Status: Somewhat hiatus. Busy with school & work, but I'm slowly workin' on it.

It's a Love That Has No Past

Exculpation and The Prisoner

The days following the match were just as filled with elation just as that Saturday had. I felt as if I had won the most coveted award in the world. Although, in my little world at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, it was the most coveted. Therefore, I walked around smiling broadly, hiding the abysmal agony inside me. Despite my exterior euphoria, the dream had began to come to me on a regular basis, causing my nights to restless and agonizing. I had gotten to the point where I didn't even attempt to sleep, fore I had no desire to shut my eyes; I would only awaken to them filled with tears. I knew this seemed quite hypocritical. I wanted to see my father more than anyone could fathom, but for the price of misery I had to pay to see such short glimpses of him in my dreams was not worth the torture. I couldn't seem to slow my mind down with the racing thoughts. What did it mean? Or was it simply my desires taunting me? This, along with many other things, I could not be sure of.

I had become quite cross with Hermione shortly after the Quidditch match. She had took it upon herself to tell Harry of my dreams, that now awoke her nightly. He had approached me after Herbology one afternoon, grabbing my hand as we made our way back to the castle. He spoke quickly as if scared he didn't have much time to plead his case before I stalked off. This was true, as I opened my mouth to utter my smart remarks I quickly closed it as soon as I heard the words 'Hermione ' and 'dream ', I had to hear the rest. “...I'm concerned about you. I think you should talk to Dumbledore about it,” He declared. I glared at him blankly as he spoke. Once he was finished, he released his grip and stared longingly. “Save your concern and pass the message along to Hermione to keep her nose in her books where they belong,” I huffed, my hair flinging as I turned sharply and took off.

Hermione had stared at me with the most apologetic look I had ever seen upon someone's face that evening at supper. Once I had cut her a look of anger, I ignored her, talking avidly to Fred and George as if it didn't bother me in the least. Therefore, what little I had spoken to Hermione and Ron through my temperament after the first dream occurrence, was diminished to nonexistent. Making my friend loss to tally four now. I shook it off, I mean I still had Fred, George and Anna, right? The lack of sleep I was getting, alongside the exams looming dangerously close was almost more than my head could handle. I kept my troubles to myself, with the exception of the few breakdowns I had in front of Fred, who had so graciously listened to every word I ever had to say and had done nothing but try to make everything alright.

“Bri, did you not sleep again?” Fred whispered as I sat down beside him that evening in the common room.

“Is that a book in your hand? And it's open?!” I exclaimed, ignoring his comment. I reached up and felt his forehead, “Who are you and what have you done with Fred Weasley?”

He chuckled as he shrugged lightly, “O.W.Ls. But seriously, answer me. Did you not sleep again?”

“I slept a little,” I lied, opening Intermediate Transfigurations, searching for my desired page of interest.

“You're bloody lying to me,” Fred snapped.

I quickly glanced over at him, shocked to see he had called my bluff so suddenly. When my eyes rested upon his face, I saw what almost resembled anger had replaced his usual whimsical expression. I sighed and snapped my book back shut, angry at myself that I could not slip a single lie past Fred.

“Fine, ok. I didn't sleep.”

“Bloody hell, Briley! That's four nights in a roll now, that you've told me of! I can see it taking a toll on you! You have to sleep.” Fred said sternly.

“Shh, keep your voice down! You sound like a megaphone! I know, ok, trust me. Try studying all freaking day and not sleeping for this long!” I hissed.

“Briley, maybe I should take you to the hospital wing. Maybe Madam Pomphrey can give you a sleeping potion to help you.” Fred suggested.

“No.” I replied firmly, “I don't want everyone else knowing ok? It's bad enough Hermione is running and telling Harry! And Merlin only knows who's he's blabbed to.”

Fred sighed, “You're really worrying me.”

The serious look upon his face told me he meant what he said. I smiled feebly and threw my arms around him.

“Thanks for caring Fred,” I whispered as I hugged him tightly.

“Anytime, Bri.” he replied, hugging me back.

“Now,” I said, as I pulled away, “I'm concerned about you.”

“Why is that?” he asked, looking at me curiously.

I grabbed the book from his hand, “Look at this! It's never even been opened before now!”

He chuckled and snatched it back, “Yeah, yeah I know.”

“Look, you even snatched a book back! Oh Merlin, this is more serious than I thought.” I
sighed as I leaned up against his arm and stretched my legs out across the remainder of the seat and began reading.

“Briley! Fred, wake up!” I heard a familiar voice say.

I groaned and closed my eyes tighter. The silence that followed was reassuring.


“Ahhhh!” I screamed, jumping up and looking around wildly.

I saw the smoke emitting from the Exploding Snaps as I realized I was in the common room, my Intermediate Transfigurations book lie sprawled across the floor from where I had jumped so quickly, accompanied by a copy of Standard Book of Spells Grade Five. In front of me stood Ron, George, Ginny, Harry and Hermione.

