Status: finished

Fly Until You Crash

nothing gold will ever stay.

At 7:15 sharp the next morning, Addie pulled into the Echeverria’s driveway and honked. Three minutes later, a very tired and unkempt Slade stumbled out of the house. He angrily got in the car, messily placed his beanie on his head, and mumbled about hating his life. His mom came out onto the porch and waved at Addie, who gave a big smile and waved back.

“You look cheery,” Addie laughed while backing out.

“Yeah, obviously. How the hell did you manage to get ready this morning? I’m still dead,” Slade continued to mumble.

“Easy. I’ve been getting up at 5:45 every school day since eighth grade. I’m used to it by now,” Addie shrugged. “I guess it’ll be nice getting to sleep in a little next year, but if I have early classes I won’t care.”

“So stoked I’m not going to college,” Slade lazily replied. “I have one more year to go, then I’m done. The band’s gonna make it huge, I can feel it.”

“You’ll change your mind, half your band already has,” Addie said, referring to Greg Garrity and Mike Kitlas, two of Slade’s bandmates and mutual friends of she and Slade, who were planning on taking online classes while still being in the band.

“Nah, they’ll get over that. Once we’re signed, there won’t be a need to go to college.” Addie rolled her eyes as she pulled into the senior parking lot. She could leave five minutes later this year because of the closer parking lot seniors and a few lucky juniors
got to enjoy. Slade and Addie quickly compared schedules, noticing that they had third hour art, sixth hour lunch, and last hour gym together. “Of course that’s all we have, you’re in all the smart kid, getting ready for college classes.” Addie laughed and shoved him before exiting her car. The pair walked to the front doors together, than exchanged a quick hug before parting ways to go to their lockers before the 7:40 bell rang.
The day passed as normally as a school day could, and by last hour both had their fair share of complaints about their course loads. Slade’s math class was too difficult for him and he “didn’t even need that shit,” so he planned on dropping it, and Addie’s AP Biology class seemed like it would be too easy and the teacher was a drag, but she had no plans of dropping any classes. After the last bell sounded, the two teens walked back to Addie’s car.

“Let’s go get something to eat. I’m hungry,” Slade suggested. “Call everyone else too, it’ll be our last meal before life starts to suck for the next year.”

“You have a phone, you can call people and let them know. Stop being such a drama queen, too,” Addie said, laughing at his overdramatics. He scowled at her and sent a mass text to their friends. Twenty minutes later, Slade, Addie, Grag, Mike, Adam and Taylor Juwig, and Jess Meyers were sat around a table at Taco Bell.. “This is definitely what I was thinking when you suggested going out to eat.” To which Slade began another rant. The group laughed at them, always knowing there’d be entertainment when the pair was present.

After the quick meal, it was suggested that they go back to the Juwig’s house to watch a movie, and further slack on any homework they might have received that day. All eyes turned to Addie, who everyone knew would have the only objection to the idea. She stated that she only had to start reading her novel for English, which she could do during study hall the next day. A chorus of cheers sounded as the seven teens walked to their respective cars and made their way to the Juwig household. Fours hours later, after a movie and three half-gallon containers of ice cream had been consumed, Addie announced that she should head home.

“C’mon Adds, live a little! It’s only eight, you can be in bed a little after ten tonight,” Taylor groaned, with everyone nodding in agreement.

“I really need to get home, my mom and everything, you know how she gets,” Addie replied, thankful to always have her mom as an excuse. Mrs. Mueller wasn’t anymore strict than an average parent, she just liked to have a strong hold on all of her kids, especially Addie, who was the only one of her three kids that seemed to be going anywhere in life.

“I’m gonna head out with Addie, I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” Slade stated, making a move to put his shoes on. After a round of hugs and fist bumps, the two left.

“I think you should push your bedtime by an hour this year,” Slade teased as he settled into his seat.

“Probably won’t happen, but I’ll take it into consideration,” Addie grinned. “One more year of this, then I can party with the big rockstars and get to bed whenever I want-as long as it’s seven hours before I have to wake up.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I got a good start o this story already, and since it's my main focus now updates will be much more frequent. The next few parts are very blah but it gets much better after that, I promise. Please, please comment and let me know what you do/don't like, what you think will happen, etc. Thanks for reading! :)