Status: Somewhat hiatus. Busy with school & work, but I'm slowly workin' on it.

It's a Love That Has No Past


I was rather pleased with myself for thinking of the idea of Polyjuice Potion. On the other hand, I wasn't so sure when I saw the mud-like substance bubbling rather slowly in the cauldron; I crinkled my nose and made a gagging noise. Fred and George, now inducting me as their new partner in crime, had agreed to help check in on the potion every chance we got Friday, Fred and George naturally being able to check more often due to their well obtained sneaking abilities. Harry still wore a vexatious look upon his face every time he saw me, quickly darting in the opposite direction or simply pretending I didn't exist. I did the same, completely ignoring him. I could tell at breakfast that morning it exasperated him greatly when Ron began chatting with me about the upcoming match against Slytherin. He had jumped up after twenty minutes of silently listening to us talk, instructing Ron he needed his help with something in the common room before taking off.

Even Hermione had noticed his behavior, leaning across the table after he left and whispered, “Why is Harry so cross with you?” I shrugged and simply replied, “I have no idea, he hasn't spoke to me in days.”

For the first time in, well ever really, I held a conversation with Hermione. Since Ron and Harry weren't speaking to her since Scabber's death, I think she longed to speak to someone, anyone, and I naturally didn't mind. I had never had a problem with her, she had been the one who had taken the great disliking of me. We talked about the information she had gathered for Buckbeak's trial and I told her of the material I had handed to Hagrid also; both of us conveying our deep concerns for him and the hippogriff. My heart sank, I had completely forgot his trial was today in London; I hoped more than anything our research helped.

That afternoon before heading to Herbology, I dashed into the abandoned bathroom on the second floor. It was poorly lit, small stubs of candles hanging on the wall emitting very little light. I slipped into the stall and a smug smile of triumph stretched across my face as I peered into the cauldron. It seemed to be coming along quite well, especially considering potions were neither Fred, George nor I's strong point.

Myrtle glided through the wooden wall separating the stalls. I gasped and dropped my book.

“Damn Myrtle! What did I tell you?!” I said loudly, snatching my book up from the floor.

“Sorry,” she said airily, “I just wanted to say hello.”

“Well, say hello, don't give me heart failure!” I sighed, rubbing my forehead, and spoke again, calmly this time, “Hello, Myrtle, how are you?”

“Oh, miserable.” she said, shrugging slightly.

“Ah, I see. The typical,” I nodded, “Well I must be going or I'll be late.”

“Goodbye, Briley,” she said, “Will you be back to visit later?”

“Er,” I said, stopping just before the door, “Yeah, I'll be back.”

She smiled softly, I conveyed the smile and poked my head out to make sure the coast was clear. The corridor was empty so I hurried out of the bathroom quickly. I made my way down the stairs to the first floor and proceeded to the marble staircase and on out onto the grounds. The March air was quite pleasant as I walked along the path to the greenhouse.

“Briley!” I heard someone call.

I turned around to see Neville and Seamus making their way towards me.

I smiled, stopping to wait on them to catch up.

“Hey guys,” I said, “Having a good day?”

Seamus shrugged, “Eh, it's alright.”

I laughed, “Understandable.”

“What about you?” Neville asked plesently.

“The usual,” I replied.

We walked in the green house, murmuring my goodbyes as Neville and Seamus took their seats near the front of the class. Without paying much attention, I stalked over to the table I usually occupied. As I approached, I glanced up to see Ron in my place beside Harry. I don't know why this came as a shock to me, I should have known he would do something like this. He glanced up, for the first time in quite some time, his eyes met mine.

The smile diluted from his face, turning into a somber look. I fixated my eyes on him angrily before I rolled them and stalked past them and took a seat beside Hermione at the table behind them. I slammed my bag down at the edge of the table closest to Harry and Ron's backs, causing them to jump slightly. They turned around, I smiled happily at Ron, “Hello Ron!”

“Hey Bri,” he said, smiling back at me.

Harry turned back around quickly. I stuck my tongue out at the back of his head, as

Hermione suppressed a giggle. She leaned over and whispered, “I don't know what's gotten into him.”

I shrugged, “Like I care, he can be mad all he wants. But its stupid to be cross and leave the other person in the blue as to what about.”

I didn't bother to keep my voice down. I had been hurt by Harry ignoring me, but swapping partners seemed to have hit a nerve.

Hermione's eyes widened, obviously scared Harry was about to turn around and yell at me.