“What the hell is going on?” I asked sharply, snatching up my book.

“Your hair looks rather nice,” George chuckled.

“I bet it does look quite lovely,” I yawned, looking over at Fred who looked as if he was still half asleep, rubbing his eyes in mid yawn. “How long did we doze off for? What time is it?
And what the hell was all the explosions for?” I asked.

“It's eight o'clock sleeping beauty,” Ron chuckled.

“And the explosions were necessary since you two logs wouldn't get up! Everyone's gone to breakfast except us.” George pointed out.

“Breakfast? EIGHT IN THE MORNING?!” I gasped.

“Ah bloody hell,” Fred groaned.

I stared at George in shock. How did I manage to sleep the whole night without a single dream?

“C'mon you two lazy sods! Get up!” George yelled, grabbing mine and Fred's arm and jerking.

“Alright, alright. I got this,” Fred mumbled as he stood up and stretched.

“You lot better go get ready,” George said, “I'll meet you in the Great Hall, I'm starving.”

With that he headed towards the portrait hole. I yawned once more and stretched, glancing over at Fred. He smiled as he leaned over, “You slept!”

I pretended to be shocked, “WOW! I sure did.”

He chuckled as he clapped me on my shoulder lightly, “I'll be back in a minute.”

He headed towards the boys dormitory as I turned around to grab my book I had sat down on the couch after I had retrieved it from the floor. Without a glance at Ron, Hermione, Ginny or Harry, I headed up to the girls dormitory to get ready quickly.

As I opened my trunk I heard a door shut behind me causing me to jump. As I turned around, I saw Hermione.

“Merlin, you scared me! I didn't even hear you behind me.” I said, turning back around.

She didn't respond, only her soft footsteps could be heard as she approached me. I caught a glimpse of her as she reached me, sitting down upon the floor beside me. I attempted to pretend I didn't notice her until she spoke.

“Listen, Briley I'm sorry,” she began, “I never meant to make you feel like I was betraying you. Harry overheard Lavender talking about how she hadn't slept good because of you having nightmares. So he asked me...”

I began to roll my eyes and speak but she cut me off, “... he wasn't trying to be nosy, Briley! He's concerned about you!”

I looked at her blankly for a moment, “I'm sorry I got so snappy with you, I'm just still really mad at Harry for what he did to me. And I honestly just don't want him to know anything that's going on with me.”

She hurled forward and hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back.

When she pulled away she spoke again, “Now, I'm not being nosy, but when are you ever going to talk to Harry again?”

I shrugged, “I dunno, when I feel I've given him enough hell.”

She gave a feeble smile that was filled with disapproval, “Alright. I'll see you at breakfast.”

I hurriedly got ready, not taking any time for details. I whipped my hair up quickly into a loose messy ponytail and threw on my clothes. I jogged down the stairs and into the common room to see Fred leaned up against the wall near the portrait hole.

“You didn't have to wait on me,” I said as I approached him.

“Eh, it's alright.” he said, starting to yawn again.

“Oh stop,” I yawned, “You're making me yawn.”

He chuckled as we slipped out of the hole and down the stairs.

We walked in a sleepy silence to the Great Hall, not a single student in sight.

“Oatmeal, your favorite,” Fred said nudging me as we walked along the aisle to where
George sat. He glanced up, cheeks puffed out with a mouthful of food.

“Ooowtt ime” he struggled to make even the faintest noises.

“I'm sorry, you seem to have a baby animal in your mouth,” I said sarcastically, “Try that again.”

He glared at me as he swallowed, “Bout time.”

“Ah, see now I could understand that.” I smiled as I helped myself to some oatmeal.

“You kill me. Anyways, what's your first exam?” he asked, spooning another large helping into his mouth.

“Uhhh,” I pulled out my slip of paper where I had jotted down the exams, “Ugh! Transfigurations.”

“Sucks for you,” Fred mumbled, “Isn't that what you were reading up on last night?”

“Yeah, this is not going to be good.” I replied shaking my head.

Breakfast seemed to fly by all too quickly. As I said my dull goodbyes to Fred and George as we left the Great Hall and parted ways, I began up the stairs to Transfigurations.
I groaned slightly as I walked as slowly as I could. I was quite pleased I had got some sleep, but it still jerked at my curiosity as to how I had managed to elude a whole night without a single stir. My mind pondered over this, until I forced it to stop, scared I might jinx myself by questioning my good fortune. My pace seemed to have reached it's absolute low point, until I heard Harry, Ron and Hermione's voices approach from behind me. I quickened my pace, but it was too late. I had been spotted.

“Briley,” Hermione called.

I turned around slowly, “Yeah?”

She jogged up to me as I came to a stop, “Hagrid sent a letter this morning. Buckbeak's appeal is on the sixth.”

“Thanks for letting me know Hermione,” I replied, shaking my head at the thought of Hagrid.

“I just figured I'd tell you... before someone else tried to.” she replied, shifting her eyes towards Harry and Ron as they drew near.

