‹ Prequel: Be Somewhere
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When Happily Ever After Fails

If you haven't read Be Somewhere, then you might be slightly confused. I suggest reading it before you try to take on this one. It isn't really necessary, but some references might seem a little odd otherwise.


It was the first miracle of life that the world has ever known and yet so few people take the time to witness it. While people peacefully slumber they are deprived of this natural phenomenon. What is even more sickening is that they are aware of this fact but still refuse to fight for what could be theirs.

The few that do stop to appreciate the beauty in life are those who have been deprived of it for too many days to count. Maybe for fourteen years, maybe fifteen. Some people will go their entire lives without wondering what could be, and they are content with that.


Often it is perceived as beauty at its finest. The perfect end to a wonderful, romantic day. How many movies have ended with songs playing while the setting sun fell behind the horizon and the words “And They Lived Happily Ever After” are scrawled on the screen?

Probably too many to count.

This was the worlds first death. The death of the day; the surrender of light to inky blackness. For generations parents have told their children that day was their friend and night wasn't, simply by implying that light is better than darkness. The white knight beats the dark knight. It is the reason that children fear the dark, but at the same time, are enthralled by it as they get older.

And there lies the problem.

Too many people have gotten caught up in their Cinderella-Syndrome and they never realize exactly how life works. There isn't always a storybook wedding. Prince Charming doesn't always ride in on a purebred white stallion to save the day; you're lucky if he pulls up in a taxicab ten minutes after the fact.

What people are forgetting to remember, is that sometimes Happily Ever After Fails.