Status: Somewhat hiatus. Busy with school & work, but I'm slowly workin' on it.

It's a Love That Has No Past

Polyjuice Potion

After what happened at breakfast Monday morning, I decided I was going to simulate Harry's actions instead of feeling dismal over something I had no idea how to fix. I had found solace in Fred; I sat with him breakfast, lunch and dinner, in the common room and even at Quidditch practices. We had always been friends but we had seemed to drift apart over the last few months. It was an amenity knowing I still had him to turn to. I was quite ecstatic when I found out that afternoon the next Hogsmeade visit was the following weekend; I chatted happily with Emily and Anna about what all we could do until Emily dropped the bomb. “Wait, how are you going to sneak to Hogsmeade if Harry's not speaking to you?” I recalled her saying. I hadn't thought about how I would go without Harry. I knew how to get into the passageway just fine without him, but I wasn't in possession of the fabulous and very profitable Invisibility Cloak. My spirits felt like a bubble someone had just burst.
The week drug by, with no hopes of going to Hogsmeade. George, Fred and I sat in the evening in the common room huddled up thinking of plans for me to slip in, undetected. Each one being shot down as quickly as the other. By the Wednesday evening I was getting rather annoyed. We had been pouring over our pieces of parchment we held; Fred having one and I having the other. We had made a list of possibilities throughout the day, seeing as how we didn't have any on the same classes together, and discussed them in the common room. One by one I scratched off all my possibilities fiercely, finally ripping the parchment on accident and splotching my jeans with ink. I yelp with rage and threw it into the fire. Fred and George had stared at me, without their usual mischievous grins, looking rather down and out.

Thursday rolled around, when it felt as if a light bulb had gone off in my mind. I ran at full speed from the third floor, through the corridors from Professor Flitwick's class. My curls swinging madly behind me as I pushed my way through a group of first years, accidentally tripping one. Not slowing down to help them up, I screamed, “My bad!” and kept going. I burst through the doors of the Great Hall, rounded the last turn to make my way down the gap between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables towards Fred and George. I skidded sideways trying to stop myself, which failed miserably as I passed them by a few feet and lost my balance. I grabbed ahold of Seamus' cloak as I started to fall and luckily caught my balance.

“Oi!” he shouted, as I almost jerked him backwards off the bench.

“Sorry, sorry!” I huffed, out of breath as I hurried over to the twins' who were laughing hysterically at me.

“I've got it!” I exclaimed as I plopped down in between them, throwing my bag on the floor.

“Got what? A mad disease?” George said, still chuckling.

“Did someone put something in your pumpkin juice this morning?” Fred asked, taking my wrist as if checking my pulse and put the back on his other hand on my forehead.

I smacked his hands away, still trying to catch my breath, “NO! I meant,” I looked around at the other students at the table, lowering my voice, “I know how I'm going to slip into Hogsmeade.”

“Oh!” George said, “Do tell.”

They leaned in towards me in unison, I smiled widely and whispered, “Polyjuice Potion!”

I clapped my hand excitedly as if I had won an award. They leaned back, looking at one another.

“Oh c'mon!” I said, dropping my hands as my smile diluted, “It would work and you know it!”

They stared at each other a few moments longer, then both held their hands up with identical mischievous grins.

“Yayyyyy!” I squealed and gave them both high fives at the same time.

“So,” Fred shoveling a forkful of food into his mouth, “Who yoo gonna get ta do dis?” He said through his mouthful.

“I was gonna ask Anna or Emily,” I said, now doubting my plan.

George tilted his head as if deep in thought, “Yes. Yes, I do believe that could work.”

I threw my arms up, “Yess!”

I grabbed my bag and bolted up.

“Where are you going?” Fred asked, dropping his fork on his plate.

“Emily,” I called, not looking back as I strolled down the aisle.

As I reached the door I heard snickering from the Slytherin table. I glanced over in time to see Malfoy walking over accompanied by Pansy Parkins.

“I'm sorry, Malfoy, but I honestly don't have the time or desire to try to explain the benefits of shampoo to you at this moment. I'm sure Pa-.... nevermind,” I said sarcastically as I eyed Pansy's hair.