“Right, thanks.” I said as I took off into the classroom before they approached.

I felt bad ignoring Ron, who hadn't done anything to me. But he was constantly with Harry every time I saw him, making it quite difficult to speak to him without having to be rude to Harry. Although I had been enjoying delivering him his payback, I tried to make it simply a war of silence.

We settled into our seats, Luna sitting down next to me as I groaned quietly. I liked Luna, don't get me wrong, I just couldn't figure out how to hold a conversation with her without being completely bewildered or in fear of saying something somewhat rude due to it... not that she'd catch on.

The exam consisted of us attempting, yes attempting, to transform a tea pot into a tortoise. Many of the students had ended up being decently successful, though minor details were the issues. Harry's had ended up keeping the willow pattern from the tea pot in the tortoises shell, Ron's having a spout for a tail and poor Seamus' kept steaming. I had managed, to my great pleasure, to produce a very decent tortoise. I was quite impressed with myself, until Professor McGonagall pointed out the tail was curled like a spout. I groaned in dismay. As we made our way out of the classroom, Hermione asked if I thought her perfectly produced tortoise resembled a turtle.

I looked at her with the dullest look on my face I could muster, “Hermione, it was a freaking tortoise. Chill, you got a good mark, at least it wasn't like mine and Ron's! Ron's still had the spout and mine's tail curled like one!”

“Oh, I know I know! I'm just worried she wi-” she began.

“Will what? Fail you? Be realistic Hermione,” I said sarcastically.

“Hey, don't poke fun at my tortoise,” Ron said sheepishly.

My eyes widened at the fact he had spoken to me as I replied, “Ah, It'll be alright. Nothing wrong, I mean, you did better than Neville, the poor tea pot only gave a feeble shake..”

Ron shrugged his shoulders, “Yeah, true.”

Harry glanced over, his eyes meeting mine. I quickly looked away, just in time to spot Fred and George in the entrance hall, making their way to lunch.

“Oh! See you later!” I called as I took off towards them.

“Hey!” I said as I skidded to a stop beside them.

“Oi! How'd it go?” Fred asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

“Pretty good, my tortoise only had a tail curled up like a spout. Counts for something, right?”
I shrugged.

“Awesome!” George replied, giving me a high five as we entered the Great Hall. As we
made our way to the Gryffindor table, I spotted Malfoy, eying me as if hopefully his looks
could kill. I smiled at him as we passed.

“Oh, thank Merlin!” I exasperated as we took our seats and I immediately began piling the roasted chicken I loved so much onto my plate. It was my favorite Hogwarts special.

“What do you have next?” Fred asked, taking the dish from my hand when I was done.

“Charms,” I mumbled through my mouthful.

“Eh,” Fred said, “I have History of Magic.”

“Haha, Sucks for you,” I replied.

We hastily finished our meal and headed to the common room, not to relax as we all groaned about how we wished we could, but to cram for the next exams.
George, Fred and I took our usual seats, I still gave looks of amazement as the twins' opened their books.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” George said when he noticed I was staring at him.

“I just can't get over this,” I said shaking my head and turning to look at Fred.

“Over what?” George asked.

“You two with books!” I exclaimed.
George and Fred laughed lightly as they began to read; I shook my head and opened my Charms book as Harry, Ron and Hermione emerged through the portrait hole.

Hermione had been right when she had said Professor Flitwick had hinted the Cheering Charms would be on the exams. I felt surprisingly quite confident, Charms was one of my best subjects and I had mastered the Cheering Charm. I had ended up being partnered with Dean. I had over did mine just a bit, causing Dean to laugh at everything I did after I cast the charm.

“Dean! C'mon get on with it,” I said, getting irritated as he giggled uncontrollably when I tripped over my robe.

“Alright, alright,” he managed to get out.

Thank heavens Dean had managed to produce a decent Cheering Charm, I was in need of a lightened spirit. I walked down the corridors to supper that evening accompanied by Dean and Seamus, talking about the exam.

“I think you did well, Dean. I mean, look at me, I'm as happy as a lark!” I told him.

“Thanks, Bri. I sure hope so! I bet you got good marks, yours was about perfect! Almost a good as Hermione's!” he replied.

I laughed, “That's how they should use the upper grading scale. 'Was it as good as Hermione's?' Check.

We all laughed as we entered the Great Hall.
Immediately I saw Fred and George, Fred standing toe to toe with Malfoy wearing a look of utter anger.
I muttered “Bye” to Seamus and Dean and hurried over to them.

“Ah and here she is now!” Malfoy snarled as I approached.

Fred's eyes never left Malfoy as he spoke, “You say another word and you're gonna regret it.”

“Oh, am I Weasley?” he retorted, shifting his malicious eyes back to Fred.

“Yeah, you will.” Fred reassured.

I put my hand up, gently pushing back on Fred's chest. He reached up and pushed it away, still not looking away from Malfoy's face. My eyes widened slightly, Fred had never in any way been hostile towards me nor had I ever seen such anger across his face. I glanced at George, his jaw clenched and eyes fixated on Malfoy as well.