But he didn't, as expected, he acted like he didn't hear me. This made my blood boil.

We began working with a rather annoying plant, Puffapods. No one else seemed to think of them as annoying, but being quite clumsy, I had a difficult time not spilling the seeds. For the fifth time, I dropped a couple as Professor Sprout shouted, “Be careful, Miss White!” as the seeds immediately sprouted into flowers when they hit the ground. I saw Harry chuckle in front of me, my eyes narrowed as I picked up a few of the seeds I had managed not to spill in my hand and chucked them at the back of his head with as much force as I could muster.

“Ow!” he proclaimed, reaching up and grabbing the back of his head as he turned around.

As soon as the seeds had left my hand, I had leaned over and acted as if I was asking Hermione something.

He stood glaring at me, I glanced over casually acting surprised to see him looking at me, “Can I help you with something?”

I smiled at him, as he muttered, “No.”

I gasped and touched Hermione's arm, “Oh my! He can speak! Did you hear that?!”

She struggled to keep in her laughter, trying to busy herself with her Puffapod.

He cut me an unmistakably malevolent look, opened his mouth to say something before shutting it back quickly.

I smiled even broader, “Ooop, looks like cat's got his tongue again.” I sighed and shook my head pitifully, “Must come and go, ya know?” I said looking at Hermione as if it was such a terrible thing.

He turned around and resumed ignoring me.

“Your only adding fuel to the flames,” Hermione whispered.

“Oh, I know. If he wants to act like a git, I can too.”

I laughed loudly as Fred made a face that evening at supper when he took a bite of the particularly nasty looking dish in front of us. He crinkled his forehead and gagged, grabbing a napkin and spitting out the bite he had put in his mouth.

“That was a lovely face, I tell ya,” I chuckled.

“Why thank you,” he said, acting as if he was flattered, his face suddenly turned serious as he spoke again, “I'm warning you, do not get any of that.” He poked the remainder of the portion on his plate and shuttered.

I grimaced at it, “Your a true champ, taking one for the team and tasting that.”

As we laughed, Harry took a seat next to Ginny across from us, accompanied by Ron. Her cheeks clashed horribly with her hair. I widened my eyes and nodded my head in his direction, causing her to blush even more.

“Hey Harry,” Fred said.

Harry glanced over, and nodded, “Hello.”

“He's in a right state, aye?” Fred said, nudging me.

“Tell me something I don't know already,” I rolled my eyes.

“You ready?” he asked, sitting down his fork.

“Yeah, let's go!” I replied merrily, getting up from the table.

“Where are you going?” George questioned.

Fred and I both raised our eyebrows and glared at him.

“Oh! Right,” he said, “I'll catch up with you later, I'm starving.”

“That's your third helping,” I said in a shocked tone.

“I'm aiming for five,” he said through a mouthful of food.

I laughed and shook my head.

“Where are you two off to?” Ron asked, curiously, just noticing we were standing up to leave.

“Wouldn't you like to know.” Fred shot at him.

I smiled at him and wiggled my eyebrows as we began down the aisle.

The Polyjuice Potion seemed to be coming along as well as it had earlier this afternoon. I stirred it counter-clockwise as the instructions indicated in Monse Petente Potions.

“I must admit,” Fred began, “I believe we've nailed this.”

“Don't jinx us!” I shot at him, widening my eyes.

“Oh ok, ok, sorry.” he said.

Myrtle slid into the stall to have a peek at what was going on.

“You're not a very good listener are you Myrtle?” I said, after I had jumped only slightly, since I was beginning to get use to her gliding in and out as she pleased.

She smiled faintly, “Almost done?”

“Yes, just about it.” I answered, not looking up from the cauldron.

“Will you come visit even when its done?” she said, a tinge of hopefulness in her tone.

I sighed, “Yeah, Myrtle, I will.”

She smiled brightly, as she floated over to my ear, to whisper, “I have a secret to tell you when you come back.. alone.”

Her cold aura made me shiver slightly. I turned to look at her curiously, “Ok?”

She smiled again and floated through the wall again and out of sight.

“Reckon you've made a new friend,” Fred chuckled, gesturing with his thumb to the wall she disappeared through.

“Looks like it,” I said dully. I sat down the stick I had been stirring with and sighed, “Looks like that's it til tomorrow.”

I stood up and Fred followed, as we exited the stall. We made our way to the door of the poorly lit room, I cracked the door and peeked out.

“Coast is clear,” I whispered, sliding out of the door quickly.