“You need to watch who your talking to,” she snarled.

“What? A pompous twit like yourself? I do believe what I said was reasonable for such a person,” I smiled at her.

“You'd do well to keep your mouth shut you-” Malfoy stopped as he shifted his eyes. I looked over to see Fred walking up.

“You what?” he said sternly, stopping when he reached my side.

“I see you have your Muggle loving family to back you up,” Malfoy snarled.

“Yeah, I guess I do. A lot better than what you'd call back up,” I looked at Pansy, “If that's the worst insult you can come up with, Muggle loving, I'd say your getting a bit rusty, don't you think Malfoy?” I continued to wear my arrogant smile as I spoke.

She began to take a step towards me, but Malfoy put his arm out to stop her.

“Calm down killer,” I said dramatically, “I'm sure we could step outside if you'd like to settle this, Pansy.” I raised my eyebrows; her face fumed with hatred.

“No,” Malfoy said, “You and I will settle this on the Quidditch pitch.”

“Lovely, I'll see you there,” I turned to walk away, but stopped and turned back around, “Oh, and Pansy.”

She stopped dead in her tracks and whirled around, her brows furrowed with anger.

I continued, “When you go over to your little friends and say my name as your talking about me, choke on it.” She pursed her lips; I smiled joyfully and turned around again and made my way out of the Hall.

“You are one feisty little thing, aren't you?” Fred laughed, “I thought I was coming over to help, you clearly did not need it.”

“Eh, what can I say? I don't take crap from people, I'll give it right back to them.” I smiled at him, “You coming to the common room?”

“Yeah, is that where your headed?” he asked as we began up the stairs.

“Yup, I hope Emily's in there. I didn't see her at the table,” I said, trotting up the stairs.

The walk from the Great Hall to the common room was quite a hike. My legs were still tired from rushing from making my way hastily from Charms'. As we reached the portrait hole, the trolls grunted and moved out of our way.

“Blimey, they stink,” I said in a hushed voice, I dug in my bag and grabbed my perfume and spritzed the air behind them as they weren't paying attention, “Sheesh.” I shoved the bottle back in my bag as Fred laughed and managed to get the password out.

The portrait hole sprung out and we climbed in. Sure enough, Emily sat in an armchair intently reading a magazine. I smiled and skipped over to her, Fred following.

She looked up and grinned, “Hey Bri, hey Fred.”

“Hey, listen, I need to talk to you,” I said as I sat down on the floor in front of her chair.

“Ok, shoot.” she said, closing her magazine and laying it on her lap.

“Since I can't sneak to Hogsmeade with Harry, well, honestly I don't even know if he's going. But anyways, I've thought of a way for me to go... but I need your help.” I said, nervously.

“Ok, how?” she asked.

“Polyjuice Potion,” Fred said, with a grin.

“Poly- what? You go as me? But wouldn't that mean I couldn't go?” she said, in an astonished tone.

“No, not exactly. We just couldn't hang out, I guess.” I gave her a look of pleading and desperation.

She didn't answer immediately, she sat pondering. It seemed like ages, but finally she spoke.

“Fine, but you should know I love you, and I wouldn't do it if I didn't. I was hoping we could go shopping a bit too,” she said, sticking out her bottom lip.

“Yay! Your the best Emily!” I exclaimed jumping up and giving her a huge hug.

After my last class of the day, a double Potions with Snape, I bolted out of the dungeon and up the marble staircase. I wheeled around the corner and hurled down the corridor. As I reached the staircase to the second floor I saw a familiar face beaming at me from the top of the stairs, “Hello Briley.”

Oliver Wood stood there, smiling broadly, “Where are you heading?”

“Library,” I said, stopping as I reached the top of the stairs, out of breath for the second time today. I felt my face begin to blush.

He smiled kindly at me, “In a hurry?”

“Eh, yeah kinda. I guess,” I said, still trying to catch my breath.

“Mind if I walk with you?” he asked.

I shook my head and we headed down the corridor.

We walked in silence. Once we had made it to the third floor and we passed the statue of the humpback witch that concealed the hidden passageway to Hogsmeade. Finally Oliver spoke.