“Anything else, Draco?” George asked.

“No, that'll be all... for today.” he replied, smiling as he turned and retreated to his place at his table.

Fred turned and headed towards the Gryffindor table without even acknowledging me. George on the other hand, spoke, “Hey Briley, sorry about that.”

“What happened? I've never seen you two mad, Fred is really fuming.” I asked as I walked beside him. I watched Fred as he stalked to his seat.

“Malfoy came up to us and.. well he made a comment about how...”

But Fred stopped him as we took our seats next to him, “Don't say anymore or I swear I will go back over there and hit him.”

His cheeks matched his hair as he sat fuming, not touching a bit of food in front of him.

“But I want to know,” I said, catching a warning look from George who shook his head lightly, “...But I mean, it doesn't matter. Malfoy is just a stupid git, no one really cares what he has to say. Can't be anything interesting or well thought out coming outta that pea sized brain.” I replied quickly. George winked and gave me a thumbs up for the graceful recovery.

“That pea sized brain of his won't be working much longer if he keeps it up,” Fred snapped.

“I'm sorry you're upset Fred, don't let him get to you,” I said, throwing my arm over his shoulder.

He turned to me and smiled feebly, “Yeah, you're right. But he really pushed it.”

“Letting him get under your skin only means you're letting him win, you know?” I replied.

“So, does that mean he's constantly winning in the battle against you?” Fred asked, “Cause you're always going postal on him.”

“Ah, you have a valid point,” I said, nodding my head, “But no, it's my intolerance for bullshit that overcomes me.”

Fred laughed as George gave a double thumbs up behind his back, “If that's what you want to call it. I would have said more along the lines of that Irish temper of yours.”
I laughed lightly and shrugged, “Very true, also a good point.”

As the exams kept coming, everyone around the castle felt as if their brains were going to turn to mush. I for one was convinced mine already had as we approached our Defense Against the Dark Arts class. The day was bright and sunny, the wind blowing ever so gingerly. It whipped my curls around as we made our way across the grounds to where Professor Lupin stood. Since our colloquy, Lupin had expected me as a regular guest. I would stay after classes and talk, yearning for him to say something about my parents he hadn't before. I'm not sure if he actually enjoyed talking to me or felt pity and merely tolerated me. Whichever it was, I was determined not to stop going until he said so. Yet every time I knocked on his door, he answered with a smile and a warm welcome. As we approached him in the radiant sunlight, I noticed it appeared to be an obstacle course. It was the most awkward exam, and yet one of the easiest I thought.

“Ok, who wants to go first?” Lupin said, looking around at the class.

“I'll have a go,” I said after a few moments of silence.

“Excellent, Briley. Step right up, first you'll be wadding through the small pond here with grindylow... the rest I expect you'll figure out, aye?” he said with a nod of assurance.
I nodded and started my way into the pond.

I made it through with success, the Red Caps in the pot holes in the next obstacle seemed like a piece of cake. I smiled triumphantly as I entered the patch of marsh ahead.

As I slipped through silently, I heard a faint popping noise. I looked around to finally catch sight of hinkypunk.

“Ahha, you won't fool me!” I muttered under my breath.

The noises of the hinkypunk followed me until I emerged from the other end of the marsh.

“Excellent,” Lupin said with a smile, “Now, into the trunk.”

I took a deep breath in, preparing myself to face the boggart, which would inevitably turn into gigantic snake.

Moments later, I stepped back out, a smile illuminating my face as Lupin clapped his hands, “Fantastic Briley! Full marks!”

He hugged me and I said my goodbyes, making my way back to the castle so I could go ahead to lunch.

Everyone chatted happily at lunch, the end of the exams that afternoon was in sight and the bliss was overwhelming.

Fred still shot Malfoy ornery looks every time we passed the Slytherin table. I had yet to snatch George alone to ask what had happened, for fear of refueling Fred's anger if I mentioned it in front of him.

I praised Merlin for not having to accompany Harry and Ron to the Divination exam after lunch. So, Fred, George and I made our way out onto the grounds to soak in some of the rays and enjoy a pitched of iced-pumpkin juice they had acquired from a visit to the kitchens.

“Pretty day,” Fred said as we walked towards the lake.

“Yeah, it is,” I smiled, pulling my loose curls up into a sloppy ponytail.

“Nice shades by the way,” George laughed, almost splashing some of the pumpkin juice from the pitcher he carried.

“Why thank you,” I grinned, “Very Jackie O, don't you think?” I acted as if I was modeling them.

“Who?” Fred asked.

“Oh, right. Nevermind, forgot I was raised by Muggles,” I laughed.

Fred laughed as we reached the edge of the lake, throwing a blanket down.
I threw my bag down beside it and sat down.

“Pumpkin juice, my lady?” George said, bowing slightly as he handed me a glass.

“Why thank you, dear sir.” I replied, giggling.

