Sequel: New Beginnings
Status: COMPLETE!!

Hollywood Sniper

Chapter 34

Chapter 34
It was finally March 7 and that meant I would be going downtown to watch the love of my life and two of my best friends play their hearts out for all their fans, “Jill are you almost ready I told Nick we would be there and hour ago, what’s taking so long?” I asked walking into her room with Annabelle on my hip. I walked in a saw that she was just starting on her makeup, “Jill put that on in the car, I want to see Nick now so get your makeup and put it on while I drive.” I said while throwing her makeup in a bag and dragging her out to her car, while Annabelle was safely in her car seat and Jill was applying her makeup we finally made our way to Downtown Houston.
We finally made it through all the traffic and I put the pass around Annabelle and I’s necks, while I handed Jill her pass. I walked up to the security guy and showed him my pass and he let us through, I was so excited to show Annabelle off to everyone because they haven’t seen her since her birth and I’ll bet Denise was dying to see her granddaughter. “Brooke! Annabelle! Jill! How are you guys, I haven’t seen you in forever; and how is my granddaughter doing down in Texas while I’m way up in New Jersey?” Denise asked taking Annabelle out of my arms.
“We are doing fine, hated the past week without Nick but other than that we’ve been doing pretty great. Denise I’d hate to throw Annabelle on you but can you watch her while I go visit Nick, and Jill can talk to the brothers?” I said hoping she’d say yes.
“Brooke you don’t even have to ask I’d love to watch this beautiful child.” She said playing with Annabelle and walking towards one of the back rooms.
“Brooke I’m going to find Joe and Kevin and catch up on what’s been going on with their lives, go be with Nick you two deserve some alone time.” Jill said walking away to find the two eldest Jonas’.
I walked Around till I saw a room for the brothers and I knew Nick would be in there by himself so I primped myself before walking into the room and seeing Nick play an unknown song on his guitar, I walked up behind him and picked up the guitar and put it down then I went and sat on his lap giving him a long awaited kiss. “Your finally here, I missed you babe.” Nick said kissing me with the same amount of passion plus some.
I pushed Nick away to get some breathe, “Nick your brothers are out there somewhere, so is Demi how awkward would that be if they came in and saw a very heated kiss between us?” I said getting up from his lap and sitting next to him instead.
Nick turned to me and pushed me back onto the couch and said against my lips, “I would tell them to get out so I could have some long awaited alone time with my soon to be wife; if they didn’t leave they would get a free show because I wouldn’t stop.” Nick said kissing down my neck.
I looked at him when he said that in shock that he would say that “Nicholas I can’t believe you would say that, it’s so not like you but I love it.” I said kissing his lips more forcefully.
“I love it when you say my full name; it just turns me on beyond belief.” Nick said going back to kissing my neck, he managed to slip is hand underneath my shirt and giving me goose bumps, until Joe came in.
“BROOKE OH MY GOD YOUR STILL ALIVE!” Joe said running over to me and pushing Nick out of the way, he gave me a huge hug and I looked back at Jill who mouthed ‘sorry’.
Nick just stayed seated next to me not letting Joe sit next to me like he wanted “Joe me and Brooke were having some alone time so if you’d be so kind to leave the room that would be great.” Nick said pushing him towards the door. Nick successfully got Joe out of the room and came back to me, “now where were we?” Nick said hovering over me and kissing me softly.
My hands drifted to his pants and I started undoing his belt while he worked on unbuttoning my shirt, before we got any farther the door flew open, “Brooke I think Annabelle is hungry,” Denise looked at Nick and I then covered Annabelle’s eyes and closing her own, “I’m sorry, I’ll just leave and wait till you two are done doing something I wish I didn’t walk in on.” Denise said trying to find the door with her eyes still closed.
