Status: Sorry for deleting this..I know that I at least had some readers..thank you to those who had read it. I'm reposting it. I will update!

Tearing Up From The Inside


The deep center of her mind that had been fogged for so many years had finally become clear. She knew what she needed to do with her life. She knew the answer to all of her prayers. The funny thing was, that she was already doing what she was supposed to be doing. She just needed to find a clearer way of realizing that this was what she was meant to do for a living. Her sense of insecurity had flown out the window at her sudden epiphany. She slowly opened her eyes, to a world that she was once afraid of. Blinking the tears away, she knew that he would be sitting not to far from her bedside.

"Rey?" He shook the sleep from his face and smiled at her. "Hey, Vi. How are you feeling?" She grinned slightly, and it sent a wave of emotions spiraling through his body. "I'm feeling better. Like a brand new me has emerged from its cocoon, and is ready for the world." He laughed and kissed her forehead lightly. "I am glad to see you back to normal." He got up and called the doctor, and he came running in. "Ah. So good to see you smiling." He did a few tests, which the results were good. So she was allowed to go home.

On the drive home, Vi called her publisher to tell her that everything was back on track. Casting for the movie was going to start tomorrow. She couldn't wait for everything to happen. It all seemed so surreal. Yesterday was a blurr and today was something entirely new that she wasn't used to. She was so excited for everything to be on the move. When she arrived back home, Kesi was waiting for her. She smiled like a champ and walked up to her and hugged her. The fight they had before this was bad, but he knew that they would work things out. He laughed when Kesi pulled back and had this weird look on her face.

Maybe she would finally stop being afraid of every new thing that god threw at her. Soon she would learn that she wasn't in control of her life and that she just had to roll with the punches and get used to everything new. Vi sighed and walked inside the house, Kesi following close behind. Ever since their fight, they had been inseperable. Now she was annoying the crap of out of him, and there wasn't anything he could do about it, because Vi was happy.