We made our way down the empty corridor, climbing the stairs to the third floor in pursuit of the common room.

“So,” Fred began, breaking the silence between us, as we approached the top of the stairs and onto the fifth floor, “What's up with Harry?”

I shrugged, “Beats me. He hasn't talked to me since the last match.”

“Hmm,” Fred stared at me curiously, “That's a bit odd, don't you think?”

I shrugged again, “I guess so. I have no idea what I did to upset him.”
Fred laughed lightly.

“What's so funny?” I asked curiously.

“Oh, nothing.” he replied shaking his head.

We reached the portrait hole, muttered the password and slipped in.

“Hey Bri, hey Fred,” Ron said merrily as we approached him and Harry.

“Hey, where's George?” I asked, sitting down across from them, Fred taking a seat next to me.

I propped my legs up across Fred's knees and stretched lazily.

“I dunno,” he replied, shrugging.

“A bit odd,” Fred muttered.

“That's the second time I've heard that come out of your mouth today,” I pointed out.

“Ah, you're right. A bit odd, aye?” Fred replied.

I laughed and pushed him playfully.

Harry shot a frustrated look towards us as I leaned over to whisper to Fred about the whereabouts of Fred's twin.

Fred grinned at me as he noticed the look, “What's wrong Harry?” he asked.

“Nothing,” he replied dully.

“Sure doesn't look like nothing, looks like your owl just died.” Fred said, flatly.

“No, it's nothing, Fred,” Harry said, closing the book in his hands.

“Ah, so you admit there's something, yet it's nothing.” Fred said in a matter of fact tone.

“Wha- no, there's nothing wrong.” Harry said, stumbling over his words slightly.

“But that's not what you just said,” Fred corrected him.

“You're confusing me,” Harry snapped.

“Well your confusing me as well, saying one thing then saying the complete opposite.”

I started laughing, unable to suppress my giggles any longer.

Ron joined in, “You know, Fred's got you there, mate.”

Harry glanced at Ron, “Can we drop it?”

“Fine.” Ron said hastily, throwing his hands up.

“Dropped,” Fred said, still laughing along with me.

Harry stood up without another word and stalked off to the boys dormitories and vanished from sight.

“Blimey, he's in a foul mood, he is.” Fred said, shaking his head.

“He has been quite high strung, hasn't he?” Ron agreed.

“You think?” I replied sarcastically.

“Yeah, you should know,” Ron sighed.

“Oh, so he's told you why he's cross with me?” I asked, my curiosity spiking.

“No, I've asked him a couple times but he always says he doesn't want to talk about it,” Ron shrugged.

“Figures,” I rolled my eyes.

“So, I take it your not going to Hogsmeade?” Ron asked.

“Well,” I said, smiling at Fred, who was grinning from ear to ear now, “Actually, I am.”

Ron sat forward, eager for details, “How?”

“Polyjuice Potion,” Fred and I said in unison.

“Blimey that was scary, you've been hanging around them far too long, Bri,” Ron replied, his eyes widening slightly as he stared at me, “How is Polyjuice Potion going to get you into Hogsmeade?”

“I'm going to look like Emily, so we just have to keep our distance and everything will be fine.
Just don't tell Harry, ok?” I explained, emphasizing my last sentence.

“Ok, I won't.” he agreed, “That is quite a clever plan. Who came up with that?”

I smiled broadly, “Me!”

“Good job,” Ron added with a smile.

The next morning, I woke up to the sun beaming in through my hangings. I groaned as I rolled over, stretching and yawning. Hogsmeade I suddenly thought, bolting up immediately. I hurriedly pushed my hangings out of the way and made my way to my trunk. I sat down in front of it, yawning once more. Opening it, I drug around the mess, finally finding what I desired and pulled out my makeup bag and stood up, making my way to my cabinet. I picked out my clothes hastily, seeing as how I wasn't going to actually be seen in them long.
I crawled back onto my bed and glanced to my nightstand. I smiled as I saw the picture I had returned from my bag of my mother and father, waving and smiling brightly at me.

Moments after I started getting ready, the other girls began to wake and stir about. Hermione mumbled hello as she got her things.

“Morning,” I said, without looking up.

Without realizing it, Hermione made her way to my bed and sat down.

“Oh,” I said, suddenly, “Didn't see you walking over.”