He laughed as he poured another and sat down the pitcher, “You can get your own.”

“That's hostile,” Fred snapped, grabbing the pitcher and pouring himself a glass.

I took a sip and sat the glass down beside me. The octopus floated lazily across the surface of the lake, intent on enjoying the sunlight as we were.

“So, excited about coming to the Burrow for holidays?” George asked. He gestured towards me with his glass as he spoke, sloshing some onto his pants, “Damn.”

I laughed lightly, “Yeah, really excited!”

“It'll be nice having an extra mind and set of hands to torture Ron,” Fred added, smiling maliciously as he pressed his glass to his lips.

“Ooh, yeah!” George exclaimed, sitting down his glass, “That will make things so much easier! I thought twice the man power was fabulous, now we'll be three deep!”
I chuckled and shook my head at how excited the twins got at making Ron's life hell.

“You really wanna know what Malfoy said the other day?” Fred said. I turned my head quickly, noticing George had snapped his head to look at Fred also. Fred didn't look at me, he stared blankly at the lake in front of us.

“Only if you want to tell me,” I replied wearily.

“When we walked into the Great Hall, he walked over to us and said, 'So which one of you is the one tainting the Black family even more than Briley's father did with that filthy mother of hers? Fred? You and White going to live happily ever after in a dump like your parents house? I didn't think Sirius Black's daughter could stoop any lower than what was passed down to her from her father, but Muggle-lovers?' And I just snapped. I don't even care what he had to say about my family, I know we're better people than his family could ever imagine being. So what if we're poor? We're happy. But I couldn't stand hearing him talk about you and your family like that. So I threatened him, told him if he ever said another word about you, he'd regret it.” Fred said.

I sat there for a moment, absorbing everything he had said. Not sure if I should be angry at Malfoy for what he said about my parents and the Weasleys, who I considered my family, or flattered that Fred had stuck up for me or even what I should feel about the fact Malfoy had thought I was dating one of the twins. Finally after a moment of silence, I flung my arms around Fred and hugged him tight.

“Thank you Fred,” I said as I squeezed him.

He smiled and hugged me back, “No problem, I wasn't going to let him talk about you like that.”

“You two are the best. I love you guys. And I'll get even with Malfoy for saying that about my parents. Oh well, though, I know even if my father was a murderer, at least he was still a better person than Lucius.” I shrugged, smiling at the two of them.

“You got that right,” George chuckled, “Oh, look. It's Wonny-kins.”

I glanced over to see Hermione, Ron and Harry making their way towards us. The look on Hermione's face, even from the distance, told me she was bursting to share some acquired information.

“Oh,” I said suddenly, looking back to Fred, “I want a wrap around porch.”

“What?” he asked.

“Well, we're going to live happily ever after, right? I want a wrap around porch.” I explained.

His face twisted into a smile, “Done.”

“Promise?” I asked, nudging him.

“Promise.” he smiled.

“Promise what?” Ron asked as he approached us.

“I had to promise I'll make sure our house has a wrap around porch when we get married,” Fred laughed.

“What?!” the three of the said in unison.

I laughed, “Yeah, you heard him.”

“Oh calm down Wonny, we're only yanking your wand,” George said.

Fred and I laughed before Hermione spoke, “Anyways, we saw the executioner and the
Minister after we left the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam.”

“What? They've already brought the executioner?!” I shouted, “That's not justice!”

“I know,” Hermione said quietly, “It's not fair.”

Ron sat down on the edge of the blanket in front of me, Harry taking a step forward and sat down close to me. I rolled my eyes behind my sunglasses.

“I can't believe this,” I said shaking my head and picking up my pumpkin juice that sat in between Harry and I.

“Regardless of the outcome, we want to go visit Hagrid tonight. Do you want to come with us Briley? We're going to sneak under the Invisibility Cloak, we simply can't let Hagrid be alone.” Hermione said, finally taking a seat as well.

“Yeah, I want to come,” I replied, nodding.

“Ok,” she said, nodding.

At that, Harry and Ron stood up as they said their goodbyes.

“See ya, Mrs. Weasley,” Ron laughed, waving.

“Bye brother-in-law,” I chuckled.

I turned back to Fred and George as we all laughed lightly.

“I feel horrible for Hagrid, bless his heart...” I shook my head.

“I know, that's a damn shame,” George replied, shaking his head, “That animal did
humanity a favor by attacking Malfoy and they want to put it down! The thing should be given
a metal of honor!”

“Precisely! Buckbeak should be named Hippogriff of the year!” I chimed in.

Fred smiled and raised his glass, “To Buckbeak.”

“To Buckbeak,” George and I said, clinking our glasses against Fred's.

I pressed my glass to my lips and took another sip.

We spent the rest of the evening in the sun. The twins chatted away; bouncing ideas off the other would be the complete opposite way to describe what they were doing. I lay there, eyes shut as I hoped the sun would darken my Irish complexion, laughing internally as they literally finished each others sentences. I was use to this, naturally but I found it so amusing that one would start a sentence about an idea they had just thought of and the other would finish it.

