Sequel: New Beginnings
Status: COMPLETE!!

Hollywood Sniper

Chapter 24

Chapter 24
Today was finally the day Danielle would officially become a Jonas, we were sitting in her dressing room getting our hair done, “Brooke I’m so nervous, what if Kevin hates me and then leaves me at the altar. He doesn’t want to marry me I know he doesn’t, Kevin doesn’t love me anymore.” Danielle kept saying while pacing the dressing room back and forth.
“Dani look at me,” I forced her to look at me, “Kevin is madly in love with you, and he wouldn’t leave anyone especially you on y’alls wedding day. It’s okay to be nervous on your wedding day, because your spending the rest of your life with the man you love, I’m going to be nervous on my wedding day and im sure your mother and Kevin’s mother were both nervous on their wedding days; but they knew that the man they loved wouldn’t leave them ever and they knew that this was special and nothing bad will happen or tear you guys apart. That is why people are nervous on their wedding day Danielle, now you get your Jonas loving as- butt out there and marry your man.” I said giving what I thought was an amazing pep talk to a best friend.
“Brooke if I didn’t know you were a ex sniper than I would’ve thought you were a very inspirational person and you like do that for a living or something like that. Thank you so much and you know what, its time for me to get my Jonas and im not nervous anymore; get your butt with the other bridesmaids so I can get married already.” Danielle said gicing me a hug and pushing me out the door and towards her sisters.
We walked down the aisle and I was in shock at how beautiful this wedding was, the entire time I walked down the aisle with Danielle’s brother I was just looking around at everything and everyone, I looked over at Nick and he looked so cute in his solid black tux he saw me looking at him and he mouthed ‘I love you’ and I mouthed it back. I was upset that I had to be at Danielle’s wedding six months pregnant but I was so happy to see two people who I love so much in this world getting married.
Kevin and Danielle Jonas were just now coming into their wedding reception, and both of them looked so happy, it was now time for them to have their first dance as husband and wife the song they chose was “Only You Can Love Me this Way” by Keith Urban. After their dance it was time for the mother-son dance, and during that song Denise brought Danielle out and let her dance with Kevin, and whispered something into her ear and she started tearing up. It was finally time to cut the cake and make the toasts, Nick stood up and made a beautiful speech about his brother finding his one and only, then Joe said his speech and basically his was pure laughter. Now it was finally time for everyone to dance, and Nick dragged me to the floor so we could dance together.
It was finally time to go home, I didn’t want to leave because I wanted to party but my feet were killing me so I was very happy to be going home to rest. “Hey Brooke are you packed so you don’t have to pack tomorrow?” Nick asked me while I leaned on his shoulder trying to stay awake.
“Why do I have to pack, aren’t we staying in New York longer?” I asked have asleep and half awake.
“No Brooke we are flying to Dallas for Christmas and then coming to New Jersey for family fun, I told you this a few days ago.” Nick said getting aggravated.
“Nick don’t yell at Brooke she obviously forgot, you would forget to if you had to help your best friend plan her wedding and being six months pregnant at 18 doesn’t help anything. Just lay off of her, she’s tired and ill pack for her if I have to.” Joe said defensively, I don’t know why it was him who was sticking up for me when my own fiancée was like yelling at me for not packing.
We finally got to the house and Nick laid me down in our bed and I closed my eyes hoping for sleep to come to me, until I heard Nick yelling at someone so I listened to the conversation. “why do you care about Brooke so much anyways, it’s not like she would ever date you if things didn’t work out with us, just get over her.” Nick yelled at someone.
“Well if you treated her better instead of yelling at her over not packing when she is obviously trying to sleep, some fiancée you are Nick.” Joe yelled at him, oh god Nick isn’t going to let Joe come near me if this conversation keeps going.
“Joe just find yourself a girlfriend and focus on her instead of trying to steal mine away, if you like her as much as you say you do why didn’t you go after her first instead of standing back and watching me?” Nick asked, and I knew that he was probably tapping his shoe against the wood floor.
“Nick the reason I didn’t want to go after her was because I saw that you liked her more than I did and I didn’t want to see my little brother depressed over not getting the girl he wanted. Excuse me for not wanting my brothers’ happiness come before mine; I won’t ever do that again.” Joe said and a few seconds later I heard a door slam and I knew the conversation was over.
