Status: February 2010-February 2012

Butterflies and Dragonflies


I don't understand why Drew is acting like this. I'm his best friend, he can tell me any and everything, and Amy obviously knows what's going on with him. It hurt that he'd tell her and not me. I couldn't stand the two of them keeping something from me, something that's making my beautiful Drew upset. I let out a frustrated scream and pushed my workbook and my homework onto the floor. Collapsing back in the bed, I glared up at the black ceiling. He should be able to tell me whatever is bothering him; he can trust me. I was finally able to tell him that I was gay and in love with him...and it wasn't easy for maybe I should back off. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes just as my phone started to vibrate on the nightstand. I sat up and grabbed it to see I had a new text message. It was from Alex.

Hey, I finished my homework and now I'm booooored. :P

I smiled. I walked Alex to all of his classes today, giving him a long passionate kiss when it was a class I didn't have with him before reluctantly walking away and I kept my hand attached to his at all times. We got a lot of stares and whispers, but I didn't care. (Actually, I wanted to rip every last one of those jerks faces off, but Alex always stopped me.) Biting my lip, I texted him back.

Haha come over than (;

On my way:)

I sat my phone down and got up from my bed. I picked my book and papers up from the floor and sat them on the bed, going over to the mirror that hung over my dresser to fix my hair up a little. For Alex. Unfortunately, my hair hated me. It wouldn't stay flat, it had to stick up here and there. I rolled my eyes at my hair and went to open my door. I heard the doorbell ring as I was about to go check on Amy. She's been awfully quiet.

"Taylor!" My mom yelled.

"Coming! I called back. I went to Amy's door and knocked. And waited. Nothing. I could hear music coming from the other side though. I knocked again and there still was nothing. Music must be too loud, I thought and opened the door slowly and poked my head inside. She wasn't here. I growled as I pushed the door all the way open and I noticed that the window was opened slightly. I glared at the stupid window. When I find that girl she's going to be in so much trouble.

I was too busy fuming over my sister that I didn't notice arms sneak their way around my waist. I turned my head slightly to see Alex rest his chin on my shoulder. I turned around to place a kiss on his soft lips, wrapping my arms around his waist. There was no tongue involved. It was just a sweet and simple kiss.

"You got here fast," I said after pulling away.

"I was at my Aunt's," he answered softly.

"Hmmm," I hummed before placing my lips back on his.

I heard someone clear their throat and looked up to see my mom standing there with a laundry basket in her hands. "Um...why are you standing in Amy's doorway?" she asked.

I kept my arms around Alex's waist as I spoke, "You know your daughter snuck off right?"

"No, she's at a friend's house," she said, walking around us to place the basket on Amy's bed.

"Oh," I mumbled. Alex giggled and I gave him a playful glare.

"I'm glad you're being a good big brother, though," My mom said smiling.

"Yeah," I said sheepishly. "C'mon beautiful," I said grabbing Alex's hand and leading him to my room. I closed the door behind us and led him to my bed where I immediately attacked my lips to his.

"Taylor," he mumbled against my lips.

I hummed to let him know I was listening. "You have homework."

I groaned and moved away from him. "Way to kill the mood, loser."

Alex giggled and placed a kiss on my lips. "You should finish," he said and then placed anther kiss to my lips.

I grunted as I returned the kiss. I leaned back against the headboard bringing him with me so that he was in my lap. I placed my arms around his waist and deepened the kiss. "Beautiful," I said pulling away.

He gave me a small smile and kissed my swollen lips. "That makes me happy," he said.

I smiled and sat up, Alex sliding off my lap. "So, you wanna help me with my homework?" I asked reluctantly. I didn't want to do it. Alex smiled and grabbed the book. "Sure."

We sprawled out on the floor and Alex explained the stupid math homework to me. That was one of the four classes we had together. When I finally finished Alex decided he wanted to watch a movie, but I forgot Amy took my TV and never returned it, so we went to her room. I put in The Lion King and cuddled with Alex on Amy's bed.


Last night Alex and I ended up falling asleep in Amy's bed. She didn't come home last night and even though Mom knew where she was, I was still worried. I was currently waiting or Alex on my porch. He had left to go and get ready for school and to get his backpack. I was really starting to like Alex. We weren't officially together, because I still don't know much about him. I just know that he's shy; he's adorable when he blushes, he's smart and he's an amazing kisser. I smiled when Alex pulled up and began walking towards the car. I opened the door and when I was inside I placed a kiss on Alex's cheek. He smiled at e and continued to the school. It was a silent ride, but I didn't mind. I was actually thinking about asking Alex on a date. I mean I do want to get to know him. I do kinda like him. Maybe it’s finally time to move on.

I looked over at the boy and smiled. "Alex?" I said suddenly.

"Yes?" he answered glancing at me briefly.