“Sorry,” she said, “I'll bring you back loads of sweets from Honeyduke's.” Her voice sounded of pity, I stopped applying my eyeliner and looked up at her. She stared at me calmly. I smiled, it was oddly nice having Hermione to talk to and not having to pretend the other didn't exist. I hugged her, “Thanks Hermione.”

She smiled as she got up and made her way back over to her bed to begin getting ready for the day.

I walked down into the common room, sporting my sweats and a t-shirt under my cloak I had gotten from my football team I had played on at my old school. I sat down on the opposite end of the couch from Harry, acting as if he wasn't even there.

“Oi!” I heard Fred call. He made his way down the last few stairs from the boys dormitories and walked over to me, taking the seat in between Harry and I, “Ready?”

“You know it,” I whispered, with a smile.

George came down the stairs and walked over to us, “Why are you just sitting here?”

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“We have breakfast to eat and things to take care of!” he hissed.

Harry looked curiously from George to Fred and I. I stood up, not even acknowledging I had seen him looking, followed by Fred and made our way to the portrait hole, slipping out. I started to shut it back behind me when I heard someone call, “OI! I'm here, you know!”

I stopped and looked back, to see Harry scrambling through.

I rolled my eyes and turned to follow the twins.

“Yeesss, oatmeal.” I said, smacking my lips as I dished some onto my plate.

Fred chuckled, taking the bowl as I passed it to him.

“Right bummer you can't go today,” Ron said, in a depressed tone, slipping a wink in when no one was watching.

I gave a feeble smile, “Yeah, I know.” I stuck out my bottom lip as if I was pouting.

“Don't worry,” Fred said, sticking his bottom lip out as well, “I'll bring you loads of sweets.”

“Aw, thank you Fred,” I said.

As we finished breakfast, I jogged up the marble staircase, stopping at the top to wave “goodbye” to everyone, “Bye guys! See you later!” I called. As I rounded the corner, heading to the second floor, I smiled mischievously. Oh Ron's right, I am hanging out with Fred and George WAY too much. I slipped in the bathroom and walked into the stall. I began changing into Emily's clothes.

“Ahh!” I screamed, as I tumbled over, luckily caught my balance as I clung to the handle of the stall door. Myrtle had, once again, floated through the dividing wall with no notice. I had completely forgot about her being in here.

“Sorry,” she said, feebly.

“You know I'm going to be haunting this place with you if you don't stop! And I'm trying to change, a little warning would have been fabulous, you know?” I shot, grabbing Emily's pants and pulling them up.

She floated there, silent. I took out a goblet from my bag and ladled some of the disgusting looking potion out of the cauldron, dumping it in. I grimaced, trying not to look at it. Even Myrtle looked at it with disgust.

“Here goes nothing,” I said as I pinched my nose and pressed the goblet to my lips, tilting it back and swallowing as much as I could, trying to take as few gulps as I had to. I drained it in surprisingly only two large gulps and one small one. I shuttered, “Oh Merlin's beard!” I hurriedly dug in my bag and pulled out a small flask I had filled with pumpkin juice. Before I could get the top unscrewed to remove the nasty after taste in my mouth I could feel my body changing. I shot upwards, at least six inches, my feet growing to fit Emily's shoes perfectly. My hair shortened as it straightened out and lightened a few shades to match Emily's, a light brown.

“Ooh, your friend is pretty too,” Myrtle said as she watched me transform.

Once the transformation stopped, I quickly pressed the flask containing the pumpkin juice to my lips and chugged.

“I'll make sure to tell her,” I smiled, “Ah, how on earth does she deal with these skis for feet!”
I stuck one leg out and wiggled my foot as I looked at it, “Sheesh!”

I grabbed two empty flasks out of my bag and filled them with the Polyjuice Potion, just to be safe.

“Remember I told you I wanted to tell you a secret?” Myrtle began, as I grabbed my bag, shoving the flasks and my sweats in it.

“Oh, yeah. Sorry Myrt, I'll be by later to see you, I gotta get going.” I said, glancing up at her.
Her face fell as she bowed her head.

“Aw, Myrtle, I'll be back! Don't worry,” I said reassuringly.

“Promise?” she asked feebly.

“Promise,” I smiled, “I'll see you later Myrtle.”

I dashed out of the bathroom and scurried up to the third floor. As I approached the humpbacked witch, I pulled out my wand and muttered, “Dissendium.” I tossed my bag into the statue and climbed in.

“Ow!” I screamed as I heard someone shout the same. I had landed on top of someone; I hurried to my feet and muttered, “Lumos.” Light emitted from the tip of my wand, illuminating the small passageway and Harry, getting up from the ground.

