Sequel: New Beginnings
Status: COMPLETE!!

Hollywood Sniper

Chapter 33

Chapter 33
It was now the beginning of March and that meant that the brothers would be heading down to Houston for the Rodeo they have every year, I desperately want to go so I can see my friends and show off Annabelle but it’s not safe for a newborn to fly; little does Nick know that I’m driving to Houston from Dallas to surprise him. A few hours after Nick and the boys left to fly to Houston, I grabbed my luggage and put Annabelle safely in her car seat before getting in the car and driving those six or odd hours to my hometown. After eight agonizing hours and too many pit stops we finally made it into Houston and I drove straight to Jill’s house to show her Annabelle because she hasn’t seen any recent pictures of her yet.
I knocked on her door to her apartment and she came running, “Brooke what the hell are you doing in Houston? You brought Annabelle too, let me see her please.” Jill said reaching for Annabelle and I gave her to my best friend to hold.
“Jill is it okay if Annabelle and I stay here for a few days, we will be leaving after the boys are done with the Rodeo which is in a few days?” I asked her hoping she’d say yes and not kick us out.
“Of course, but where are the brothers why aren’t they here?” Jill asked still looking at Annabelle who was smiling up a storm today.
“oh Nick went to Jersey last week and they flew to Houston early to check out some of the performers or something like that, Nick didn’t want me and Annabelle to come because of the whole flying thing so I packed everything up and drove Annabelle and I ourselves.” I said proudly as I was setting up Annabelle’s portable crib to set in my room.
For the next few hours Jill and I caught up on everything, she was dating a guy but she wouldn’t tell me his name but they were happily in love with each other which made me very happy for her, she is still going to school but transferring to UT Austin and I couldn’t be happier for her because that is her dream to go there. I told her how Annabelle tried to get kidnapped but I killed him, how Nick has been a very hands on father, and how Nick is leaving for tour soon and I’ll be at home with Annabelle for months. “So Brooke have you and Nick planned anymore of your dream wedding?” Jill asked me bored about my life as a mother.
“Yeah we are getting married April 1st and I got my dressed picked out, it so beautiful its white strapless and has tiny green and gold diamonds going down the dress and I have a nice tiara to go on top. We have the location done, and working on catering and flower arrangements, we also have all the dresses and tux’s picked out too. I can’t wait to walk down the aisle and become an official Jonas, its so surreal you know?” I said leaning back on the couch and thinking about my future with Nick.
Jill just smiled at me “I can’t believe that you’re getting married at 18 and your daughter is going to be the flower girl, I never thought I’d say that together in one sentence but I’m really happy you found prince charming.” Jill said leaning over and giving me a hug. My phone started ringing and I saw Nicks picture come on the screen, “answer your lover ill go check on Annabelle.” Jill said getting up and walking towards my room.
“Hello?” I said in a sing song voice.
“Brooke babe, I miss you and Annabelle so much how is she?” Nick aksed.
“She’s asleep right now, and for me I’m sitting in the living room missing my fiancée who is in my hometown but didn’t invite me, but it’s whatever so what time do you guys go on stage Sunday?” I asked trying not to make it obvious I was in the same town as him.
“They didn’t give us an exact time, but it should be around 8 or 8:30. I really wish you could’ve come down here because this past week has been a pain without seeing my girl, then I have to be in Houston performing without my two girls backstage dancing along to my music.” Nick said through the receiver.
I saw Jill walk in with Annabelle and I knew that was my cue to hang-up, “listen babe Annabelle woke up so I’m going to get her, I love you and miss you and have fun doing your thing, bye.” I said hanging up my phone and sliding it into my back pocket so I could carry my daughter.
“She smells Brooke; go change her I don’t want my apartment to smell like poop.” Jill said holding her nose, “Brooke you want to go out to dinner or something tonight or do you want me to make something?” Jill asked from what I’m presuming was the kitchen.
As I was changing Annabelle I screamed back to Jill, “it doesn’t matter whatever you want is fine by me.” I picked up and clean Annabelle and her dirty diaper and walked back into the kitchen to I could throw it away in the trashcan.
“Okay well we are going out to celebrate you being back in town so get ready and get Annabelle ready while I go get ready for a fun evening with my best friend.” Jill said lightly poking Annabelle’s nose and then walked back to her room.
I figured my outfit was good enough for dinner so I just stayed in my clothes, but I had to change Annabelle because I wanted her to look nice for her first time out in public. Then I remembered we don’t have a bodyguard and this is Annabelle’s first public experience, the paparazzi are going to eat us alive. “JILL!” I said hoping to get her attention.
She came running out putting some cute earrings into her ears, “what is it, what happened?” she said coming to a halt in front of me.
“This is Annabelle first public outing and we don’t have protection or anything from the paparazzi, what are we going to do?” I said scared for Annabelle’s safety and my own.
“Brooke I highly doubt that paparazzi want to come to Houston just to get a picture of Annabelle, they probably think you’re just hiding back in the house without Nick or a bodyguard staying with you. Just don’t worry about it, and if they come near you I’ll just have to become your bodyguard for the night.” Jill said taking a stance like a super hero would.
