Memories That Fade Like Photographs

Chapter Fourteen

"Tiger!" a child's voice chirped through my door. "Tiger?"

"Mnnnggh," I moaned.

"Tiger, we gotta get going," Jack said letting himself and the horrid morning light into my cave. Er, room.

"WhatthefuckJack," I mumbled.

"Up and at 'em," Jack said tugging on my foot. I flicked him off.

"Seriously, man. You're not even packed yet. So let's get going, eh?"

"Ugh," I said sticking my head out from under the pillow. "What time is it?"

"Eight o'clock," Jack recited happily. He turned and bounded down the stairs yelling, "Mom! I got him up!" to my mother.

I rolled my eyes and I sat up. I cracked my neck and stretched letting out a few giant yawns. I got out from under the covers and pulled on a pair of Rian's basketball shorts that I'd stolen and one of Jack's precious Hurley t shirts that he'd left at my house. I slowly trudged downstairs rubbing my eyes.

"Well, look who rose from the dead," my mother said smiling at me. I faked smiled at her back.

"Look who made the mistake of getting pregnant," I retorted.

"Alex! You're so bad! Eat," she said laughing and pointing at a plate of eggs, bacon, and french toast. Pancakes were for pussies. Duh. Jack was dangerously close to being finished, so I dug in right away.

"Jadk dif yuh spindh teh gnite?" I asked with a mouth full of eggs.

"Alex, what in the world? Chew before talking," my mother scolded me.

"Mngh. I slend ean teh sgest roam," Jack said nodding.

"I will never understand how you two can do that," my mom said making a weird face at us.

"What?" I said swallowing.

"Never... nevermind," she said shaking her head. Jack and I looked at each other. I think we were secretly twins and could telepathically communicate.

"Whatever," Jack said.

"Did you spend the night sweetie?" she asked putting more eggs on his plate.

"Yeah, that's what Alex and I were just talking about," he said laughing.

"Oh," she said wrinkling her forehead. My parents had given Jack and I a set of house keys when we turned twelve. Cute, no?

"Yeah, I got in late," Jack said narrowing his eyes at me. "I was waiting for someone to come back to my house, but they didn't show up."

"That's annoying. Look, I'll be downstairs doing Alex's laundry so that it can be done before you all leave later, ok?" she said walking away.

"Kay, mom," Jack responded. He treats my mother like she's more his mother than mine. But I guess I do the same with his mom. "So, what the fuck happened man? You were supposed to come over last night to plan our master pranks we're supposed to pull on Warped," Jack said looking almost angry.

"I..." I started remembering what happened. "I was tired."

"You're such a bad liar. Tell me," Jack said eyes going wider than usual.

"Not right now, Jack," I sighed.

"Alex, stop being such a p-"

"Dudes, we're here for the kegger!" Zack whooped coming in through my back door.

"Yeah man. Where are all the Delta Gamma girls? They be smokin'!" Rian yelled.

"They're too tired from what I did to them last night," I smirked. Jack glared at me and then turned to face Rian and Zack.

"Yeah, you should have seen them. I'm surprised they're even conscious," Jack contributed.

"So, when are we heading out?" Rian asked plopping a giant duffel bag on my kitchen floor.

"Um, I have no idea," I said rubbing my head.

"Where the fuck is Flyzik? I pay him for being organized," Rian scoffed.

"He said he'd be here at five when we leave," Jack said happily.

"You're an idiot. That means we're leaving at five," Zack said smacking the back of his head.

"Ow! Yeah, that's what I said!" Jack said attempting to look mad.

"We just asked when we were leaving. Why didn't you say anything?" Rian said hitting Jack's arm.

"Ow! WHAT IS IT TODAY? BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF JACK DAY?! GOD!" Jack yelped running into my TV room. The two other boys followed. From the yelps and high-pitched screams, I could tell that Zack and Rian were wrestling with Jack. I was in no mood to deal with that. Thanks to Jack I was reminded of my actions from the previous day. The song. Everything.

I'll admit, I was somewhat ashamed. Why was I so harsh?

"Yo, G. We're going to Target to get some snacks. Want to come?" Zack asked walking into the room. His shirt had magically disappeared.

"Nah. I need to pack," I said getting up from my seat at the counter.

"Alright, we'll see ya at five, suckah!" Jack said riding on Rian's back.

"I'll make sure to get you some strawberry fruit-snacks and some condoms. Your two favorite things," Rian said winking. I laughed just to keep them from being suspicious, but I didn't think it was funny anymore. As soon as the door closed, I walked up stairs and laid down on my bed.

I knew I should be stressed about tour. About how I was going to be living in a fucking van with five other guys for three months, but all I could think about was Arielle. Her face was imprinted in my mind. So much so that whenever I closed my eyes, I saw her face. Only, she wasn't smiling. She was looking at me, hurt. And I couldn't stand it.

Maybe Sarah was right. I was an asshole.

"Do you have all of the clothes I washed this morning?" My mother asked. It was two minutes to five, and we were on a tight schedule.

"Yeah," I said. "We've got to get out of here. The trip to California is going to be like three days."

"I know. I just wanted to make sure," she said patting my head.

"Alright, well we need to roll on out of here," I said scratching the back of my head.

"Ok, be safe sweetie," he said hugging me.

"Mom, are you crying?" I asked feeling wet on my shoulder.

"No," she said wiping her eyes. "Jack, come here." Jack jumped out of the van and joined in our family hug. Matt beeped the horn.

"Ok. Enough. My little boys are eighteen. I can't control them," she said reminding herself.

"Bye mom!" we said in unison. I closed the van door and we started down my street. My mom was waving to us. "I love you!" I yelled sticking my head out of the window. She smiled and continued waving.

"So what happened with Arielle?" Zack asked me as I sat down.

"Well, I went to go and see her at the..." I said trailing off.

I noticed a white car coming down my street. It slowed as the driver saw the van and trailer. I couldn't speak. Everyone in the van was trying to get my attention, but I couldn't hear anything. I pressed my face to the window to see if I was right. My heart stopped beating as I saw who was driving.


She noticed me and her eyes became wide. She stopped her car and just stared at us passing by.

"STOP THE VAN!" I yelled.

"What?" Matt said looking at me in the rear view mirror. He didn't stop.

"STOP!" I screamed. The boys all exchanged worried glances. Finally, we pulled to a halt. I jumped up and ripped open the van door. I jumped outside and started running towards the white car. As soon as I caught her eye in her side mirror, she stepped on the gas pedal and floored it down my street.

"Get in the van!" Matt yelled sticking his head out of the window.

This was the second time I felt the sting of rejection. And in front of everyone. My stomach lurched and my vision was growing black. I shook my head and tried breathing normally.

As soon as I regained my composure, I turned and sulked back to the van. They all seemed to know what had just happened. I plopped down on in the back and pulled out my iPod. None of the boys said anything to me. They knew better. I turned to face the window and watched the houses roll by. Good thing my summer is off to a great start. I could feel Jack's worried gaze on the back of my head, but I ignored it.

I closed my eyes and saw her, but her face was growing blurry and nebulous by the second. I blinked and tried to picture her again. It only became worse. I guess these faded memories would have to do. I sighed.

It wasn't until the next day that it hit me. I was probably never going to see her again.
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THE END! I'll post the first chapter of the new story tomorrow! It will be called The Answer's In The Smile (click for link to sequel). Thanks for reading guys :)