“Alright there, wifey?” I heard one of them say.

Without opening my eyes, I replied, “You're not my husband, Fred is.”

“Wow, can't get one by you for nothing!”

I opened my eyes to see the pair wearing looks of amazement.

I smiled, “I know you two.”

“Clearly,” George replied, “Even our Mum can't tell us apart that easily!”
We all chuckled.

“Best get going,” Fred said, raising his eyebrows and nodding towards the slowly sinking sun.

Shortly after, we gathered our things and began towards the common room to drop our things off before dinner.

We entered the common room, I immediately opened my mouth to speak until I saw the looks on Ron and Hermione's faces.
Ron handed me a letter, “Hagrid sent this.”

Lost the appeal.
Execution is set for sunset.
Don't come, I don't want you to see.

“Where's Harry?” she asked as I looked up from the letter and back at her.

“Like I'd know? This is outrageous!” I said, shaking the letter as I handed it back to Ron.

“I know, oh! There he is!”

I turned around to see Harry slipping through the portrait hole, eyes wide.

“I've got to talk to you lot,” he said hurriedly before pausing, “What's wrong?”

Ron handed him the letter from Hagrid. Harry sighed and sunk onto the couch.

I left the three of them to talk as I walked up to the dormitory to drop off my belongings before returning to meet the twins.

Harry stood up as I entered the common room and walked over to me, “Will you please at least listen to me? You don't have to talk to me.”

His green eyes and his voice dripped with a pleading tone; I sighed and slightly rolled my eyes, “Fine.”

I glanced at the twins and raised my eyebrows; they nodded in unison and headed to dinner without me. When I looked back at Harry he gave a weary smile and took my arm and led me out of the portrait hole after them.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

He turned around, wearing a smile on his face, “I just didn't want to be in the common room.”

He stopped as we rounded the corner into a deserted corridor.

“Ok, plead your case,” I said, crossing my arms.

“Listen, I'm sorry. I know I treated you horribly and I should have talked to you instead of ignoring you and hurting you. I never intended to hurt you.. but I won't lie it was satisfying to see you hurt as much as you had hurt me.” he began.

“How?” I snapped, “How did I hurt you?”

He bowed his head as he sighed, “I guess I ignored you because I couldn't bring myself to tell you this and admit why I was upset and hurt...”

He looked up at me, his expression told me he felt timorous. He let out a long sigh before he spoke again, “I like you Briley.”

“I liked you too until you ignored me. You were my best fri-”

“No, I mean... Damn it. I mean, I really like you.” He blurted.

I raised my eyebrows in shock, “You what?”

“Damn, see. I knew I shouldn't have said anything. Just forget it,” he spoke quickly and started to walk away.

I grabbed his arm, “Wait. No, I'm glad you told me. But I still don't understand how I hurt you.”

“After the match against Ravenclaw, when I saw you snogging Wood. I don't know – It just hurt.” he said, looking down the corridor.

“This is what all this was over? Wood snogging me?” I asked.

He nodded as he stared blankly ahead of him. My anger for Harry seemed to crack like ice and break away.

He turned to me, “I'm sorry.”

I stood for a moment, looking at his face. he turned to look at me finally; His black untidy hair covering his scar, his bright green eyes staring into mine. I raised my hand from his arm I had grabbed and touched his cheek as I leaned in and kissed him. He pressed his lips firmly against mine.

After a moment, I pulled away to say something. Before I could even open my mouth to speak, Harry pressed his lips against mine again.

“I'm sorry,” he repeated as we parted.

I smiled faintly, “Apology accepted.”

“We better go,” he said suddenly.

“Oh, yeah. Hermione's probably having a heart attack.” I replied.

He smiled again as he took my hand and led me down the corridor. I smiled to myself as I looked over at him. He didn't look back at me, but he wore the same smile I did. I felt strangely whole again. How this made sense was beyond me but it's what I felt. My heart seemed to be able to beat again, to smile. Now, I guess I owed Emily an apology, I thought to myself. She had only had my best interest in heart, now that I knew. I felt ashamed I had been so vindictive. At the time it seemed right. The feeling of betrayal and hurt I had felt was unlike anything I had ever felt before in my life. Next to the horror of my adoptive parents dying, it was the second worst feeling ever. I shuttered slightly at the thought of them; it had been so long since they had crossed my mind in a dismal way. I wasn't bitter anymore, I wasn't angry that they had been taken away form me. As I looked around the castle everyday I had come to the terms that everything had happened for a reason. They were taken for a reason... so my eyes could be opened to this world I had dismissed for so long. The world I now felt I belonged. I had never quite had that feeling before; the world I was use to seemed to think of me as disdained. Now that I knew what I did now, I found this quite amusing. I had always known I was different, even before I was told of what I was. I longed to be normal though, just average. I concluded this to be my reasoning for not accepting this unknown world.

“There you are!” Hermione shouted as she emerged from the Great Hall after Ron, “We've got to go.”