“Oh, my bad.” I muttered, grabbing my bag quickly to get the flasks of potion out and shoving them into my cloak pocket before taking off down the passageway without another word.

“How did you know how to get in here?” he hissed.

I turned around immediately, “What?”

“I said,” he said hastily as he shoved his Invisibility Cloak into his robe pocket, “how did you know how to get in here?”

I looked at him menacingly, then it dawned on me, he was seeing Emily, not me.

“None of your business,” I shot and took off once more.

He groaned and muttered “Lumos” as I saw more light coming from behind me. I could hear his hasty footsteps as he jogged to catch up with me.

“Did Briley tell you how to get in?” he asked as he got to my side, “Why did you need to take this way into Hogsmeade?”

I didn't reply.

“Are you deaf?” he said sarcastically.

“No, selective hearing. Sound familiar?” I shot at him, not even glancing at him.

He sighed heavily, “Fine, I know your mad at me cause I haven't talked to Briley.”

Again, I didn't reply.

“Are you really that mad at me?” he asked.

I stopped and turned quickly to face him, “It's me, you bloody idiot!”

“What?” he looked at me as if I was stupid.

I raised my eyebrows, widening my eyes.

“Briley?” he said softly, his face looked as if he didn't quite understand.

“Yeah, dumbshit.” I said hostility and began walking again.

“What?” he took hold of my arm quickly before I could make it too far away from him, “Will you wait!” This time, he yelled.

“No!” I shouted and jerked my arm out of his.

“Listen, I kno-” he began.

“No, you listen! You've completely ignored me, acting as if I didn't exist and for what reason?! You know what! I don't even give a shit what your stupid reasoning is! Now, just leave me alone!” I shouted, turning and hastily walking away.

“Briley, I'm sorry!” Harry called, jogging once more to my side.

“Oh, you're sorry, oh so sorry!” I said mocking him, as I came to a stop once more, “Should have thought about that before you started acting like a git for no reason!”

“Just please listen to me,” he said pleadingly.

“No,” I spat, “You haven't had time for me and now I'm a bit busy, see I have to meet Fred and George, so if you wouldn't mind, I'll be going.”

I heard him sigh heavily, and his hasty footsteps did not echo through the passageway this time. I almost regretted not hearing him out, but I shook it off. He had been hateful and ignored me, not acknowledging my feelings, so why couldn't I give him a taste of his own medicine?

I reached the incline, steadily making my way up. Once I climbed the thousands of stairs I reached the small trap door, I turned to see Harry a short distance behind me. I listened carefully, once a couple moments had passed without a sound I slowly pushed it open. As I began to crawl out, Harry put his hand up to hold the door for me.

“I don't need your help, thank you very much.” I snapped.

“Fine,” I heard him mumble as I began towards the stairs. I heard the trap door close as I ascended the flight of stairs. Once I reached the top, I pressed my ear against the door and listened carefully.

I cracked the door and peered out. Oh I hope Emily listened to me and didn't come here til later. I bolted out and quickly slipped into the crowd, not quite as smoothly as I hoped as I almost tripped. Damn her big feet! I looked around me in amazement, I had never seen somewhere with so many sweets; anything you could desire, it was there, barrels upon barrels of Every Flavored Beans, Fizzing Whizbees, honey color toffees, any shade of chocolate your heart, or rather stomach, desired. Since Emily was quite a bit taller than I was, I could see over most people's heads that normally I couldn't, so I spotted Fred and George rather quickly. I pushed through the crowd of students, making my way over to them.

“Blimey! I thought you were caught!” Fred said, when he saw me.

“Shhh!” I hissed, “I fell onto Harry as I entered the passageway.”

“Oh, still being a prick I take it?” George said, picking up a handful of Puking Pasties.

“He tried to make nice, but I yelled instead of listening.” I answered.

“Nice work,” Fred said, grinning.

“Oh, that looks good!” I said, grabbing a sugar spun quill.

“Best load up,” Fred said with a smile.

We spent a good part of the next half hour grabbing any sweets that caught our eye. I smiled as we slipped out of Honeyduke's, my pockets considerably lighter in the sense of money, but loaded down with sweets. We walked down the High Street, as I dug in my pocket and took out a slab of peppermint white chocolate and broke off a bit.

“Care to have a look at the Shrieking Shack?” George asked.

“Mmhmm,” I nodded, unable to speak through my mouthful of chocolate.

