Status: February 2010-February 2012

Butterflies and Dragonflies


I decided to skip history. I didn't do my homework, I'm late, and I won't be able to focus. I changed my direction, heading out to my car. My eyes were glued to my feet as I shuffled down the hall, so I didn't notice the other person walking towards me and I'm guessing they didn't notice me either for we bumped into one another.

"Shit," I mumbled. "I'm sorry," I apologized looking down at the person I ran into.

"Its okay," she answered gathering her things and standing. That's when I recognized her.

"Amy," I said surprised. I haven't seen her in a while. "Late?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I had to check on Taylor," she answered.


"Taylor?" I asked cautiously. "Is he alright?" I asked worriedly.

She smiled softly. "Just heart broken," she answered sadly.

That made me frown. I broke his heart. "I didn't mean to," I said quietly. "I just-"

"I know. It' s my fault. I kept telling him to just tell you, but he never listened because he always thought it'd ruin your friendship...and it did. Now he just cries and eat ice cream," she explained.

I was quiet for a moment. "Really?" I choked out.

Amy nodded sadly. "I hate seeing him like this."

I hate not seeing him. "I tried calling him," I said quickly, hoping she'll forgive me for ruining her brother's life.

"Oh, really?" she asked. "He changed his number because you never called, and he figured he just start fresh."

"Well, can you give me his new number?" I asked hopefully, biting my lip.

She smiled widely at me. "Of course!" she exclaimed. She pulled a black sharpie out of her pocket. "Arm," she ordered holding out her hand. I placed my arm in her hand and she wrote down the ten digits that was Taylor's new number.

"Call him as soon as possible," she said putting the marker back in her pocket.

I nodded. "I will." Trust me.

"You'd better," she said sternly. "So, how're you and Becky?" Her tone changed to one of excitement.

I shrugged. "We're okay," I answered solemnly.

Amy raised an eyebrow. "You sure?"

I nodded. "Yeah, we're great."

She looked like she was about to question me some more but dropped it. "So, are we skipping or what?" she asked.

I smiled at her. "Skipping, of course," I answered.

She grinned and hooked her arm with mine and we literally skipped down the hall.

"Why are you skipping?" Amy asked me as we got into my car.

"I didn't finish my homework and I thought it'd be pointless of me to go when the tardy bell rung," I explained. "and besides, I wouldn't have been able to pay attention while thinking about Taylor," I added quietly. I felt comfortable talking to her about how I've been thinking of him and missing him. Maybe because she's his sister?

"You miss him," Amy stated.

"Yes, I do," I admitted. "I just didn't know what to say or do. I mean, he said he liked me and I'm not gay and-"

"I know, I know," Amy sighed.

We spent thirty minutes in silence when Amy decided it was time for her to leave. She said bye and got out. I watched her leave and looked out of the window shield seeing Becky coming my way with tears rolling down her cheeks. Abby was beside her, glaring at me.

"What the fuck," I mumbled.
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