

A month after the argument I was on the road. With La Roux. I only spoke to Elly when I had to, it killed me.

She was always with her boyfriend. Me and Nik were flirting and calling each other like no tomorrow. It was fun, got me through the day.

I was laying in my bunk talking to Nik on the phone.

'Were do you want my tongue?' I asked Nik, we were having a sexy chat.

'SHUT THE FUCK UP!' Elly screamed from her bunk across from mine.

'Sorry, I'm just having fun!' I said.

'Right hun I'm going.' I said to Nik down the phone before hanging up.

'Whats your problem?' I said opening my curtain and looking at Elly, who was reading her book.

'You were just getting annoying, that's all.' Elly said shrugging her shoulders.

'Sorry I was just talking to my mate.' I said with a frown.

'It sounds like you're more than friends.' Elly said sitting up and looking at me.

'No I'm just messing about..' I said looking down.

'You're gonna hurt her Beckii.' Elly said, leaning her chin on her hands.

'I couldn't help myself..I had to sleep with her.' I said, dropping the news on Elly that I fucked Nik.

' had sex..' Elly said, her face falling.

'Yeah...I was drunk..I do stupid things when I'm drunk...' I said putting an emphasis on the word stupid.

'Yeah we all do.' Elly said looking into my eyes. She saw how vulnerable I was sitting there in my pj's. She saw all of my feelings for her right in my little brown eyes.

'Beckii...You know what happened with us.. did you think it.......would've worked?' Elly said her eyes leaving mine and looking at the carpeted floor.

'I don't know. The only way we would've found out would've been by trying it.' I said shrugging my shoulders.

'Beckii..Will you hug me?' Elly said looking like she was about to cry.

I got out of my bunk and crawled into Ellys. She fell into my arms and started crying softly. Reminding me of the young girl I met on the train.

'Beckii...I'm thinking of dumping James...' Elly said, making a small smile form on my lips.
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Paris is coming to an end.... Don't be upset because I have lots of ideas for a new story. xxx