Your Head Would Mean so Much to Me

the one and only crazed criminal killer

As I ran down the street looking for my next victim I had my ipod blasting bowling balls by the insane clown posse.I passed my target for this week his name was chance oneil he was 22 and he was a gang banger, you see thats the difference between the crazed serial killers and I. They hunted because they are crazy. I hunt because the world has enough douchebags in the world whose gunna miss a few? i slowed my run to a sensual walk hoping to hypnotize my target. I felt his eyes follow me 'bingo'I thought with a smile and 'accidentaly' fell down only for him to come over to me and try to charm me.
"are you okay miss....?"i smiled up at him with fake tears in my eyes "yea i think so, im beatriz and you are?"I asked with a little hint of flirtatiousness in my voice, chance was a manI would be with if he wasn't a gang banger.
"I'm chance Oneil whats a pretty lady like you doing out so late?, wouldyou like me to walk you home? where do you live" he asked with a knowing smile.I looked up at him 'hook line and sinker' i thought "ohI live on north berry street do you know the place?"I asked " im new here andI just dont know my way aroundI thought that id just tough it out if i got lost"I said still looking up at him 'hopefully' he smirked at me and said "why yes I do and I also know a short cut" and that led to us walking down the street, he still didnt notice the carving knive in my sock i thought victouriously as we turned down a dark alley. I didn't know why but as we got closer to the end of the alley wayI got more and more excited. He backed me up to the wall of the building, he unziped his pants and pulled out his dick. I looked up at him forcing the excitement out of my eyes and replaced them with fear and confusion. He looked down at me with a sick smile on his face
"Suck it" he said simply and forced me on my knees infront of him and forced his dick into my mouth. I admit i threw me off guard a bit but I quickly reached for the knife when i kner his eyes were shut and litteraly cut his dick off. he fell back with a scream and stared up at me. Now it was my turn to give him a twisted smile I kept on slashing at his body enjoying the screams that emitted from his throat. I stoped slashing at him with the knife and just paced in front of him. He was wimpiring in pain infront of me which just made me laugh even more, I looked at him once more and asked him " have you ever heard of the crazed criminal ciller"I asked him and his eyes popped out of his head and nodded solemly. I smiled at him once more and said "You just met her dear" and cut his head off putting iit in a gym bag that he brought with him. Probably has ropes and knifes in it i thought and put his head in there. I looked at his body once more and wrote on the wall with his blood 'Your head would mean so much to me' and walked off laughing.
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haha i was just bored and actually listanin to the song bowling balls by ICP nd i wuz like "AWESOMMMEE story alerrtt!" and made it leave comments!