Status: February 2010-February 2012

Butterflies and Dragonflies


"I yelled at Taylor," Amy mumbled from her place on the floor. She sat beside my bed staring up at me while I gazed up at the ceiling.

"Oh," was all that came out of my mouth. I knew they haven't spoken to each other since that day.

"I told him to call you."


Amy sighed and it was silent for a moment until she decided to speak again. "I also told him that you're lying to protect him," she nearly mumbled.

I sat up and stared at her. "Why, Amy? He doesn't need to know," I groaned. After a short pause I reluctantly asked her what did he say.

She hesitated for a moment, biting her lip before she spoke. "He didn't say anything," she said softly.

That's what I thought. He doesn't care. I nodded and laid back down. I heard Amy sigh and then she was lying beside me. She's been visiting me and bringing me the work I've missed. I appreciate the, but I kind of wish she'd stop because I really want to be alone right now. She moved her head to my chest and I looked down at her before returning my gaze to the ceiling.

"Why are you guys making this so difficult?" she asked suddenly.

I didn't answer.

"Why won't you just tell him?" She asked another question. I could feel her eyes on me.

"I already told you," I mumbled.

"Why isn't it okay with you?"

I stayed silent and she asked another question.

"Do your parents disapprove?" She asked softly.

I tensed up and my eyes slowly met Amy's eyes. Her eyes stared into mine sadly. I quickly looked away, but her hands came up to my face and she turned my head towards her. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes and I tried to blink them away but failed.

"Do they know that Taylor's gay?"

I shook my head and she frowned. "If you really like him...if you really want to be with him I think you should just take the risk. You don't have to tell your parents right away just tell Taylor how you really feel. It'll make you both feel better. And when you do tell your parents just know that Taylor and I will be there for you."

"Bu-but he's with...Alex."

"But right now he's at home by himself regretting what he's done. I know the should come to you, but you should just be the bigger man since he's a baby. You should make things right. He'll drop Alex for you...its mean and wrong, yeah, but he loves you Drew."

Tears rolled down my cheeks. I doubted that he'd drop Alex for me. He's finally moved on and he looks...happy with Alex. But Amy said he's at home alone, maybe it wouldn't hurt to just talk to him. I miss him. I slowly nodded and Amy gave me a small smile as she sat up. I slipped on some Vans and grabbed my car keys and walked out to my room with Amy close behind. I took a deep breath once we got into the car. Amy placed a comforting hand on my knee and gave me a reassuring smile. I nodded once and pulled out to the driveway.

Here goes nothing.


Once I pulled up to Taylor's house I noticed his car. I groaned and looked at Amy. She sighed and hopped out of the car. I let out another groan and followed her actions.

"Just so you know he was alone when I left. Just ask to speak to him alone and I'll just distract Alex," she said walking towards the door.

I nodded and followed her. I was nervous as I made my way up the stairs to Taylor's room. My heart was beating a mile a minute and I was starting to sweat. Once I was standing in front of his door, I reached for the knob with a shaky, sweaty hand. I turned the knob slowly and pushed the door open.

A gasp escaped my lips as I stared at the sight in front to me. Taylor was hovering over Alex, sucking on his neck while Alex's hands were tangled in his hair. Taylor froze and slowly turned around once he realized I was standing here. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, but I did my best to keep them in.

"I-I-I'm sorry," I stuttered quickly stepping back and closing the door. I turned to see Amy standing behind me. "I've got to go," I mumbled and walked around her, ignoring her calls. Tears were blurring my vision, but I didn't bother to wipe them away as I got into my car.
♠ ♠ ♠

I'm back! I've been had this written just had to post him. Been working on it all day. Hope you like it.

Oh yeah, and expect lots of updates now. C:

Pissed that I didn't get to see The Background >:[ Buuuuut your comments shall cheer me up.