I groaned silently, the smell of the food from the hall blew by me in a breeze as the doors closed behind them.

“We have to put on the cloak. Do you think we'll all fit?”

“'Course we will, it's only pip squeak we're adding under it,” Ron chimed.

I frowned and hit him in the arm, “This pip squeak has ears you know.”

He chuckled as he rubbed the place where I had hit him, “Yeah, I know. Wasn't anything bad!”

“Quick,” Hermione said, looking around anxiously.

Harry fumbled in his robe pocket and pulled out the cloak, throwing it around Hermione and I as Ron caught it and pulled it around himself on the other end.

“I can't believe we all fit,” she said as we slipped out the great wooden doors.

We slipped out into the setting sun. The grounds were quiet and the air stood still as if it was paying its respects to Buckbeak. I felt Harry slip his hand into mine as we walked in silence. He tightened his grip as I intertwined my fingers into his; The warmth from his palms was imminence. No one spoke as we made our way to Hagrid's hut that now loomed in the distance. There were no words, at least none that I could think to voice.
We approached his hut and climbed the steps ever so carefully as harry reached out and knocked.

Hagrid's booming footsteps could be heard as he made his way to the door and opened it.

“It's us,” Harry whispered.

“Blimey,” Hagrid hissed, “Get in here. I thought I told you lot not to come!”

He shut the door behind us with as snap as Harry pulled the cloak off.

“We couldn't let you go through this alone,” Hermione protested.

“I don't want you lot ter see! Dumbledore's comin'; great man 'e is, sent me a letter this afternoon sayin' he wanted to be with me and Bucky.” Hagrid said as he looked out the window towards the castle, his expression seemed distant.

“I'm sorry Hagrid, we just wanted to be here for you,” I said timidly.

He turned around to face the four of us, forcing a smile, “Thank you guys.”

He took a step forward, enclosing the gap between us easily and bent down to hug me. I wrapped my arms around him as far as I could, “It'll be ok Hagrid, I promise.”

He pulled away, still wearing the faint smile and hugged the others.

“Care for some tea?” he asked. The helplessness aura around him broke my heart.

I nodded, “Sit down Hagrid, I got it.”

I walked over to the cupboard and pulled down the glasses before fetching the kettle from the fire as they sat down around the table.

I didn't listen to anything that was being said; the dull misery seemed to consume my mind and thoughts. I didn't dare look out the window into the pumpkin patch to see Buckbeak for one last time. I knew if I did I would start crying and this would not help Hagrid at all.
I sighed and opened another cabinet door to retrieve the milk, shocked I let out a scream.

“What is it?” Harry said, jumping up from the table.

“I- Oh my! It's Scabbers!” I gasped. Ron, gaping, jumped up and ran to the cupboard and retrieved his rat. He looked dreadful; skinnier and more patchy than ever. He struggled wildly against Ron's grip as he cooed the rat, reassuring him no cats were around.

A rapid knock came from the door; all of us turned immediately.

“That'll be them!” he hissed, “Go out the back door! Mind you, stay hidden! Don't watch!”

He scurried us to the door and pushed us gently out as Harry whipped the cloak over us, disappearing from sight.

“Hello, Hagrid,” I heard Dumbledore's voice say as the squeak of the front door being opened filled the silence.

“Quick, let's go! I can't bear to be around!” I hissed.

We quickly made our way up the lawn towards the castle as the sun sank quickly below the horizon.

“Ron! Stop fussing with that bloody rat! I don't want to be -” I hissed.

“OW! Scabber's stop! It's me!” Ron protested, struggling to keep the rat in his pocket, “Shut up! Everyone will hear!”

The rat wriggled madly, squeaking in fear.

“What the hell is wrong with him?!” Harry hissed.

Over the squeaks of the rat came a dull swish and thud of a axe hitting a stump.

Hermione and I gasped as the blood drained from our faces; the four of us stood transfixed on the spot, unable to speak.

I turned to go back as I heard Hagrid's wails, but Harry seized my arm.

“We can't,” he said.

“I can't believe-” Hermione managed to say.

“Scabber's stop!” Ron hissed angrily.

“I'm about to PUNCH THAT RAT!” I said angrily, reaching across Hermione to make a swipe for the petrified animal.

“I don't know what's wrong with him!” Ron growled, jerking away from my attempts to snatch the rat for myself.

“I do,” Harry said, looking ahead of him.

Hermione turned immediately, “Crookshanks! NO!”

But it was too late, Scabber's bit Ron who let out a yelp of pain and the rat was free. He scampered across the lawn still squeaking madly; Ron took off after him.

“Ron no!” Hermione moaned.

“Damn it!” I hissed, darting out from under the Invisibility Cloak as well and running after him, “I'm going to kill that rat!”

I could hear Harry and Hermione running behind me as I barreled after Ron. I saw his ginger hair streak towards the ground as the sun slid behind the horizon, the bloody glow it had been emitting across the ground disappearing. I skidded to a halt beside him.

