Status: February 2010-February 2012

Butterflies and Dragonflies


I stared at Drew with wide eyes as he stood in my doorway. "I-I-I'm sorry," he stuttered out before slamming the door shut.

I groaned and looked down at a blushing Alex. I smiled slightly at him and kissed his lips softly before moving to sit beside him. I heard Amy yelling for Drew to come back and then my door burst opened to a glaring Amy. Alex sat up quickly and moved closer to me.

"What the hell, Taylor?!" Amy yelled, making me cringe at the sound of her voice. "Way to go! He came here to tell you he reciprocated your feelings; isn't that what you wanted? What did you do?"

"I-" I started, but Amy interrupted me.

"He hasn't told you because his parents are homophobes, Taylor, if you took the time to talk to him maybe you'd know that!?" she yelled.

I glared as she moved closer to me. Why am I getting all the blame here? "He could have told me himself, but when I tried talking to him to see what was bothering him he pushed me away. So...shut up!"

She let out a dry laugh. "He saw you kissing Alex, Taylor! That hurt him!"

I stood up now, my hands clenched in fists, my eyes narrowed. With every word that passed from her lips, I got angrier. "And I didn't hurt when I saw him with Rebecca?! That fucking hurt too, Amy. Now he's just dealing with what I had to," I yelled. Yelling didn't make things better, but it got the point across and I was too angry not to.

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I took a few deep breaths to try calming down. "It's all your fault anyways, Amy. If you hadn't been so damn persistent with me telling Drew how I felt, none of this would've happened. He'd be happy and with Rebecca, not confused and upset, but you kept pushing me and pushing me to tell him, so I did and now every thing's fucked up," I said as calmly as I could. "You're also the one that encouraged me to move on," I added quietly.

Amy's eyes were watering as she stared at me. She quickly turned and ran from my room, slamming the door shut behind her. I let out a frustrated sigh and turned to Alex who had been quiet during the argument. Then I noticed he was silently crying. I frowned and knelt down in front of him.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked softly, removing his hands from his face.

He sniffed and looked up at me. "Y-you're g-gonna leave me for him," he whimpered.

I frowned. Would I? "No, I won't," I said softly wiping away tears from his cheek. I pecked his lips softly in reassurance.

"Promise?" He whispered, sniffing.

I smiled and kissed him again, adding more pressure this time. "Promise," I answered against his lips.

Truthfully, I didn't know if I could keep that promise. He smiled and returned the pressure. His tongue slowly traced over my bottom lip and I let out a barely audible moan as I parted my lips slightly. His tongue explored my mouth causing me to release another moan, louder this time. I pulled him closer, leaning back against the bed so that he was on top of me. My hands slid up his shirt, roaming over his chest. As I started to lift his shirt my thoughts started to drift to Drew.

He reciprocates my feelings! I should be happy he finally feels the same about me. I didn't tell him right away either. I guess I understand why he was afraid to tell me. First of all, I'm with Alex, secondly, he's confused and thirdly, Amy said his parents were...homophobes. Even though it took him forever to call me and come visit when I was hurting, I should be there for him now. Drew is hurting and I'm just sitting here ready to...have sex? with my boyfriend. Drew is my best friend. I have to go after him, right? I froze and stared up at Alex. He stared back at me with wide eyes. Sighing, I sat up and Alex slid in my lap.

"I can't, " I said, though barely audible.

Alex frowned and slid off my lap.

"I-I have to go after him."

"But-but you said you wouldn't leave me for him,"Alex whimpered.

I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him close to me. "I'm not leaving you, baby, he's my best friend and I just-I have to go after him," I explained.

Alex nodded reluctantly and hugged me back. I placed a kiss on his forehead and pulled away from him. "You're welcome to stay here," I told him as I stood up. "I'm still grounded though and it might be worse once my parents realize I left the house."

Alex nodded and stood up with me. "Wanna borrow my car? " he asked quietly.

I smiled and shook my head. "Nah, it's okay." I hugged him and kissed his cheek before making my way to the door. As I walked down the hall I heard sobs coming from Amy's room. Sighing, I ignored it and continued to walk. She'd have to wait, I need to fix things with Drew first.

I took two steps at a time and hurried out the door and once I stepped on concrete I noticed I wasn't wearing shoes. Oh well. I ran down the sidewalk towards Drew's place. I hope he went straight home. Once I finally reached his place I found that he wasn't here. I groaned and turned to leave, but Drew's mom opened the door.

"Taylor?" She called out to me.

"Oh, hi Mrs. Simmons," I spoke hesitantly.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

I opened my mouth to say something when the phone inside started to ring. I followed her inside and stood quietly while she talked on the phone. I watched her reactions and immediately knew something was wrong.

"Mrs. Simmons?" I said cautiously.

She stared blankly at the wall and the words that came out of her mouth made my heart drop. "Its Drew, he's been in an accident.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've been writing this since I was in tenth grade haha.
And there's only two chapters left!
