An Unexpected Storm

Oh shit

The sun was just setting when I woke up, I could hear my mother and father driving out of the driveway. I reminded myself that it was Saturday night and that my parents always went out on Saturday night. That would mean that Julie would be downstairs.

I pulled the covers off of myself and I walked downstairs groggily, rubbing my eyes to make it look like I had just woken up, which I had, but the tiredness factor didn’t really affect me. My sister Julie looked over to me as I walked into the room. “So you’re feeling good enough to get out of bed and come downstairs?” she asked.
“Yeah, I’m kind of relieved really, cause being sick all the time is such a drag.” I said, giving her a wide smile. She smiled back. “Wanna watch the rest of the movie with me?” I made a face then shrugged. “I guess so, what movie is it?”
“Stick it.”
“And how many times have you watched that? Like a hundred times!” I joked. She glared at me. “Not that many times, only a hundred and one times.” She said and laughed at my confused expression. “Come on, I’m quite sure that you don’t have anything better to do.” She said, patting on the empty space next to her on the couch. I moved down to the couch and I did sit down next to her, but I left a little space between us. “What part are we up to?” I asked softly.
“Sorry, what was that?”
“What part are we up to?” I said, louder this time.
“Oh, well we’re at that bit where she gets Coke all over her. My favourite part.” She laughed. I couldn’t help but laugh with her, despite the need of wanting to drink her bright red luscious blood.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, watching the movie like we always would. And it was the way I planned to keep it. I was also silently glad now that the sun had disappeared over the horizon.

I watched the gymnasts in the movie, knowing that I could do the things that they did with no effort, but I would probably find most of the tricks useless, unless I wanted to become a gymnast. But who had heard of a vampire gymnast? Not me, that was for sure.

But back to the movie, they were still in a competition and it was getting really boring. I sighed and then I yawned. For that moment I forgot about my teeth and my situation, and to do add to that, I didn’t even see my sister look over to me.

She stared at me for a second; her entire face was drained and pale. I looked at her and said, “What?”
“Nothing.” She replied quickly and went back to watching the movie, but it wasn’t long until she excused herself and left to go to the toilet. At this time, I still hadn’t realised than Julia knew about what I was.

She was in the bathroom for a good ten minutes. “Hey Julia! Are you alright in there?” I asked, pausing the movie and stood outside the bathroom door. “Yeah, I’m fine, just ate a little too much for dinner.” She said, I could hear her laugh weakly. “Ok then, tell me if you need anything.” I said and returned to the TV, watching the silent and still screen with little enthusiasm.

I heard the bathroom door open and I saw Julie emerge through the doorway. She smiled at me. “It’s fine, I feel better now.” She said and walked to the kitchen bench.
“Would you like some blo- I mean water Violet?” she asked, almost tripping over her own words. I looked at her and smiled. “That would be nice, thanks Julia.”
“No problem.” She whispered and drew out two cups, putting them down underneath the tap and filling them up. She brought them over to me, giving me the red cup. “Here you go.” She said nervously and sat down beside me, her body tense. “Thank you.” I said, taking the cup and had a small sip and placed it on the floor beside me. “I thought you were thirsty.” Julia said, looking at me, realization flooding her eyes. It was confirmed. She knew that I was a vampire.

I just smiled. “I guess that I don’t feel so thirsty anymore. Just hungry.” I said with a soft chuckle as I saw her face drain once more. She took my cup and took it to the kitchen sit and she stood there with her hands on the bench. “Violet?” she said, turning to look at me, true panic was finally settling in.
“Yes Julia?”
“I know what you are… Your skin is pale, white and ice cold, and you’re always sleeping in the daytime, but awake at night.”
“Say it out loud. Go on, say it!” I said fiercely, standing up.
“A mermaid..”
“Wait, what? Isn’t that a Youtube video?”
“Oh right, of course.” She laughed nervously. “What I had meant to say was.. a vampire.”
I grinned, now really showing of my pearly white teeth. “Right you are Julia and truly, I am amazed that you could have figured it out this quickly, you never really were that bright. But I really do have to congratulate you.” I said and clapped slowly as I closed in on her. She was in the corner so she was an easy target. “But now, I think that it’s time to feast!” I growled, lunging towards her with amazing speed and I didn’t expect her to have garlic in her hands. I hissed as I jumped away from her and looked at my arm where she had managed to touch me. It was red, the flesh still burning on the outer part of the burn, but it would heal. I growled in frustration. “You’ll never get away with this!” I hissed. “I suggest you run away from this place, bring along Mother and Father as well, but as they say, you can run but you can’t hide! I will come back for you all and take what is truly mine!” I snarled and went for the back door and from the verandah there, I jumped onto the garage roof and then down onto the driveway in five seconds flat.

I ran for a long time, as for how long I did run, I did not know, but I did not tire, and I only ran around in circles when I felt that someone was following me. I looked up at the full moon, enjoying the cold embrace it gave me as I ran. It was the reason why I was still here in this world.

I f found a small shelter that was abandoned and had some human food in it. I took my chances and used it as a short resting point and ate the remains of the food, hating every second of it. But if I was to last, I would have to do this.

I saw an approaching figure in the darkness, it was a male and he was running, running at the speed of a vampire. I knew who he was. He was the one I had been for the one that I had longed to come for me.

As the man slowed to a walk, I bowed my head respectfully to him and watched him as he stopped right in front of me. I crouched down on one knee, my head still bowed, and both hands on my knee, one on top of the other. Seconds went by and I looked up to the face I knew so well. “Master.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I am terribly sorry to everyone who has been waiting for this chapter to come out. I had a massive writer's block that lasted forever. But I finally got over it and I am back in the game!

Hope you like it and please comment!