We continued up the winding path, leading out of Hogsmeade, into the outskirts. I could see the boarded up building drawing near. As we approached I shuttered slightly, even in the daylight, it seemed rather creepy. All the windows were boarded up and the unkempt lawn stood taller than I was when I wasn't pretending to be Emily.

“We tried to get in before, ever entrance is sealed shut,” George said gloomily.

“Good,” I said, looking at the house as if something was going to jump out.

“AHH!” Fred yelped, grabbing my sides and causing me to jump a foot in the air and scream.

“AHH, damn you, Fred!!” I yelled, smacking his arm repeatedly, “Don't do that!”

The twins' roared with laughter, George sticking his hand up as Fred gave him a high five.

“Ohh, you two kill me!” I fumed, turning and walking back down the path toward the village.

“Where are you going?” Fred called.

“I fancy a butterbeer, at least you can't frighten me with one of those!” I replied.

The twins' hastily made their way to my side as we continued down the path. I dug in my bag and pulled out one of the flasks filled with Polyjuice Potion, I grimaced at it.

“Oh, that's gross,” George said, staring at the flask in my hand.

“Tell me about it,” I said as I plugged my nose and drank it quickly, “Bloody hell, let's make it to The Three Broomsticks soon before this crud comes back up!”

Shortly down the way, we spotted someone heading towards us, seemingly alone.

“Is that Ron?” George asked, squinting slightly.

“Like you can't see that hair,” I said.

“Oh ha ha ha!” he retorted.

“Shall we mess with him?” Fred asked, looking over to George with his mischievous grin.

I glanced over to George who wore one identical to his twin's, “It's like you read my mind.”
Immediately they took off, darting into the bushes. I laughed lightly, shaking my head as I kept walking, trying to make it as casual as possible. As I drew nearer to Ron, I saw Harry appear as he slipped off his Invisibility Cloak. Damn! I kept walking towards them, though.

“Hey Br- Emily!” Ron corrected himself quickly, shooting a cautious look towards Harry.

“Hey Ron. And the git knows,” I said, drawing nearer.

I looked down curiously as I saw small spherical objects roll across the ground towards Ron and Harry.

Suddenly, the objects exploded loudly.

“Ahh!” I screamed and jumped slightly, before I remembered Fred and George's plan of action. I took a few steps back, just to be safe. You never knew if that was all the twins' had planned.

“What the bloody hell?!” Ron screamed, jumping and looking around wildly.

“Briley, what the hell is going on?” Harry yelled, as the explosions continued.

I shrugged, trying to suppress my laughter as the twins' popped out of the bushes, laughing hysterically.

I joined them as they emerged, doubling over as I laughed uncontrollably.

“Damn, I should have known you two!” Ron shouted.

“You should have seen your face!” George said through his laughs.

“His face!” Fred laughed, “Did you see how big Harry's eyes got!”

“You even scared me at first,” I chuckled.

“Yeah, the look on your face was priceless too!” Fred said, wrapping an arm around me
momentarily, “It's shame, we came ill prepared today, or you would have got a lot worse.”

“Well, we'll be off. You supplied us with a good laugh, should hold us over for,” George looked at his wrist as if peering at a watch, “about an hour or so.”

“Cheers,” Fred smiled as we began down the path once more.

Harry grabbed my arm as I passed. I paused and turned back long enough to glare at him and jerk my arm out of his hand before turning back around and skipping to Fred who had stopped to wait on me.

“He's trying hard now, isn't he?” Fred said softly, rounding the corner and back into view of the shops.

“Well, he can keep at it. It's not working,” I said dully.

I stopped Fred before he and George entered The Three Broomsticks, “Reckon you ought to check and make sure Emily isn't in there?” I whispered.

“Right, I'll go in and have a look then,” George nodded and went in.

Fred glanced over at me, as his twin disappeared, “You really not going to talk to Harry?”

“Yes,” I replied.

“He is one of your best mates, you know?” Fred said.

I huffed, “I will eventually, but you know just as well as I do he deserves a taste of his own medicine. At least for a bit.”

Fred nodded, “Rightly so.”

