Farmer boi

Prologue: one week before/ Derek POV

I stumbled through the side door, not really caring that I smelled like smoke and alcohol. Joan rushed to my side, helping me up. He was watching something that I couldn't make out. All I saw were two screens spinning and blurry. Joan walked me to the couch to sit me down, and called for mom. I heard her foot steps, and turned to see her face. She didn't look too happy, so i laughed, just to make her smile, but that didn't work. All she did was shake her head and ask Joan something. Joan nodded, went to get something, and came back with a glass in his hand. He handed it to me, and I started drinking it, and immediately spit it out.
"What the fuck is this?!" I cried. The liquid was disgusting.
"Water." Joan replied. I looked into the cup, and deciding that I didn't want it, turned the cup upside down, and poured the water onto the floor. Mom yelled at me to get out, and so Joan walked me back into the media room, and set me back down on the couch. I started zoning in and out, in and out.
"Derek, we need to talk." I lay there unmoving.
"Derek we need to talk!" Ow, loud voices. I didn't want to move. I had a splitting head ache, and felt absolutely shitty. "DEREK!" I was being shaken. Ow ow ow ow ow. I hated the aftershock of a really good party, but that was life. I finally opened my eyes slowly to see Joan, mom, and my step dad, all staring at me. Great.
"Derek, your behavior is disrespectful, rude and unwanted in this house. We love that you are having fun, you should it was the last day of school, but you took it way too far, you always do." He paused to take a breath.
"So?" I asked groggily. Mom had never cared that I was always drunk, and always in trouble.
"So we have come up with a conclusion, you are spending the summer with your grandparents on their farm." I gaped at them like they were lunatics.
"What?" I asked, hoping they had not just said what I thought they said, but they just repeated it over. I moaned. The first day of summer and I was already in horror land.
In all this commotion I had forgotten all about Joan, maybe i could drag him down to hell with me.
"What about Joan?" I questioned, nodding towards him.
"I'm going with you." I replied curtly. Ah, so he didn't like this any better than I did. So there was a bad side to him. Hmm... interesting.
"Can I take my car?" I asked.
"No, Joan's taking you." I stayed where I was for a while then got up and started packing. Watch out, a shitty summer headed my way.
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anywhoo hope yall likey lotzzzz