I heard our door silently close and I tried to go to sleep so Nick wouldn’t suspect anything, I felt the bed sink down on one side indicating that Nick was sitting on the bed; he leaned over me and tucked a strand piece of hair behind my ear, “Brooke I love you so much, I hope you didn’t hear anything Joe said because the only reason I’m like this is because I’m stressed out with the whole tour thing and everything. I’m sorry for taking any anger out on you; I just wanted to tell you I love you and Annabelle more than anything in the world.” Nick said kissing my forehead and turned the lights off and went to sleep with his arms wrapped securely around me.
I woke up to my cell phone ringing and I was going to slap this person for calling me this early in the morning, “hello?” I asked into the phone.
“Brooke I landed and it’s so beautiful here, I don’t know where we are exactly but I don’t care because I’m here with my husband. Oh and I wanted to talk to you about something, it’s kind of embarrassing but I really need to know, does sex hurt the first time?” Danielle whispered the last part to me.
I couldn’t believe I was discussing this with my best friend and on her wedding night, I guess she was nervous because I would be nervous to if I was having sex for the first time, “Dani I really hate saying this but I don’t really remember my first time so I honestly can’t tell you what it felt like, all I now is your in love so it should really matter just have fun and you have the rest of your life’s to make it better. I got to go because I think Nick might be waking up, please don’t call me and give me details that is the last thing I want to hear.” I hung up the phone then started drifting off to sleep, until Nick woke me up, “yes Nicholas?” I asked annoyed.
“What did Dani want this early in the morning?” Nick asked me with his eyes still closed.
“She wanted to know if sex hurts the first time or if it doesn’t hurt at all, and I gave her my honest answer.” I said not even realizing that Nick is going to ask what my answer was, yes he knows I’ve had sex before but he didn’t know how many times I did before I met him.
“Brooke I heard your conversation with Dani, how can you not remember your first time I mean you were so in love with that person and it was so magical; I didn’t forget my first time because it was with you and I can’t ever forget you.” Nick said giving me a kiss, “Brooke can you answer me honestly, how many guys have you slept with before you met me?” Nick asked, I knew if I gave him my answer he would be crushed, but he is the one who opened this can of worms.
“Do you promise not to judge me or the way I lived my life before you came into it?” I asked Nick, he nodded his head and urged me to continue, “Well I don’t have an exact number or anything but I would say it’s around 50 or more.” I said looking down at my stomach because I knew Nick would be in shock.
“More than 50, you’ve slept with more than 50 guys, please tell me all these guys were just one time guys and it wasn’t multiple time,” he looked at me and saw that I shook my head to his question, “I thought you’ve never had a serious boyfriend, how could you have had sex multiple times and with multiple guys?” Nick asked in shock, I was so embarrassed to be having this conversation.
“Well Nick before I became an agent I was a party-goer, and of course I was a minor and the bouncers wouldn’t let me through no matter how much I paid them so I had to sleep with them in order to get into the clubs. Then there were just guys who were really good in bed so I just kept them around whenever I needed them, I guess you could say I was a sex addict but I knew when to stop and that was when Jonathan hired me; but I still had a few jobs where I had to sleep with people to get what I wanted. But since I met you you’re the only one I’ve been with and will ever be with so you don’t have to worry about that anymore. Please don’t think differently of me Nick because that was my past and I really want to focus on our future with Annabelle.” I said breathing a huge sigh of relief after pouring out my past.
“So you’ve had 50 sexual partners and how many times would you sleep with them to get what you want?” Nick asked, and he just kept asking me all these embarrassing questions I really didn’t feel like answering.
“Well the bouncers it was probably about three times, and with the random guys it was probably ten or fifteen times at the least. Why do you suddenly want to know about my sex life, it’s not like I’m going to go back to my old ways.” I asked getting pissed at his snooping around my life.
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last update of the day