Sequel: New Beginnings
Status: COMPLETE!!

Hollywood Sniper

Chapter 23

Chapter 23
Nicks interview went amazing the next morning, he told Ryan about the plane catching on fire and I was grateful he didn’t mention me trying to kill myself by burning myself. The boys filmed their song for the Christmas Day Parade in Disney World, I don’t know why it was early but I guess they just had to do it like that for some strange reason. Nick and I spent most of our time just lounging around the house in Dallas because this is where we would be celebrating our Christmas holiday.
“Brooke, I know it’s a little soon for this but we need to come up with baby names for our daughter.” Nick said holding my hand while I was focusing on the TV.
“Okay I haven’t really thought of any but I guess we can give it a shot,” I turned the TV off and faced Nick, “what names have you thought of?” I asked him.
“Well since it’s a girl we just need baby names, how about Allison?” Nick asked getting excited.
“That’s a pretty name I just want something that different, you know, like nobody else has that name, how about Destiny?” I asked getting all excited over this name.
“Brooke do you realize that was my ex girlfriends biological name, not to be rude but I don’t want my baby named after an ex. How about Fate or Faith I was thinking because fate brought us together or Faith because it’s a pretty name.” Nick said, I’ve never seen him get excited over picking a name.
“How about the name Ann Marie, it’s pretty and sophisticated. I’ve always wanted to name my daughter that, ever since I was a little girl.” I said and it was true, I always loved that name and I really don’t know why.
“Maybe, but that sounds like a first name and a middle name just thrown together and it just sounds weird to me. I got the perfect name, its unique, sophisticated, and I don’t have any ex’s that have this name; Annabelle?” Nick said getting all excited; literally he was jumping up and down on the couch.
“Annabelle Jonas, that’s sounds beautiful and its classy ad unique. I love it, we now have our little Annabelle.” I said getting even more excited than before.
Nick leaned across the couch and gave me a kiss, “okay break up the love fest, did you guys figure out a name yet because I have a great one.” Joe said coming into the living room and sitting next to me.
“Joe we aren’t naming our daughter Josephine, I don’t care how pretty the name is we aren’t naming her that. We already have a name, Annabelle Marie Jonas.” I said towards Joe.
“Omg that is so beautiful, girl you have great taste in names.” Joe said with a very feminine voice, and it was so accurate it made me want to question him.
“Wow Joe that was smooth moves right there.” Nick said.
“Well I think I left purse out in the car, so I’m going outside to get it.” I said to the brothers. I walked outside and when I started towards the door a million flashes went off in my pace, yep the paparazzi had found me. “Can you please move?” I asked nicely hoping they would move from blocking the front door.
“Brooke how are you and the baby, do you know the sex yet, how does it feel to be known as the girl who took a Jonas Brothers virginity?” some photographers started screaming out questions.
“I’m not answering now please move out of my way, or ill use force.” I said in a threatening tone.
“Brooke is it true that you use to be a stripper, and this kid isn’t even Nicks at all?” another photographer asked.
I was shocked that a rumor like that was going around, “hell no, I know for a fact that this baby is Nicks and I was never a stripper. How the hell did that rumor start?” I asked getting pissed off at these questions.
“Brooke are you really seventeen or are you just saying that so you don’t go to jail for sleeping with a minor, if you aren’t and the police find out do you think you can get out of jail because of it?” another nosy photographer asked.
“CAN YOU PLEASE MOVE OUT MY GOD DAMN WAY!” I screamed the photographers, before they could say anything they all crowded around me and starting pushing me onto the ground smashing the baby. “NICHOLAS!” I screamed out because I felt a pain in my stomach, that shouldn’t be there.
I was lying on the ground clutching my stomach when I heard Nick and Joe running outside and shooing the paparazzi, Nick came over to me and brought me to his car while Joe drove us to the hospital. “Brooke stay with me, don’t close your eyes please just stay awake.” Nick kept saying over and over again, I tried so hard to keep my eyes open but nothing was working so I eventually fell into sleep.
I opened my eyes and saw the entire Jonas family plus my doctor standing in my room, “thank God Brooke, you had us worried sick about you. Are you okay, do you need anything?” Nick said jumbling his words together.
“I need water please.” I said in a raspy voice, I figured it was because I haven’t talked for a few hours. I took a drink and turned to the nurse who was working on me, “excuse me how long have I been out for?” I asked curious.
“Miss. Gates you’ve been in a coma for 2 weeks, you will be getting out in time for Christmas next work. You should be out within the next two days, I’ll go get the doctor.” The nurse said before walking out of the room.
“Brooke at least you’ll be out for Kevin and Danielle’s wedding, it’s this Saturday.” Nick said holding my hand and sitting at the bottom of the bed, not taking his eyes off of me.
I felt a pain in my stomach and it made me think of my daughter, “how is Annabelle, is she healthy, hurt, any problems? I hope nothing is wrong because I will kick serious paparazzi ass if something happened to her.” I said holding my stomach which was still big so that must’ve been a good sign.
“Annabelle is fine sweetheart, she was thrown around a little bit when you fell to the ground, but she’s still as healthy as her last checkup. Annabelle is such a beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl; I can’t wait for her to come into this world.’ Denise said rubbing my stomach. I finally learned that I didn’t mind when people I knew rubbed my stomach but when other people did all hell broke loose.
The doctor came in looking very medical like, which made me breathe a sigh of relief, “well its nice to finally meet you Miss. Gates, I’m Dr. Michaels and you look like you’re as healthy as ever even though you just woke up from a coma. It’s strange but you’re a really tough girl, I’m sure you’re wondering about your daughter she’s was moved around a lot during the fall and she didn’t like it and that was the pain you were feeling. We are going to double check your charts and then if you’re good you can go home and live a happy life, and hopefully won’t be seeing you here for 3 months.” Dr Michaels said before leaving my room and chatting with a nurse.
“So I get to go home yay! What did I miss when I was asleep?’ I asked curious as to why Kevin and Danielle were getting married so soon.
“Well Brooke, Danielle and I are getting married because we just can’t wait any longer, plus we don’t want the paparazzi to find out about it. Nick has probably slept only about three days out of the entire time you were asleep, which is why he doesn’t look like he normally does. Joe and Frankie stayed at home most of the time because the parents didn’t want Frankie to see his favorite person in a hospital bed. That’s about everything you missed.” Kevin said in a calm voice.
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update 4/5! more than normal so i would appreciate a comment or 3