Status: February 2010-February 2012

Butterflies and Dragonflies


Amy came back for me after school and took me home. I was too busy crying to worry about how she was driving without a license. She helped me to my room which was kind of hard for her. I crawled into my bed once we made into my room and I returned to the position I was in under the tree and I cried some more. Amy left to ask my mom if she could stay and returned with a box of tissue and some ice-cream. She laid the tissue box on the nightstand and tried to give me the bowl of ice-cream and a spoon.

"Its what Taylor did when he was crying over you," she explained softly, giving me a small smile. I didn't return it and she sighed, setting the ice-cream down and crawling in bed next to me. She wrapped her arms around me and she let me cry on her shoulder until I fell asleep.

The next morning my eyes were red and puffy and my throat hurt. There was a knock on the door and then Amy walked in without waiting for me to invite her in. She was already dressed and ready for school with her backpack slung over one shoulder.

"What are you doing still laying around?" she asked.

I coughed and groaned. "I don't wanna go to school."

"You sound horrible," she commented, frowning. "But you're still going. You need to face Taylor. You guys can't keep hiding in your rooms from one another when you make each other upset," she said as she threw clothes at me.

I groaned and reluctantly got up to get ready for school. She was right, but I didn't just want to stay home to hide from Taylor. I seriously didn't feel good. I didn't bother messing with my hair. I didn't really care how I looked. I grabbed my backpack and followed Amy to the car. She turned the radio up and sung along, trying to make me feel better. She failed. I parked in the student parking lot and just sat there, staring out of the window-shield. I didn't notice Amy get out of the car until my door opened and she unbuckled my seatbelt, turned off the car and dragged me out. She slammed the door shut and grabbed my hand; dragging me to the building. I felt like a zombie.

She pulled me into the school, dragging me down the hall. We were heading to Taylor's locker and my heart sped up. What if he's there? What if he hates me because I told him to leave me alone? What if Alex is there? What if they're having one of their little make-out sessions? I suddenly felt even more sick. As we grew closer and closer to his locker I noticed there was a crowd nearby, surrounding the bulletin. Nobody's ever interested in what's pinned up there, what's so different about today? I also noticed that Taylor wasn't standing by his locker. That made me feel a little better. I didn't have to face him just yet, but then more thoughts came to mind. What if he's somewhere with Alex making out or....something. Now, I feel sick again.

I had no interest in what was going on by the bulletin, but Amy pulled me in that direction. I barely noticed Alex standing a little away from the crowd as Amy stopped next to him. "Alex, what's going on here?" she asked him.

I didn't hear a reply because I was suddenly knocked to the floor. Looking up, I saw that it was Taylor who had attacked me. I guess he doesn't hate me after all but that kinda hurt.

"Taylor, what the hell?" I groaned hoarsely.

What happened next took me by surprise. I guess I thought too soon. He does hate me. He started hitting me, punching me in the stomach and in the face. He looked angry and I wanted to know what I did to cause him to be so angry. Was it because I wouldn't tell him what was bothering me and asked him to leave me alone just after we started talking again? I just stared into his angry eyes and let him hit me. I let him use me as a punching bag so he could release all of the anger built up inside of him. My eyes began to water as he continued to hit me. It hurt that he was hitting me; he never hit me. What's happening to my Taylor? Soon, the hitting stopped, but the pain was still there as he was pulled off of me. I was lifted up and carried away also.

My swollen eyes were barely opened as I looked up to see Amy standing over me. She gave me a smile and wrapped her arms around me once she saw that I was awoke. I groaned and she quickly pulled away, apologizing and taking a seat next to me. It was silent for a moment

"What was that about?" I asked quietly.

"Abby posted that picture of us on the bulletin," she replied rolling her eyes.

"Oh," I mumbled remembering when she interrupted our hug. Taylor thought that I was with his sister. He thought I cheated on Becky with his sister. He believed it and it hurt. He believed Abby. Even if it was true, why would he care if I was with his sister? I thought we were friends. He knows I won't hurt her.

Just then the nurse entered the room and told me I was free to go. So, Amy helped me up and decided that we should skip the rest of the day. She drove and I didn't have enough energy to protest. When we got to my house my mom was in the living room and she hurried over to me and engulfed me in a hug when I came into view. I groaned in pain and she let go.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" she asked worriedly.

"I've been better,"I mumbled.

"Oh, my poor baby."

"Sorry, I made him skip," Amy apologized. "He looks horrible and he's in a lot of pain."

"It's okay, Drew should rest," my mom said.

I nodded and made my way to the stairs. I only stopped when I heard my mom ask Amy what happened and I turned around quickly. "Tay-"

"I got into a fight with some jock," I interrupted her quickly.

I didn't want her to tell my mom Taylor did this. I didn't want him in more trouble, especially with my parents. And plus, I could have stopped him if I wanted to, but I didn't. I let him hit me.

Amy gave me a questioning look. I just turned and went up to my room, she followed behind me. She closed the door behind her and leaned against it with her arms crossed. I could feel her eyes on me as I sat my backpack down. Letting out a sigh, I spoke. "I don't want him to get into anymore trouble."

"Why are you taking up for him?" she asked. "He hit you and believed Abby."

I sighed and turned around to face Amy. "He's my best friend," I answered.

And I love him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Poor Drew.

Thanks for commenting:
Max Ryde
