Sequel: New Beginnings
Status: COMPLETE!!

Hollywood Sniper

Chapter 21

Chapter 21
its now December and Nick finally had the dates for his tour in January, he’d be starting in Dallas and ending in Berkley California on the very last day in January, then I get him all to myself. Today was the day that Nicks first single from his album Who I Am came out today and he is very excited but very nervous, also he has to perform at the Grammy Nominations Ceremony in LA; which I can’t go to.
“Brooke what if nobody likes it, and what if nobody comes to the shows then I don’t know what I will do.” Nick said pacing our room.
“Baby will you please come over here,” I said and he came over I started giving him a massage trying to calm him down, “Nicholas Jonas there are a million girl in America who want to be me right now, they love you and your brothers. Trust me every show will be sold out and everyone will love your songs because they are mellow and people can really connect to the lyrics; it also helps that you doing the concerts at small venues so all the little girls can be that much closer to you.” I said giving him a kiss on the neck.
“Brooke I don’t know what I would do without you, you always calm me down and I love that about you; I didn’t know you were this amazing at massages I would’ve been less stressed if you did this for me more often.” Nick said turning around and facing me.
“Nick I’m tired can we please go to bed, plus I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow and I don’t want to fall asleep in the middle of it.” I said scooting over to my side of the bed and getting under the covers.
I looked over and saw Nick stripping down to his boxers then getting into bed, “Brooke im not going to sleep without a goodnight kiss.” He said to me, he leaned over and kissed me, then leaned down and kissed my bulging belly, “I love you baby girl, I promise to be the best father ever.” He said then went to sleep, and so did I.
The next morning I woke up before Nick, so for about five minutes I watched him sleep in peace; he always looked so adorable when he slept because his hair was everywhere, and he always had the slightest bit of drool coming out of his mouth. “Nick I know I’m a horrible fiancée and everything but you have to get up and go to the doctors with me.” I whispered in his ear.
“Let me sleep, I want my sleep.” Nick said still keeping his eyes closed.
“Nicholas Jonas I don’t have time for this I already woke up late and we have to be at the doctors in like twenty minutes. Get your lazy ass out of bed and get dressed,” I yelled at him and he still didn’t budge so I decided to become evil for a moment and get him out of bed, “ouch Nick I think something is wrong, it hurts something is wrong with the baby.” I said holding my stomach and falling to the floor.
Nick jumped out of bed and ran over to my side, “Brooke what’s wrong where are the pains, go out to the car I’ll be there in five minutes.” Nick said really fast but I could still understand him. I walked down the stairs and to the car smiling like I just won a war. “Okay babe ill get to the doctors in no time, this baby will not have any harm done to her.” Nick said starting the car and speeding towards the doctor’s office.
I realized that Nick would start freaking out when we were inside the building so I decided to stop the act and get him to calm down, “Nick baby nothing’s wrong, I just did this so you could get out of bed and drive me to the appointment. Please don’t be mad, I just wanted to get here and go home and spend time with you.” I said putting on my best puppy dog face, but according to Nicks face he wasn’t buying it.
“Brooke I can’t believe you would do that, what do you think im going to do when something bad actually happens? I’m already freaking out about tonight and I don’t need my fiancée having pains in her stomach while she’s pregnant.” Nick said then stormed into the office.
I knew it was a horrible mistake but I knew that if Nick didn’t get his little ass out of bed we would’ve been late, and then he would’ve been in a pissy mood the rest of the day. The doctor called us into the exam room and noticed that Nick was upset and not talking I decided to tell her, “I told him I felt pain in my stomach so he would get out of bed and drive me here, he jumped out and sped all the way here.” I explained to the doctor.
“Well Brooke that wasn’t very nice because he won’t know next time if you’re lying or just joking around, but it was a very good way to get him out of bed. Now lets see how baby Jonas is doing on this day, maybe that will cheer Nick up.” She said and I saw Nick pop his head up and look at the monitor. “Well there are her fingers and toes, and right now she is growing some hair.” she said pointing to everything, I couldn’t believe our baby girl has fingers and toes and hair I find that so cool.
“Thanks Dr. Graham, do we just go up front and schedule the next appointment?” I asked.
“Yes but let me print you a picture and then you can go,” she left the room and then came back a few minutes later with a picture of our little baby girl, “have a great month.” Dr. Graham said to us.
Me and Nick walked out to his car and we drove back to the house in silence, we walked inside and Nick went upstairs to the room and slammed the door. “Brooke how was the appointment, what has Nick so upset he’s never like this after an appointment?” Denise asked me.
“The baby is fine, she has fingers and toes and hair I have a picture with me. Nicks pissed at me because I lied about being in pain this morning, but he wouldn’t wake up so I had to go to extreme measures.” I said sitting down at the kitchen table across from Denise.
“Well it was a good excuse for him to get up, but he shouldn’t be made at you. I’m guessing he’s just freaking out about tonight; sweetheart you haven’t eaten anything all day, I’ll make you something while you go take and make up with Nicholas.” Denise said going towards the fridge.
I made my journey upstairs, and I was tired because I had a few extra pounds on my body; I finally reached our door and opened it slightly, “Nick can I apologize for my actions this morning?” I said in a sweet tone, he just nodded his head. “I’m really sorry for what I did this morning, I just couldn’t get you up and I really needed to get to this appointment. I’m really sorry and I don’t want you to be mad at me because I don’t like when you’re not talking to me.” I said putting on my puppy face.
“Brooke this baby means everything to me, I flipped out because I thought that our life was going too perfect that something was going to come and ruin our relationship. I’m also really stressed about tonight because you’re not going to be there and cheer on from the sidelines with my brothers; and I accept your apology, but don’t ever scare me like that again.” Nick said hugging me and kissing the side of my head.
“Okay so I’m hungry and I’m going to see what your mother made me, I really hope it’s a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with pickles and honey inside. God that sounds so amazing right now, my mouth is seriously watering from just thinking about it.” I said walking down the stairs with Nick trailing from behind.
“That might make your mouth water but its making my mouth fill with vomit just thinking about it, I’ll meet you downstairs.” Nick said running back upstairs and into the bathroom.
I was so right with my sandwich, Denise knows what I like and I love her even more because it’s the perfect sandwich anyone could’ve eaten. I saw Nick walk into the kitchen and look at me with disgust, “was it your perfect sandwich babe?’ Nick asked sitting next to me.
“The most amazing sandwich ever, and it hit the spot but I’m still hungry and I would love some-“I said but Nick put his finger over my mouth.
“You want cookie dough ice cream with whip cream and cherries?” Nick asked, I nodded my head yes and watched him put my sundae together. “This is probably the only normal thing you’ve craved this entire pregnancy, and the only one I can stand to watch you eat.” Nick said just staring at me eating my yummy food.