Guide Me Towards Your Arms

"I'm Maddie; You're God-Daughter"

[Tuesday, June 1]

I took a step out of my bed and sucked in the air surrounding me. I took some steps into my kitchen and took out a bowl and cup. My coffee was already sitting in the pot, just like it was every morning on it's timer so it was nice and at the perfect temperature for me to drink it at when I woke up at 7:00 A.M. like I did every morning.

As I sat down to my breakfast bar and poured myself a bowl of Lucky Charms (is there any other kind?) and stared out at the sky. Birds were chirping in the distance and I could hear the family next door rushing to get their kids to school. They had four kids. Bailey was 24 and Josh was 21 going on 20. Annie was 15 and a sophomore in high school and Jonah was 10 and in fifth grade. Bailey was away at college; majoring in corporate law. Josh and I had gone out a few times, he was very sweet, but a little clingy. Annie and Jonah were like my little brother and sister.

She was probably leaving to walk Jonah to school and then go to her own right about now, it was almost 7:15. Which meant that I had to go get ready for work.

After showering, getting dressed, doing my hair and makeup, then feeding the dog and gathering up my dance bag I was ready to head out the door. I locked it and strode down to the elevator and pressed 'G' for the ground floor. As I walked out of the elevator I noticed how empty the hallway of the lobby was. Usually it was full of people when I left, but not today apparently. I walked into my car and turned on my radio and listened as music filled my ears.

Don't call my name, Don't call my name, Alejandro, I want to be, I want to be, Fernando, Don't wanna kiss, Don't wanna touch, Just one more cigarette an hush

Five more songs later and I'm in downtown Broadway in New York City, my home, my life. I am in love with this city. I parked in the VIP parking, that's me, and noticed I was early and I didn't feel like being the first one for mic check so I walked next door to a little cafe and ordered a coffee with skim milk. I told the barrista I was going to the bathroom.

Coming out of the bathroom I felt someone tug on the back of my dress. I turned around to see a little girl, with small, dark brown curly hair, probably 3 years old. She was adorable, dark brown eyes, long legs, cute little Sun dress, and a face that could make you fall down to your knees and give her anything she wanted.

I knelt down and said "Hi"

She smiled and said hello back

"Can I help you with something? Are lost? Do you know where your mommy is?"

She shook her head yes to the last question and asked "What is your name?"

"Tiffany" I said

Her face suddenly lit up "My uncle was right !"

This really confused me "was right about what?" I asked

"You !" She said with joy "I'm Maddie: I'm your God-Daughter"

And with that her arms were suddenly wrapped around my shoulders and I started to remember from three years ago...
♠ ♠ ♠
A CLIFFHANGER and on the first chapter, for some reason this makes me feel cool ?
ahaha, so I'm finally back and over this stupid boy drama, ehh.... not really, but the good news is... *drum roll*... nothing :p it's inspired me to do things I love to do though - write;dance and eat :D so hopefully that will be over soon; I also am now obsessed with semi-colons ;D hehehe. I am currently eating macaroni salad ---> new favorite food; my mommy makes the best kinddd ! so anyway;

sorry this chapter was kindaa boring. I had to get the information in about the next-door neighbors. they are actually going to play a big-role in the story, but you don't know when ! only I do :p ahaha next chapter coming up soon :)

pleaseee comment <3 i know everyone says that, but I mean it for real, it will seriously give you a faster update.

andd p.s. - I was listening to Alejandro by Lady Gaga when I was writing this <--- new favorite. hah ! that will probably last a week :p last week's was Bulletprood by Rioux (sp?) aha cool songs; listen to them. lolll.

emmi :)