but an insignificant ant that he can just step on?

"So, uh... nice weather we're having today, huh?" I say, trying to cut the tension. Spencer doesn't move, doesn't smile. He just stands there, staring at me.

I make a move to get up, but he puts out a warning hand. "Don't. Move." He tells me, still studying me.

"But, I'm naked," I whine. "At least let me have some clothes."

He shows me one of his hands and in it is a tattered corset top and shorts. "Catch them," he says simply. I can only stare at him stupidly, before he throws them a few feet away from me.

Without thinking, I make a move for them, jumping up from my seat and snagging them out of the air without the least bit protest from my ribs. Then I notice that the sheets have fallen off. I look at Spencer. He's watching me curiously, but hasn't noticed my lack of clothing.

Oh well. I hurriedly pull them on and proceed to stand awkwardly in front of Spencer.

He moves his other hand from behind his back. In it is a vile of some red liquid... and three knives.

"Um..." I look pointedly at the knives, not really giving a shit about whatever is in the vile.

Just then, Spencer chucks one of the knives at my head. I duck, dropping to the ground instantly.

"What the fu..." He throws another at me without a moment's hesitation, this time right at my chest. I dodge it again, slamming my side into the porcelain tub.

"Okay, you bastard..." The third one comes flying at me, but this time I expected it. I roll quickly out of the way and glare angrily at Spencer.

"Are you trying to kill me?" I screech at him, but he's hardly affected. He just steps toward me with the vile of red liquid in hand.

"Drink this," he commands me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Damn, guys... it's been.... MONTHS. And I'm so, so sorry that I pretty much just fell off the face of the earth for a while. Anyway, no excuses... I'm sorry. Hopefully, this won't happen again.
Anyway, I haven't written in, well months so I hope this chapter isn't completely sucky