“Denise its okay I'll feed Annabelle; sorry you had to see that I promise it’ll never happen again.” I said taking Annabelle from her.
“I’m sorry I didn’t knock darling, but she really needs to be fed then you can give her back to me and continue with whatever you two were doing before,” I was about to say something but she cut me off, “I might not approve of sex before marriage but I know you two do that so it’s only normal, plus in less than a month you’ll be his wife so it’s okay just don’t let Paul find out.” Denise said then walked out the door and to the arena.
After I fed Annabelle I sat down next to Nick and just played family until he had to go onstage, “Brooke can you go find someone to watch Annabelle while we have more alone time, I know I haven’t seen Annabelle in like two weeks but I haven’t been able to have alone time since before Annabelle.” Nick said kissing Annabelle on the forehead.
“Nick give it a break maybe after the show we can let Annabelle stay with your parents while we stay in Texas or something, but seriously Nick your family and your fans are right outside and you want to have sex?” I asked hoping he’d have a logical answer for me.
Nick just sighed and ran his hands through his hair, “Brooke what’s wrong with you, all you care about is making sure Annabelle is happy yes she’s our daughter and we have to take care of her but we are going to be married soon and you’re going to have to deal with Annabelle being away from us when we are on our honeymoon.” Nick said coming over to me and getting in my face.
I didn’t want to fight in front of Annabelle so I stuck my head outside to see if someone was out there, of course the one time I want someone to take Annabelle off my hands so I have to settle for putting her in her portable playpen and deal with her hearing us fight. “Nick I’m sorry that I’m not a 17 year old boy who constantly wants to have sex, I’m a mother first and a wife second I revolve around Annabelle and just because you want to have sex I can’t just drop everything and give it to you. Listen I don’t want to fight with you before your show but we will settle this when we get home, maybe Big Mike can take Annabelle for a trip to the park or something while we have alone time; I just don’t want to fight with you especially in front of our daughter.” I said wrapping my arms around his neck and giving him a light peck on the lips.
Nick sighed and wrapped his arms around my waist, “fine I guess we can just discuss this later but as of now can I at least kiss you?” Nick said hoping I’d give into this request of his.
I didn’t say anything I just nodded my head and we just kissed for a few hours until finally someone came into the room and made us separate, “okay love birds its lockdown time, so make use of this hour and I don’t mean make out for the time period.” Kevin said sitting down on the couch.
During the lockdown Nick and I just played with Annabelle, she wasn’t old enough to do anything herself but we wanted her to get a head start so we did all the teaching stuff at a very early stage in life. It was finally time for the show and Nick gave me a kiss before heading onstage, I put Annabelle’s headphones on and watched the show; halfway through the show Nick was talking to his brothers and I had no clue what was going on but I didn’t even think of anything so I just watched the show. Nick then spoke into the mic, “so as all of you know at the beginning of next month I’ll be a married man, and tonight my wife and daughter are backstage watching the show and I thought it’d be great if Brooke could come onstage and sing Before the Storm with me.” Nick said looking over at my direction.
I shook my head no then pointed to Annabelle that was when Joe walked halfway across the dirt and came over and took Annabelle in my arms and brought her onstage, “this is my beautiful niece Annabelle, say hi to everyone Annabelle.” Joe said showing off Annabelle to the crowd.
Nick then said from the stage, “Please Brooke it would mean so much to me if you did this.” Nick said giving me his puppy dog eyes, I nodded my head yes and made my way over the middle of the arena. “Okay everyone give a warm Houston welcome to my fiancée and fellow Houstonian Brooke Gates!” Nick said into the microphone and the entire arena screamed at the top of their lungs.