I turned around as I looked along the village, to my dismay my eyes laid upon a poster. After noticing the one, I noticed the lot of them. My father's picture plastered to them with the words WANTED printed across the top. It felt as if my heart had come to a stand still. I walked over to the one nearest, just beside the entrance of the The Three Broomsticks. The man in the picture only faintly resembled the one in the photograph Professor Lupin had given me. His face was lost of all the cheer I had witnessed as he stood next to my mother, dark circles around his eyes and a dark matted tangle of hair rested upon his shoulders. A smaller notice was posted below: “By Order of The Ministry of Magic. Customers are reminded that until further notice, dementors will be patrolling the streets of Hogsmeade every night after sundown. This measure has been put in place for the safety of Hogsmeade residents and will be lifted upon the recapture of Sirius Black. It is therefore advisable that you complete your shopping well before nightfall.” If at all possible, my despondency increased, jerking on the stings of my heart, dragging it further and further downwards. I felt

Fred's hand rest upon my shoulder, “It's ok, Bri. Don't get so down, everything'll turn out fine. Just wait and see.”

I knew he was lying, only trying to cheer me up, but the words of comfort from him seemed to lighten my anguish, though only slightly. I turned and smiled at him weakly, “I hope your right.”

George's head peered out from around the corner, “C'mon then.”

We walked the tavern; “This way,” he said, gesturing us to follow.

We made our way past the tables filled with Hogwarts students to a small deserted one in the far corner.

“Thought this screamed 'sit at me'” George said with a smile as we took our seats.

“Hello,” the pretty barmaid said brightly as she came over to our table.

“Three butterbeers, please,” I said, smiling at her.

“Of course,” she said, leaving at once.

“We spent our lot at Honeyduke's,” George snapped at me.

“And?” I shot back, “You'll take your butterbeer, drink it and enjoy it!”

Fred laughed lightly, “Told ya she was a feisty thing, didn't I? Should have been there to see the show she gave Malfoy.”

I grinned, “Don't be so flattering, Fred.”

The barmaid came back with our butterbeers and sat them down on the table, “Anything else dears?”

“No ma'am, not right now. Thank you,” I replied, picking up my glass instantly and taking a rather large gulp, “Thank god, I could still taste that bloody potion.”

We finished our butterbeers, and another round before paying and walking out. I glanced around every so often checking for sights of Emily. I said my temporary goodbyes to Fred and George, agreeing to meet them in the common room shortly and made my way into Honeyduke's. I slipped back into the door leading into the cellar and descended down the trap door. The walk back to the entrance into Hogwarts seemed to not take nearly as long as the previous. As I reached the exit, I peeked out to make sure no one was around before I shoved my bag out and followed it. That bloody map would be a lot of help right now! I decided I'd keep my promise to Myrtle and make a quick visit. I descended down the stairs and onto the second floor.

“Myrtle?” I called quietly as I slipped into the poorly lit room.

“Hello!” she said cheerfully as she appeared through the wall, “I didn't think you were actually going to come.”

“I promised you I would. I wouldn't promise if I wasn't going to keep it,” I replied jumping up on the sink and taking a seat. I didn't mention that it would also be wise to sit in here til I turned back into myself.

“It's nice to have someone to talk to,” she said, her cheer leaving her voice.

“Don't be so down and out, Myrtle,” I said, “You can always talk to me.”

“Really?” she asked, “Like a friend?” Her last comment almost sheepishly.

“Well, of course.” I replied, “Like a friend.”

“I never really had friends,” she said, bowing her head.

“Well, they must have been a rotten lot,” I said, smiling at her. A smiled stretched across her transparent face.

“Want to know the secret I told you about?”

“Yeah, sure.” I said, not sure if I honestly wanted to know.

“Someone's going to ask you to go out with them,” she said, grinning.

“What?” I said, looking at her as though she was mental.

“I was lying in my cubicle the other day, when I heard someone come in talking. It was a boy, I thought they had gotten the wrong room, first years do that occasionally. Then I heard another voice. They mentioned your name, Briley. The first said they were going to ask you out before someone else beat them to the punch. The other said they were mad. Before I could float through my cubicle to see who it was, they were gone.” she explained.

I chuckled, “I'm sure you heard wrong.”

“No, they said your name. Unless there's another Briley.” she replied.

I thought about it, I had never heard anyone with the name Briley at Hogwarts, but then again it was a rather large school, and I for sure didn't know everybody. I decided not to put a damper on Myrtle's excitement about her information so I smiled at her.

“Thanks for telling me that Myrtle. I wonder who it could be,” I lied.

“Me too!” she said excitedly, “I'm sorry I didn't get to see who, I thought they'd stay longer but it seems like just came in here to tell the other without being overheard.”
I pondered momentarily, it seemed logical but Moaning Myrtle's bathroom of all places?
Very unlikely, but I continued to play along.