“Listen, I'm really sorry about the other night,” he said, stopping before we reached the stairwell to the fourth floor.

“It's fine,” I said reassuringly, “You have nothing to apologize for.”

He smiled, “Good. I was worried you were cross with me.”

I laughed lightly, “Cross with you? Don't be silly.”

His eyes seemed to light up, “So,” he began as we resumed walking, turning and heading up the staircase, “What are you going to the library for?”

“Er, uh actually a book to sort of...” I glanced over at him, not sure if I should tell him. Ah, hell go ahead the voice in my head reassure me.

“A book to make a Polyjuice Potion,” I said feebly.

He shot me a quizzical look, “What for?”

“Well, I want to go to Hogsmeade, but can't. I have no parents to sign the permission slip, so I asked Emily if I could, well you know, borrow her identity so I could. We just can't be seen near each other obviously.” I explained.

“I see. Clever plan, if I do say so myself.” he said, shaking his head as if he agreed.

As we entered the library, I saw there were only a few people present.

I walked up to the tart looking librarian, who was shuffling books about.

I cleared my throat softly, she turned immediately. Her face was stern and unfriendly, making me feel like as if I was an unwelcomed guest. She said nothing so I spoke.

“Um, I need this book from the restricted section,” I began.

“Not without a note,” she said hastily, turning back to the books she had been fumbling with.

“Uh, Madam, I do have a note,” I said feebly.

Thanks to my cleverness I had successfully achieved convincing Professor Lupin to kindly write a note for the book I desired. It hadn't taken much, honestly, as I looked back on it.
She turned around rather quickly and snatched the piece of paper from my hand, “Moste Petente Potions.” she read aloud. Her eyes left the paper and returned to me, she huffed and walked away quickly, disappearing in the rows of books.

“Lovely, she is,” I said sarcastically.

“Oh yeah,” Oliver said, leaning up against the shelf we stood near. He looked at me, his eyes seemed to be scanning me over. This made me rather uncomfortable, so I pretended to look about the room.

“Ready for the final?” he said suddenly. I turned back to face him.

“Oh, yeah. Got a nice little pep talk from Malfoy today,” I said lazily.

“What did he say to you?” Oliver said, standing up straight now.

“You and I will settle this on the Quidditch pitch,” I said, mocking Malfoy.

“Really? We'll see about that,” he said, as the woman came back into view.

She walked over to me and shoved the book into my hand, as she kept walking back to the task she was fiddling with when we had come in.

I crinkled my forehead and we walked out. We chatted about the match as we strolled along the corridors to the Gryffindor common room. I laughed at Oliver as he told me about his first time on a broom.

“Dreadful it was,” he said, shaking his head, “Guess I was a little too enthusiastic.”

“You think?” I said, still laughing.

We passed the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy as he stopped and turned to face me. I could feel my heart begin to race, I had no idea why and couldn't seem to stop it. He reached out and grabbed my hand. Thump, thump, thump, thump. I couldn't stop it, it seemed to be so loud I wondered if he could hear it.

With his other hand, he raised it up and slid it to the back of my neck as he leaned in and our lips met.

My heart seemed to be out of control; I didn't know whether to stop or not. I don't even think my mind registered a decision but my lips seemed to as I kissed him back. I couldn't register a single thought; it was as if my mind was just buzzing through thoughts but never picking one to settle upon.

After what seemed like forever, I heard footsteps approaching and indistinct talking. We parted quickly, seconds later Ron, Harry and Neville rounded the corner. It took them a minute to finally realize we were there, giving us enough time to act casual and begin walking along the corridor in their direction.

“Hey,” Oliver said to them as we approached. I watched Harry, his eyes never once meeting mine. Ron and Neville returned the greeting but, as expected, Harry said nothing. We continued on to the portrait of the Fat Lady and proceeded into the common room.

“There you are!” shouted Fred as I climbed in. He rushed over and grabbed me, not even bothering to say hello to Oliver.

“Sorry, I'll see you later,” I said to Oliver as Fred drug me over to where he and George sat.

“Have you got it?” George said, scooting to the edge of his seat.

“Yes,” I said tartly, almost offended they had any inkling of doubt in me.

I pulled the book from my bag and flipped it open, running my finger down the index.

