Status: Finally updated as of April 25th ;D. Still going slow though.

Cover Your Eyes, Forget What You See.


The cafeteria.
A boring, drab place. The brown tables, white walls, and white floors give me the feeling of an institution. But if anybody deserves to be in one of those, it’s Keegan. That boy, oh that boy is insane. I always feel his gaze upon my body; staring intently at my face. Those crazed, lust filled eyes. Tired of the loud, mindless chatter surrounding me, I get up and walk towards the door leading to the outside. Having to pass where Keegan sits with his unruly friends, I swear I hear him inhale deeply, almost like he’s smelling me.

When I get outside I take a deep breath and sigh deeply. I love being alone.

“Paecen.” That voice. I know that voice. Turning around, I see him. Keegan. I suppose I have to answer him or look like a complete bitch.

“Yes, Keegan?”

“D-do you want to hang out after school?”

I glance around nervously and bite my lower lip; a nasty habit. What to say? I don’t want to be rude but I just can’t stand to be around him.

“I- I can’t. I promised I’d help a friend re-arrange her room.” Oh lovely Paecen, that’s so believable.

With one last pleading glance, I slowly turn around and walk away, hoping he wouldn’t keep tal- “Paecen!”

“What?” I snapped. I turned around but he just shook his head and looked down.
Fed up, I quickly walk away. That boy irritates me so much! What I don’t know is why. He’s never done anything more than pester me to go out with him. He’s actually very attractive with those high cheek-bones, pointed nose, hazel eyes and dark brown hair that frames his face perfectly. But there’s just something off about him. Something under that calm exterior that I just can’t shake off. And I in no way want to find out what it is.

Realizing that I’d been staring at the same tree for the past five minutes, I walk back inside and head to the line to buy a drink. But as I’m getting in line, I hear quick steps approaching but I brush it off; I can’t be the only person thirsty.
Oddly, I feel someone stroking my hair.
I quickly turn around and smack the boy’s hand away and coldly say, “what are you doing?” Looking up, I realize it’s Keegan. Wonderful. Why won’t he get the message and leave me alone? He murmurs so quietly that I can barely hear him saying that there was something in my hair. Uh-huh, sure. Staring at him intensely, I say to him, “right um, thanks.” I turned around but could still feel him looking at me. Oh when will he move on? I’ve got it! If I don’t respond to anything he says, then maybe he’ll leave me alone. Brilliant Paecen, brilliant.
“Paecen?” I don’t even turn around. Sooner than I thought, I hear his foot steps slowly recede from the line. Ah, intense relief floods over my body.

“Paecen!” Now that voice I don’t mind saying my name. I turn around with a small smile on my face and there he is; one of the cutest boys at this pathetic high school. Caleb Chapman, runner back for our school’s football team. With an angular face, side-swept blonde hair and electric blue eyes, he is certainly on a lot of girls minds. Too bad he will soon be all mine.
When he finally reaches me, I can see the excitement in his eyes and a wide, toothy smile adorning his face. Before I can even ask, he gets to the point.

“So babe, there’s this bonfire on Friday and I wanted to know if you would like to go… as my date?”
On the inside fireworks are exploding but on the outside I’m nothing but cocky and confident.
“Mm, I suppose that would work. Unless of course, something comes up…” I bat my chocolate brown eyes that are surrounded by thick lashes and looked up at him coyly.

“Well h-hopefully n-not.” Oh it’s so adorable when he stutters. Unlike that freak, Keegan. As soon as that thought passes through my head, the bell rand, signaling that lunch is over. After throwing Caleb a quick smile, I contemplate at what might happen at that bonfire. I feel like something interesting is about to happen.
♠ ♠ ♠
This story has not been updated in almost a year. But things have changed and I've decided to start this story again, without my co-writer. Updates will be terribly slow so I think it's best for you to NOT read this until it's a good half-way in as to make sure I don't suddenly stop updating after just a few measly chapters.

Shaaaanks, <3.