“Hmm, I'll have to ask my friends to do some spying for me, maybe I can figure out who.
OH!” I jumped slightly. I turned around to look in the mirror, my features were bubbling as if I was boiling. I gasped at the sight, I hadn't watched myself transform the last time. I saw my complexion as it began to lighten up. My hair darkening and growing, curling as it did and resuming my sloppy looking ponytail I had thrown it up into this morning. I looked down to see my legs shortening, my hands shrinking slightly. I stared in amazement. I love magic. After everything stopped, I jumped down and pulled my bag off my shoulders and dug in it, taking out my clothes.

“Er, I'm going to change real quick Myrtle,” I said, as I began to one of the stalls. She smiled and nodded as I closed the door. I slipped back into my sweats and t-shirt, shoving Emily's clothes into my bag before I took her clunky shoes off my tiny feet and slipped mine on.

“You look like a Muggle,” Myrtle said, tilting her head slightly as I appeared from the stall.

“I was raised with Muggles, what do you expect?” I shrugged.

“Well, I'm starving. I'm going to get get a bite to eat, care if I come visit tomorrow?” I asked, slipping my cloak on and putting my bag back onto my shoulder.

She smiled brightly, “Really? You'd come back even after your done making your potion in here?”

“Yeah,” I said, “Why wouldn't I? I told you we were friends, are we not?”

Her smiled spread even further across her face, “Yes, we are.”

“Good,” I said, “I'll see you tomorrow then.”

I walked slowly to the common room, the image of my father on the notice from the Ministry loomed heavily in my thoughts. I paid no attention to where I was going, my eyes only seeing his face.

“There you are!” I heard Hermione say hastily.

I jumped, unaware anyone was around. I looked up quickly to see her sprinting towards me, noticing I was on the fifth floor.

Her eyes glazed with tears, lips trembling, “Here.” She shoved a bit of parchment into my hands.

I looked at it, tear stained and read:

Dear Hermione,
We lost. I'm allowed to bring him back to Hogwarts.
Execution date to be fixed.
Beaky has enjoyed London.
I won't forget all the help you gave us.

P.S. Please let Briley know. Thank her for her help as well.

“They can't!” I yelled, looking at her in shock, “They simply can't!”

“I know, there will be an appeal,” she said, her voice shaking like her lip.

I had already felt as if my spirits had been shot, but now this. I felt my eyes fill with tears. Poor Hagrid.

“Do you know where Ron and Harry are?” she choked out.

“No, have you checked the common room?” I asked, as tears slipped down my cheeks.

She shook her head, unable to speak anymore, tears streaking down her face.

I hugged her, “It'll be ok, we'll figure something out. Let's go.”

We took off down the corridor, jogging up the stairs to the sixth floor. Hurrying down the
corridor, we didn't say a word to one another. Tears silently streaking down our faces.

“Where could they be?” she said, exasperated.

We rounded the corner on the seventh floor as the security trolls came into view, Harry and Ron stalking just ahead.

“Ron,” I called.

He turned around, “What's a matter?” he asked, noting the look of solitude on our tear stained faces and hurrying over to us.

Hermione thrust the letter into his hand without a word as we drew close enough.

“That's impossible! They can't do this!” Harry said leaning over and reading it over Ron's shoulder, “Buckbeak isn't dangerous!”

“We know, Harry,” Hermione said quietly, “Malfoy's dad must have frightened the Committee into it. They'll be an appeal, but I don't see much hope.”

Her lip began quivering once more, I put my arm around her and hugged her.

“Of course there's hope!” Ron said fiercely, “I'll help you lot out.”

Hermione flung herself towards Ron and engulfed him in a hug, sobbing. His eyes widened, glancing at Harry and I, looking quite terrified. He slowly wrapped his arms around her to hug her, unsure of what to do.

She pulled away, still sobbing, “I'm really sorry about Scabber's.”

“Well, he was ancient,” he said calmly, “Maybe I'll get an owl now.”

Harry glanced at me, as if hopeful I was going to follow in Hermione and Ron's footsteps and fling my arms around him, muttering my forgiveness.

I looked over at Hermione, “I got to go see Fred and George before they think I've gotten lost or in trouble, care to go to the library tomorrow and do some more research?”

Hermione nodded, wiping her eyes. I smiled and said farewell to Ron, not glancing at Harry as I passed and slipped into the portrait hole.