So Jill, Annabelle and I left the apartment and went out to a very nice restaurant which didn’t have any paparazzi outside, I wasn’t use to that because they recently have been following us everywhere. I looked across at the other side of the restaurant and saw none other than Kevin, Joe, and Nick Jonas eating dinner with Demi Lovato; I knew they would see me so I had to send a quick text to Demi telling her to meet me n the bathroom, when I saw her get up from her seat and walk to the bathroom I got up and followed her.
Demi turned around when she heard the door open and smiled when she saw me walk through the doorway, “Brooke you look so good for someone who just had a daughter, speaking of which where is she?” Demi asked giving me a hug.
“She’s outside with my friend Jill and thank you for the compliment but how are you Miss Disney sensation. I’m starting to see your face everywhere and it’s kind of freaking me out, what happed?” I asked hugging her back.
We just talked for a little bit, until Demi brought up Nick “so I’m guessing you’re sick of talking to me and want to go see your baby daddy because he is dying to see you two so bad.” Demi said to me.
“He doesn’t even know we are here, I wanted to come but Nick wouldn’t let me so I figured I’d drive down here myself and visit him. I need your help thought, I need to know when you get to the stadium and when you start playing, and if it’s not too much I need three backstage passes and do you know where I can find baby headphone things?” I asked her hoping she’d know.
“Just got to a store and they should have them there, and I have some passes in my purse please don’t ask me why, and I’ll text you to see when you can come by and surprise Nick. I should probably be getting back to the brothers, but if it helps Nick is only talking about you and his brothers are bored to tears.” Demi said giving me a hug then leaving the bathroom.
I walked out of the bathroom and went back to the table, “finally I thought Demi like attacked you and left you to die in the bathroom, don’t freak out I saw Demi sitting with the brothers and kept Annabelle quiet so they wouldn’t suspect anything.” Jill said to me as I sat down in my chair and finally started on my dinner.
We finally finished and Jill paid, all three of us walked outside and saw a million and one flashes going off different direction, my first instinct was to cover Annabelle to keep her eyes safe from the harsh lighting, and my second thought was to get the hell out of here and back to Jill’s place. A million questions were being thrown at me, “Brooke how is motherhood treating you?” and “Brooke are you cheating on Nick with a woman?” and my favorite “Brooke let us see Annabelle, just a little picture won’t do any harm.” I happily ignored the press but Jill wasn’t taking it too lightly.
I turned around and saw Jill getting pissed the paparazzi and then she eventually went off on them, “GET THE HELL AWAY FROM US AND GET LIFE A YOU STUPID ASSHOLES!” Jill screamed at them, then walked to her car and got in with Annabelle and I already in the car waiting for that.
I looked at Jill and started laughing, she looked at me funny “now I know why you’re my best friend, you stood up for me out there and I really appreciate it.” I said leaning over and giving her a hug even though she was driving.
We made it back to the house and I put Annabelle into her crib and then went into my bathroom to shower and get ready for bed myself, when I got out my phone started ringing and I quickly went to answer it before Annabelle woke up from her slumber “hello?” I said in a whisper.
“Brooke why are you whispering?” Nick asked me whispering also.
“Annabelle is sleeping and I didn’t want to wake her up, she’s having a hard time sleeping without her daddy singing her to sleep every night.” I said not lying because Nick always sang to Annabelle and that’s how she fell asleep at night.
“Well I know her mother has an amazing voice and she could sing to her, or maybe I could go over to Jill’s house and sing for her while I see my dearest fiancée too.” Nick said, it shocked me because he found out my secret.
I sighed in frustration, “I’m going to kill Demi for telling you that, did she also tell you everything else I told you?” I said in a frustrated tone.
Nick just laughed through the phone and I really missed his laugh, “Demi didn’t tell me, when we were leaving the restaurant one of the paparazzi asked why I wasn’t exiting the restaurant with you, and I gave him a confused look and just made my way to the waiting car.” Nick said and I know he was smirking that stupid yet lovable smirk he always had.
I sounded stupid for accusing Demi of telling my secret, but then again it could be possible that it would’ve slipped “are you mad at me for not listening to you and not staying at home?” I said to him in an innocent tone.
“No I’m not mad, I’m surprised but I think it’s cute you couldn’t stay away from me so you drove six hours with our barely one month old daughter. Was that painful or easy?” he asked hoping I would give him the answer he was hoping for.
“Very painful but I got some driving time in my new car, and Annabelle saw new scenery that is whenever she was awake showing those beautiful brown eyes she has.” I said looking at Annabelle’s sleeping form, and I just couldn’t believe that that beautiful child is mine and Nick’s.
“Brooke believe that that precious angel sleeping in front of you is our daughter, I could tell by the way you would breathe into the phone and I know when you’re thinking about Annabelle and me. Well I got to go but I’ll be seeing you tomorrow sweetie, come by around two or something; I love you and I’ll see you tomorrow, bye baby.” Nick said before hanging up.
Even though I knew Nick wouldn’t hear me I said “I love you too,” and then I hung up my phone and put it on the charger and went to sleep that night with a smile on my face.
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first off i would like to thank Kenzzz for commenting me
anywho i would like it if more than one person told me they wanted the sequel because this story only has one more chapter after this one :(
comments are always welcome
thank you