"Um..." I never asked anyone out before. Drew was the only person I ever wanted to ask on a date. He was my first crush and I've been too busy wishing I could be with him and I never went for anyone else.

"Uh, Taylor?"

I snapped out of my thoughts. "Oh, yeah, sorry," I mumbled. "Um, Alex, would you like to with Friday?" I asked nervously.

Alex looked over at me as he parked and smiled. "Like...a date?" he asked.

I nodded and bit my lip expecting him to say no. Instead he leaned over and kissed my lips softly. He pulled away, still smiling.

" that a yes?" I asked nervously, biting my lip.

Alex laughed. "Duh."

My cheeks heated up. "Oh." I felt stupid.

Alex giggled and leaned over placing another kiss to my lips. This time I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. We finally pulled away for air and got out of the car walking to the building hand-in-hand. We still were getting stares and being whispered about by our classmates. I hated them. I guess Alex could sense that I wanted to kill them for he squeezed my hand reassuringly. I looked over at him and smiled as we made our way to my locker. We just stood there and talked about nothing and we kissed a little since the bell hasn't rung yet.

I had Alex against the lockers, my arms around his waist ad his around my neck. I deepened the kiss and pressed my body against his earning a low moan from him. When we heard a lot of commotion I pulled away from him and turned to see that it was coming from a crowd around the bulletin board. What's going on that's got everyone interested.

"I wonder what's going on that has everyone interested," Alex mumbled, speaking my thoughts.

I nodded and moved to grab his hand and led him to the crowd. Abby was in the middle of it and I knew it couldn't be good. She was talking, but I didn't hear what she was saying. "Oh, look, and it's his gay best friend now!" she said, smirking at me.

Every head turned to look at me and I glared at Abby. I hated her now. "What the hell-" I stopped when she moved aside for me to see the bulletin. I let go of Alex's hand to take a step closer. My hands clenched at my side and a growl slipped passed my lips as I glared at the picture and read the text:

Taylor Lenin and Drew Simmons both uses girls just to break their hearts.

That's not what made me mad. The picture in the middle was what made me want to murder Drew. Amy, my little sister, had her arms around Drew's neck and his arms were around her waist. It looked like they were kissing and under the picture it said:
Taylor pretended to be straight and Drew cheats on his girlfriend with the ugliest girl in school. (There was also a picture of Alex and me that Abby must've taken secretly, but I didn't care about that.)

Alright, I'm gonna kill Abby later for calling my sister ugly, but first I need to find Drew and murder him.

"Alex, what's going on here?" I heard Amy's voice ask.

I turned slowly, still fuming, and saw Amy sanding next to Alex, Drew on the other side of her and they were holding hands. This is where I turn into a monster and charge for my so-called best friend. He didn't even see me coming. I knocked him to the floor making Amy stumble since they were holding hands. Drew let out a groan.

"Tay, what the hell?" he said hoarsely.

Then I started to hit him. I didn't even question why he sounded so horrible, blaming it on the pain. I didn't question why his eyes were so red and puffy or why his hair was a complete mess either. I just hit him and hit him, ignoring Amy's screams for me to stop. Drew didn't even try to fight me, he didn't try to stop me at all. He didn't groan in pain, or scream, he didn't say anything at all. He just looked at me with swollen, teary eyes. Then it dawned on me: I was hitting Drew. My Drew. Just because a stupid picture that was probably taken by Abby, of course it was taken by Abby. Abby who hated me; who was a friend of Becky; Becky who broke Drew's heart. This picture was taken for revenge to make it look like Drew was cheating when in reality they were probably just hugging. They were just hugging. So, if I finally figured it out why hadn't I stopped hitting him?

I was suddenly lifted off of my friend and I struggled to get free, but it was no use. I stopped trying to break free from the big security guy and stared at Drew. My poor Drew. Lying on the floor, bruises on his beautiful face, bleeding and I did that to him. He was being helped up and escorted to the nurse's office probably. Then I looked at Amy. She looked at me with teary eyes and shook her head before following after the people carrying Drew away. Then I looked at Alex. His brown eyes stared at me wide. I looked away and could feel tears forming in my eyes. Amy hates me, Alex is scared of me, but most importantly...I hurt Drew.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey! (:
Drew fans, don't hate me!
So, hope this makes up for the last chapter. It was so short. This one is the longest yet and it probably will be the longest for the whole story.

And I want to start thanking the commenters here. I think that's really nice to recognize the amazing people who take the time to comment, though I appreciate it if you take the time to actually read it also. I know I'm not that good of a writer so I really really REALLY appreciate it. I'm trying to grow as a writer. (: So, thanks again.

And a special thanks to the people who commented the last chapter:
Max Ryde


P.s. You all should go buy Selena Gomez & the Scenes new album 'When the Sun Goes Down' its great. (;