“Do you have the damn thing under control?” I said angrily.

“Yes!” Ron snapped, standing up. The quivering lump in his pocket squeaking timidly.

“Quick! Get the -” Hermione started, but stopped abruptly. I had heard it too; soft thuds as if an animal was running towards us. I whirled around wildly to see a gigantic black dogs hurling towards us. I quickly reached for my wand but it was no use, the dog took one leap and hit Harry in the chest, knocking him down. The dog skidded off him and rounded for another go. I pointed my wand at the dog and opened my mouth to shout but I felt a hand on my arm followed by it pushing me. I tumbled over as the black dog latched its teeth onto Ron's arm he had pushed me with.

“Ron!” I screamed, getting to me feet as quickly as I could.

The dog drug him across the ground like he was as light as a feather.

I began to run towards Ron in attempt to save him but out of nowhere something hit me as hard as ever across my torso, knocking the wind out of me as I fell to the ground.

“Briley!” I heard Harry scream before two yells of pain echoed through the air.

I struggled to get up, holding my side as it gushed blood.

I saw Ron's leg from the tree root just in time to hear the sickening crack and then him vanish from sight.

“Briley, are you ok?” Harry said, his face covered in blood as he stumbled over to me followed by Hermione who's shoulder bled from the blow she substained.

I nodded as I turned to look at the Wheeping Willow, the branches flailing madly in the air.

“We've got to help him!” Hermione said desperately.

“How are we going to get past that?” I asked, not glancing at her.

Crookshanks bound past us, slinking through the dangerous branches and to the tree root where Ron had vanished. He place his paw gingerly on the root and suddenly the tree stopped moving.

“How- How did he- ?” Hermione gasped.

“He's friends with the dog. I've seen them before,” Harry said.

“C'mon, lets go!” I yelped, taking off towards the tree.

As we approached, I saw a glimpse of Crookshanks tail as he disappeared down the opening.

I bent down to crawl in but Harry grabbed my shoulder, “No, let me go first.”

I shook my head, “No time to try to be a gentlemen!” I spoke so quickly I was unsure if he even understood what I had said before I crawled in and slid down the slope and hit the ground. I jumped up quickly, grabbing my side in pain as I moved out of the way in time as
Harry appeared followed by Hermione.

“This way,” Harry said catching a glimpse of Crookshanks golden eyes.

“Lumos,” I said silently as we began down the winding path. The others had to bend back to fit in the low tunnel, but I fit perfectly. I ran as quickly as I could, trying to keep up with Crookshanks who bobbed in and out of view.

“Where does this go?” Hermione asked.

“No idea, it's on the Maraduer's Map but it doesn't show where it leads to,” Harry replied hastily.

The tunnel raised just before it ended, a soft glow emitting from just beyond. I raised my wand as the others came to my side.

Hermione gasped, “I think we're in the Shrieking Shack!”

I paid her no mind as I began inching forward. The others followed. I felt Harry grasp my hand, clenching tightly. The dust was more than an inch thick, it looked as if someone had ripped the place to shreds. A trail of disturbed dust told us where to find Ron.

“Ghosts did not do this,” Hermione whispered.

“Nox,” I whispered as the light went out.

The others did the same as we reached the unstable looking staircase. I glanced over at Harry and Hermione, who nodded and we began up the stairs quietly. Only one door on the landing was slightly open. We exchanged looks and silently agreed as we crept forward. We heard a low moan come form the room as we approached. Harry kicked the door open as we burst in, wands held high. On a four poster bed sat Crookshanks, purring contently, Ron a heap on the floor beside it.

Harry ran for him immediately as we followed. I crouched down beside him, “Are you ok?”
Before he could answer Harry spoke, “Where's the dog?”

“Not a dog, it's him,” Ron groaned through clenched teeth, “He's an Animagus! It's a trap!”
Ron stared sheepishly behind us. My heart stopped as I whirled around in time to see the door we had entered shut with a snap, revealing the man in the shadows beyond it.

“Expelliarums!” he croaked hoarsely as the wand I had pointed directly at him flew out of my hand, along with Harry and Hermione's, shot into the air and he caught them.

The horror consumed me yet thrill flooded through my veins at the same time as I stared at the man. His matted hair, sullen eyes barely visible in the shadows around them. My heart raced wildly, my breathing was uneven and rapid as my chest rose and fell.

“I knew you'd come to help your friend,” he said, “Your father would have done the same for me. I'm grateful, this will make things easy.”

I felt Harry begin to tremble next to me. He made a sudden movement forward but I grasped his arm tightly and shoved myself in front of him.

“If you try to kill him, you'll kill me as well!” I shrieked, my voice cracking.
I was shaking so fiercely I was sure I was about to fall to my knees that now felt like someone had cast a Jelly-Legs spell on me.

“Briley?” the man said, his voice not hoarse or harsh anymore but soft, drenched in amazement, “My Irish angel.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So, Harry and Briley make up!
Hope you enjoy :]