Guide Me Towards Your Arms

"I have new friends now"

"Lincoln Elementary is a stupid name for a school" Jonah said as he stepped into my car

I looked at him confused "Explain that to me, Jonah"

"Well, for one thing, we havn't even learned about the Presidents yet, so what's the point of naming the school after something we are not going to learn in that facility"

This kid amazed me for only being a fifth grader. "Well, maybe you're learning about it now, but someone" I said poking his shoulder "was too busy, faking to be sick"

"Three Things" He started "One; We arn't learning about Presidents because we are reviewing everything we learned this year for our final exams"

"You got one more year it that school, kid" I interrupte him "Come back to me next year if you don't learn about the Presidents"

He made a face to that "Two; I am not faking. I told the nurse that my body was aching"

"Jonah" I sighed "Your fingers don't count. She probably thought you ment your stomach and then called someone to come get you so you wouldn't throw up in her office"

He made another face to that, and I think he said 'whatever' but then he said "Three; Where are you taking me ? Bailey is at her college. Josh is working. Annie's at school and Mother and Father are working" I chuckled at the way he said Mother and Father "So the only sutible thing is for me to spend the whole day with you and go get icecream"

"Jonah, you know I work every weekday, you're lucky my director let me come and pick you up. Now I have to find some place to bring you"

"You can always let me crash at your house"

This made me laugh "I wouldn't trust you alone in my house for even five seconds. You'd probably set off an explosive within five minutes of being there. So you can chill in my dressing room until I get off work at four and then I'll go get Annie and we can get something to eat"

"Okay" He said and then a moment after "As long as that place serves icecream"

"Whatever you want kid"

[ - - - ]

Jonah and I were now walking down the hall to get to my dressing room. He was telling me about how yesterday he could hear his parents having sex.

"Are you sure about that ?" I aske him

"Yes !" He nearly yelled "I could hear my mom yelling Fu--"

"Okay !" I said, cutting him short. I did not want to hear about Amy and Frank's sexual night "That's enough talk about parents."

I opened my dressing room door and let Jonah in. Jackie had said three hours without my scenes. I had been out for about an hour with Jonah, so I could atleast give him a little company until I had to go practice.

About a half hour later, Jonah and I are having a nice peacefull talk untill my window suddenly opens and Joe Jonas crawls in.

"Joseph !" I exclaimed "Are you crazy ? This is my dressing room !"

He ignored me and came over to where I was sitting. Pulled me out of my chair and pulled me into a big hug then whispered "I missed you so much, all I wanted was to give you a hug earlier, but you ran away"

"I told you guys to stay out of my life" I whispered back "You knew my memories of your brother would come back to me"

"Why does Nicholas matter ? He was a douche and he still is now. Just hang out with us and you won't have to deal with him"

"Really ?" I said, still whispering, wondering what Jonah was thinking about me hugging this man for too long "Because the last time that you said 'Oh, Tiffany, you can come hangout with us, Nick won't be there'" I mock-whispered "But what do you know ? He comes home early from his baseball game"

"That won't happen Tiffany. Nick isn't even in this state, or the country for that matter. He's taken his girlfr...girlish friend....friend who happens to be a girl who he dates to England."

"Oh, he's taken his 'girlish friend' to England" I repeated

"Yes. So just come and hangout with the family. Ariel wants you in our wedding. My mom always says she misses you. Maddie needs you in her life, your her God-mother for Pete's sake. Just trust us, we're your friends"

After that last sentence, I pulled out of that hug and said "I have new friends now"

"who ?"

This will make me seem like a loser to Joe, but I have to admit, I consider Jonah like my little brother and he and Annie are actually my bestfriends at the moment.

"Joe this is Jonah" I said "He's my neighbor and friend, he's like my little brother"

Joe shook his hand saying "Nice to meet you Jonah" and then asked if we could have some privacy so I told Jonah to go see if Tobey, a guy who works on the set who Jonah befriended.

"So Jonah is like your little brother" Joe said after Jonah left "I remember when Frankie was like your little brother"

"That was after his older brother cheated on me"

"I'm sorry he did that to you. I know he's an ass, but that doesn't mean the rest of us are"

I thought about that for a minute, and sadly, he was right. I sighed heavily "Fine. When do you want to hang out ?"

"What are you doing later ?"

"I have work until four. Then I'm going to pick up Jonah's sister at school and taking them out to eat. I can do something around seven"

"Okay !" He said with excitement "I'll pick you up at seven"

He walked towars the window to leave, but then walked back to me and gave me a hug "It was nice to see you Tiff" and then he left.
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so sorry I havn't update this in a longtime. Ive been busy having a fuuuuunnnn summer :) how's everyones vacation going ?

so i'll update this soon, kkkay ?

comment ! subscribe ! or bothh !