“Ah ha!” I said in triumph and flipped directly to the page, “Lacewing flies, stewed for 21 days, damn! Leeches, powdered bicorn horn, knotgrass, shredded boomslang skin, fluxweed picked at a full moon and a bit of the person,” I read, looking up at them horrified, “This isn't going to work! How on earth am I suppose to get this stuff?!”

The twins smirked, “Leave it to us.” they spoke in unison.

“Whoa, that was kinda creepy,” I said, my eyes widening.

George clapped me on my shoulder, “Don't be frightened...”

“We're at your service, my lady,” Fred said.

They immediately stood up and began towards the portrait hole.

I sat looking bewildered, “Where are you going?”

“See you in a bit!” George called. And with that, they vanished from sight.

“What the bloody hell,” I mumbled as I shoved the book back in my bag and made my way to the dormitory to get rid of my load.

I took my seat at the Gryffindor table, scanning the sea of black robes for two identical sets of red hair. I frowned when I realized they were no where to be found. I had sat a good distance from Harry and Ron; what was the point in sitting next to someone who's not going to talk to you? I regretted this, as Luna sat down next to me. I sighed heavily as I dished a heaping portion of steak and kidney pie onto my plate.

“Hello Briley,” came her misty voice.

“Low Loona,” I managed to get out through my mouthful of food.

“Ooo, pudding,” she exclaimed, reaching to dish some of the chocolate pudding onto her plate.

Neville sat down across from us.

“Hello Neville,” I said, not really paying him much attention.

“Hey, oh I meant to ask you, do you have a copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them I could borrow. I seem to have lost mine.” he said, as he helped himself to the variety of food along the table.

“Yeah,” I said, nodding, “Just remind me in the common room, you know how I am, I'll forget.”

“I suspect you haven't lost it, I'd say its the Wrackspurt,” Luna said lazily.

I coughed as shot pumpkin juice down the front of my shirt. Sputtering and coughing, I grabbed a napkin and began tidying myself up, “The what?! Wackaspots?”

“Wrackspurt,” she said calmly, “They're invisible and float in your ears and make your brain go fuzzy.”

I stared at her with a blank expression on my face for a moment before I spoke, “I don't even know how to respond to that.”

“See,” she said, not even catching my sarcasm, “They must be effecting you too.”

“Oh they're effecting someone at this table alright,” I muttered under my breath as I shoved another bite of food in my mouth.

A few moments later, to my tremendous relief, I heard the twins.

“Oi!” I heard one of them call.

I turned around immediately to see Fred and George walking towards me with illuminating smiles.

“Thank goodness!” I called, scooting down the bench towards Luna dreadfully, making room for them.

As Fred sat down beside me I leaned over and whispered, “So?”

He turned and smiled brightly, not saying a word. I quickly finished my food and hurried the twins up, coaxing them to eat faster.

Finally after what seemed like ages, listening to Luna go on about Blobbery-ing Hum-something-er, I darted into the vacant girls' bathroom on the second floor. I peered back out and motioned for the twins to run in. A silly thing for me to do, checking to see if the
bathroom was vacant, no one every used this bathroom on account of Moaning Myrtle.

“Ok,” I said, kicking open a stall, “Ah, fabulous. You two are great.” I smiled as I saw there was already a cauldron awaiting us.

They smiled and bowed in unison; I laughed.

“Who's there?” came a wispy voice.

“No one,” I retorted as I flipped open Moste Petente Potions, searching for the correct page.
I jumped as Myrtle glided through the wall of the stall, “Sheesh! Ok ground rules, Myrtle. None of this floating through crap ok? Your gonna give me a heartattack!”

“What are you doing?” she asked curiously.

“If I wanted you to know, I would have told you.” I shot back, flipping the pages harder and harder, “Ah ha.” I laid the book down at my feet and began reading to myself, the twins' and Myrtle watching me intently.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, loves. I know Polyjuice Potion takes, what?, a month? We're gonna roll with two days, just for the sake of the story. I didn't come up with this idea til it was almost too late, I definately didn't want Briley and Harry to make good again, it'll be clear later on down the line. :]
Hope you enjoy!!