When I finally reached the stage I heard the music start and I started singing Miley’s part, I knew I wasn’t as good as her but at least I was trying; when I finally finished everyone got louder and Nick just walked over to me and kissed me. I looked into the crowd that I couldn’t see but I could hear, “thank you, but now I’m going to go backstage with my daughter, have a great rest of the night.” I said trying not to sound mad.

Nick walked towards me and tried to kiss me but I pushed his face away and walked to the changing rooms with Annabelle in tow. Nick followed behind me and Joe was behind him wanting to know what happened, “Joe can you take Annabelle while I have a talk with Brooke please?” Nick asked not even looking at Joe but keeping his eyes on me, Joe took Annabelle and went back to his family and Jill; Nick brought us into the room and closed the door locking it behind him. “Brooke what the hell are you mad about now?” Nick asked confused.

“I didn’t want to go onstage, I don’t like being in front of people especially when a certain company is following me trying to kill me and then go on ahead and kill the rest of you, so please excuse me for not wanting to die at a young age and not wanting the rest of my family to die along with me.” I said to him trying to hold my tears back.

“Well I’m sorry for wanting to do something with you on stage in front of our fans, sorry for wanting to show you off to everyone at the show, sorry for actually wanting people to see how lucky I am to have you and Annabelle in my life right now. I’ll try to think of myself in the near future, just letting you know.” Nick said going into the bathroom to shower, I followed him in there so we could argue while he was still showering.

“Nick out of all the people in the world you should now that after tonight I’m going to have people wanting to sign me, and you know I just want to be the normal girl you feel in love with almost a year ago. I want Annabelle to have a somewhat normal childhood and have one of her parents around all the time while the other is touring the world for the umpteenth time in one year.” I said back to him while the water was running.

Nick stuck his head out of the shower, “well I won’t ever do anything nice in the future for you, ill just be a mean and heartless person towards you, do you want that?” Nick said to me before putting his head back behind the curtain.

I let out a frustrated growl and rubbed my hands through my hair, “you’re pissing me off Nick so much that I want to call of the wedding and move into an apartment with Jill and keep Annabelle away from you, but I will let her see your family because they don’t intentionally piss me off.” I said walking out of the bathroom slamming my door on the way out.

I head out to try and find Annabelle and Jill so we can go home and get away from Nick; I walk out and see Joe, Annabelle and Jill talking to a few fans that stayed behind in their seats. I see all the girls making funny faces at Annabelle and treating her like she’s their own and I find that absolutely adorable, I saw them walk away and I saw everyone leave the arena; I decided to walk out to the stage and just walk around wishing I could’ve been on this stage longer but I couldn’t because I have a family that I need to be there for so my dream would be out on hold for the rest of my life.

I hear someone clapping and then I turn around to see myself face-to-face with my ex-boss/godfather, “well Brooke I didn’t know you could sing that good, why didn’t you get into the music industry?” Jonathan said to me.

I stepped back and wanted to reach for my gun but stupid me forgot to pack one on this trip, “I wanted to until I met Nick and had a family, what the hell are you doing here?” I asked scared to be near him again.

Jonathan laughed at my nervousness, “Brooke I had you do one little assignment and you fell in love, and started a family which sucks because now I have to take you away from your beloved family,” Jonathan said pulling out a gun, “but before I do that I want to see if your as good as everyone says you are, so I brought you a gun to use so we could have like a draw or something of that nature.” He said pulling out another gun and throwing it in my direction, I caught it one handed and aimed it towards Jonathan “well I see your reflexes haven’t gone away that makes me feel good about you.” He said aiming his back at me.

“Why are you doing this to me, I just want Annabelle to end up having a better life with me with both of her parents around, I don’t want her to end up like I did because I hated my life without my parents around.” I said forcing my tears to stay in my eyes.

Jonathan just laughed at me, and looked at my confused face, “if you just went with the plan your parents and I set up for you, you wouldn’t be having a gun fight with me and you wouldn’t be getting married in a few weeks and you wouldn’t have a daughter. You would be at the top of the company doing good things for me.” He said still laughing.

“Falling in love and having a child showed me that you’re nothing but pure evil, I don’t even know why I respected you all my life your nothing but filth to the world Jonathan.” I said spitting every mean thing I’ve wanted to say to him.

“your right I am evil, I killed you parents after they wanted to have more children I knew that the other child wouldn’t have the potential that you have to be a great sniper; so I had to do the next best thing and have your parents killed so I wouldn’t lose you and your amazing talent you were born with.” Jonathan said to me, walking closer to me but I would always take one step away from him.

