Status: February 2010-February 2012

Butterflies and Dragonflies


Ice-cream, television, tissues.

That's all I needed. That's all I had.

I laid on my bed with a box of Kleenex and a small carton of chocolate ice-cream. My tearstained face stared at the television screen. Phineas and Ferb was on. But for once it wasn't funny. For once I wasn't interested in what they were doing today.

There was a knock on my door. I turned toward it but didn't invite the person in. I just stared at the door until Amy let herself in. she closed the door and glared at me. I looked away from her death glare and back at the television. I think Candice was trying to bust her brothers again.

A lime green shirt blocked my view of the television and I was looking at Amy. She clicked the television off and crossed her arms over her chest. I just stared at her.

"What are you doing, Tay?" she yelled.

"Laying in bed," I replied monotonous.

She rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her hips. "You can't just get fat off of ice-cream and stay in your room all day, everyday."

"I'm doing it."

She sighed. "This isn't going to fix anything."

"You pushed me and pushed me to tell him, Amy. I didn't want to ruin our friendship so I kept it to myself. I finally told him and look what it did...he doesn't like me anymore," I said, the tears were coming back now.

"He does like you," Amy sighed.

I shook my head. "He hasn't called, he hasn't came over."

"You changed your number, Tay."

"After about a week of not hearing from him."

Amy sighed and sat beside me on my bed. She wrapped her arms around me and I laid my head on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Tay," she said.

We laid like this for a while. Me crying, Amy holding and comforting me. I need Drew. I want Drew. I can't live without his breathtaking smile, his beautiful blue eyes, his velvet voice. Thinking about things like this just made everything worse.

I had managed to cry myself to sleep.

When I woke up Amy was gone along with my ice-cream and the box of Kleenex. I yawned and stretched. My eyes landed where the televisionwas used to be. She took my TV too. I rolled my eyes. She just wanted me to leave my room. She was lucky I had to use the bathroom. I got up from the bed and walked out of my room. I went into the bathroom first and decided to take a shower and everything since I was already up.

Amy was smiling brightly at me when I came out of the bathroom. I rolled my eyes at her and walked into my room with a towel wrapped around my waist. Amy gasped and I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "You expressed another emotion!" she exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes at her again. "Get out, I'm changing," I said pushing her slightly out of my room and closing the door behind her.

"Next step, getting out of this room and down stairs and out of this house!" she yelled through the door.

"Good luck with that!" I yelled back.

I pulled on a plain white v-neck, boxers and a pair of skinny jeans. Well, I couldn't exactly get into the jeans so I went with a pair of basketball shorts I happen to have. I sighed as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Amy was right; I had to get out of the house.
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iloveyouall. [:

uptown, get around - stereo skyline(on repeat)