Guide Me Towards Your Arms

"I need to talk to that girl"

"My Uncle Joe and my Aunt Ariel saw you over there" Maddie said "do you remember me? I don't know you, but ymy Uncle Nicky talks about you all the time and mommy and daddy always say how they miss you, but they can't talk to you because Uncle Nicky would be mad, and Grandma and Grandpa say how they wished you came around more often, but your always so busy, and Uncle Joey and Aunt Ariel said that if I came over here you would come over and talk to them because I am cute and you would not be able to resist my adorableness, now would you?"

I noticed she said all of that in one breath, and when she was done talking she smiled with little puppy-dog eyes. My little kid weakness. I was about to scan the store to see if Joe and Ariel were to be found, but then I decided not to.

"I'm sorry" I said ", but I have to get to work and tell your aunt and uncle to call me" I said while writing down my number on her hand "Just make sure it's Uncle Joe, not Uncle Nick" I added.

I gave her quick hug and then left the store, paying the cashier on the way out. Before walking to the theater next door, I glanced in the window and saw Maddie pointing at me and then Joe started to walk out. Oh no. I didn't want to face this so I ran into the back of the building and towards were I had to enter to start rehearsing. I showed the security guard my pass and slipped in and leaned across the wall to listen to a conversation I heard forming between Joseph and the security guard, I didn't know his name.

"Hold up son" The man said "I need to see your pass"

"I don't have one" Joe said, out of breath

"Then I can't let you in, I'm sorry"

"Sir, I really need to talk to that girl who just walked in there"

"You don't have a pass, I cannot let you in"

"Look, I'm Joe Jonas, I used to be in the band 'The Jonas Brothers'. I'm sure you can help me out here" I'm sure he just handed him some form of money

"Oh yes, my daughter's were big fans" He said, and then paused "I still can't let you in, no matter if your famous or how much money you wave in front of my face, I cannot let you in without a pass"

"Then where can I buy a pass ?" He asked, annoyed

"You can't just buy a pass"

"I really need to talk to that girl" Pause "Mike"

"Joe, I have already told you. You need a pass and it is tough to get one when your not in the musical performing here"

"Then will you give this to her?" He asked "Her name is..."

I walked away before I could listen to know more and just headed straight to my dressing room. I remembered the day Maddie got baptised. It was originally going to be Ariel, but she backed out because her sister wanted her to be the God-mother of her baby so Serena asked me to step in with Joe and be the God-parents.

That was a beautiful day. The times when Nick and I were a happy couple. Joe and Ariel planning their wedding. Serena and Kevin happy with their family.

Then Nick shatters it by cheating on me, and Ive stayed away from getting my heart broken again for about 3 years now. I did miss my other Jonas friends, but every time I would look at their faces the memories would just come back so I left them all again.

Oh, Sweet Caroline, good times never seem so good

"Hello?" I said into my phone

"Tiff, it's Annie"

"hey. is everything okay?" I asked. She should be in school right now, I was starting to get worried.

"Jonah is sick in the nurses office. Mom and Dad won't be able to get there until noon, Bailey won't be home from college till tomarrow. Joshua can't leave work and I have to take a final exam in less than two minutes. Can you go pick him up before your rehearsal starts?"

"sure, I'll go tell my director. She'll be cool with it"

"thanks Tiff. I owe you." She said greatfully, and then I heard a bell ring in the backgroung

I giggled at her in a loving way "get to class brat"

she laughed at her nickname Jonah and I gave her "bye ugly" she said, which was my nickname. Jonah's was whore, which is a really long story.

I laughed into the reciever, even though she had already hung up

[- - -]

It was okay with Janie, the director of the play, that I was leaving. We wern't rehearsing any of my scenes for about three hours anyway, and with that I left.

I walked out of the building, I was wearing a pair a jean shorts, and an American Eagle tank top with my black dance bag slung over my shoulder, a Coach purse in my hand, my iPhone in my other hand. Joe was nowhere in sight, and i sighed a sigh of relief that I got to avoid that akward confrontation and I walked to my car.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it was boring. I'm sorry, comment for the next chapter. it should be better than this :)

and i'm being legit about it, i need comments for motivation.

emmi :)

p.s. - yea, sweet caroline is one my favorite songs<3