“you killed my parents because they wanted more kids, you killed my parents because they were going to take away me from you; since I was 17 I had to deal with knowing my parents died for their country but really they died because you were selfish.” I said lowering my gun from the shock of everything.

Jonathan didn’t say anything, I felt something move beneath up and then I saw everything moving so I knew they were moving the stage back into its original spot in the arena. I really hoped that the Jonas’ were far away from here because I didn’t want them to see me like this, especially have Annabelle see me like this. We finally came to a stop and I saw the entire Jonas family standing next to the stage watching me hold a gun to a man, “I see we have some audience for our little show, Brooke would you like to explain to everyone what’s been going on?” Jonathan said knowing I wouldn’t share anything with my family.

“oh yeah the part where I’m so skilled at being a sniper I shoot you within seconds and then I dodge your bullet just in time, that’s sounds like a great show doesn’t it guys?” I said knowing they wouldn’t answer because they were in too much shock.

Before anything else could be said I heard a gunfire and I instantly shot mine as well, but before I could see anything I felt a horrible pain in my stomach I looked down to find blood seeping through my shirt and onto my hand. I looked up at Jonathan before falling to the ground, he was stuck in one spot probably in shock from shooting me; I looked over to the Jonas’ and I saw Nick running towards me with anger and sadness in his eyes.

Nick picked up the gun and shot Jonathan, and with every shot he spoke a word, “YOU.” Bang, “ARE.” Bang, “AN.” Bang, “ASSHOLE.” Bang. Nick then ran over to me and wrapped me in his arms, “Brooke don’t leave me, please don’t leave me; I’m sorry for everything I said to you early I didn’t mean any of it, I was just stressed out and I didn’t know you would be so upset about that. If I knew that I wouldn’t have done it, baby please don’t leave me I need you and Annabelle needs you and the rest of the family needs you. Brooke please don’t die on me please don’t leave alone.” Nick said to me while rocking me back and forth.

“Nick I’m not going to make it, I just want you to know that I love you and our daughter I want you to know that I’ve always loved you and that you made me a better person. I just want to say your forgiven for earlier and I want you to move on and find someone that makes you as happy as you were with me, just do that for me.” I said breathlessly from lack of oxygen flowing through my body.

“BROOKE!” I heard my name being called and I saw Frankie running over to me with tears in his eyes, “you promised me you weren’t going to leave me, you promised me that you’d always be there for me. Why are you breaking your promise Brooke, I love you and I don’t want you leave me. What did I do, whatever I did I’m sorry but please don’t go please don’t leave me.” Frankie said with more tears running down his eyes.

“Joe get Frankie and take him to the back, Jill take Annabelle to the back, and did anyone call the ambulance?” Nick said not looking away from me, I heard Annabelle crying from al the screaming and commotion and I heard Frankie screaming my name not wanting to leave my side.

“Nick she’s my best friend too, I’m not leaving her. Brooke come on we need you stay with us, plus you haven’t met my boyfriend yet and you’d love him so much. Don’t leave Brooke I can’t lose my best friend, I need you to help through all my boy problems don’t make me go through those alone.” Jill said trying to hold back her tears but I saw a few escape her eyes.

“Jill you’re my best friend too and I love you so much, you’ll find a new best friend and I’m sure whoever this guy is will treat you like a queen because God knows you deserve it. Nick I’m not going to make it by the time the ambulance comes, I just want to tell you that I love you and I want you to move on but most importantly please take care of Annabelle and raise her right.” I said before screaming in pain.

“Brooke you got to stay with me, your stronger than this and you can fight this I believe in you; do this for our daughter and do this for me please just stay with me keep talking to me.” Nick said trying to stop the bleeding but it was too late I lost too much blood and the last thing I heard was Nick screaming my name for me to come back to him.
♠ ♠ ♠
END :( who cried while reading it, because i know for a fact that i did
wow i got 2 more subscribers putting me to 7 (i know its not alot but i like it) and i have 54 readers (still not alot but whatever)
so i will wait awhile to put up the sequel because so far only one person wants the sequel and i have nobody playing Joe's wife so thats another reason